So, in conclusion, what Blackpink fans and akgaes preach about the mismanagement of the girls is indeed true?

  • So, no one renewed their individual contract, meaning it's obvious that even the girls are dissatisfied with the restrictions that YG puts on them. Not even one of them feels the company is good enough to handle their individual careers, lol. Have we ever had this situation before, where no one is renewing their contract, yet the company is still handling their group's schedule and name?

    I won't blame any of them if they feel tired of being idols, as in the past 7 years, they haven't really worked like typical idols. Some of them might have lost that spark for music after being in the dungeon for too long. They already waiting a long time for their debut, and there's a huge gap between each of their album release too. That can easily make anyone fall out of love with something they once enjoyed. I still remember Jennie feeling helpless when fans asked when they would come back, as the girls didn't even know the answer. This was back in 2017; they probably felt tired of YG already.

  • I don't think it necessarily means any of that. Most likely, it just means YGE has their own plans and capabilities that don't align with the members' individually. The members believe themselves enough to go their own paths now, and I'm sure they're grateful to the company for giving them the resources and opportunities to get here.

    Anything else seems like fans' projection of their own feelings about YGE onto the girls.

    Blinks need to take a page from Armys' playbook and praise their girls as strong, independent women capable of their own success and decisions. Anyone in their fandom who dares question this gets checked real quick. That's some true, dedicated stanning. They really ride for their boys.

    The claims of mistreatment create a scarcity mindset. You know what happens when there's perceived scarcity? Tension and resentment. That's why there's so much in-fighting among Blinks. It's self-destructive and unfortunate. Blinks have so much potential; they just need to recognize it and adopt some new energy. Every fandom deserves to have that.

    I say this as a real-life Blink and a real-life Army. I know these streets don't consider me as either, but I rep hard and support both any given day.

    I still remember Jennie feeling helpless when fans asked when they would come back, as the girls didn't even know the answer. This was back in 2017; they probably felt tired of YG already.

    Of course that would be her response. No idol's going to intentionally give off the impression they're happy they don't have to work. Comebacks are hard work, and I'm sure there are things idols dislike about the process. Not saying she hates idol life, but I don't think she's always complaining that she can have an extended break while making money.

  • boo! We don’t want to be a cult like fan group

  • or maybe the problem is actually sharing?

    by that I mean sharing money with agency after doing individual promotions

    because why would you need to?

    the musical ones I get

    but for modeling? ads?

    YG should get max 5-10% from it and that's all

    but knowing how it is in kpop labels they could even get half of that money which is ridiculous

  • Nobody gonna read this whole essay boo...

    I just saw a glimpse of the word Army there and decided to not take whatever you say seriously...

  • They're tired of YG, not of music.

    if there's one thing I hope for the next year, they'll make everyone that's ever doubted them, their talent or their passion eat their words, whether as 4 individuals or 1 group

    Hence, I said 'might' and 'if.' If Jisoo seriously wants to focus on her acting career solely or if Lisa wants to be a socialite, they deserve that, as from the beginning, making music was not their company's main goal for them. I have already seen some people ready to blame and drag them if Blackpink doesn't release new music and just uses their group name as a brand to push their individual careers. For me, it's okay for them to find a different path than music if they want to. They are capable of venturing into many things beyond music.

  • Nobody gonna read this whole essay boo...

    I just saw a glimpse of the word Army there and decided to not take whatever you say seriously...

    Your threads are essays.

    I just think Blinks have so much untapped potential, but they waste so much of their strength on meaningless stuff. Honestly painful to see as someone who became a Blink earlier than most.

  • Your threads are essays.

    I just think Blinks have so much untapped potential, but they waste so much of their strength on meaningless stuff. Honestly painful to see as someone who became a Blink earlier than most.

    Then your comment is a whole thesis lol.

    It's genuinely one of YG's mismanagement issues, not entirely the fans' fault. Any fandom, would react similarly if their company followed YG's approach with Bp, infrequent comebacks and more focus on individual projects. Currently, even Bts's Akgaes becoming more vocal after the group pursued solo projects since last year, so imagine how Blinks need to deal with this for Bp entire careers.

  • no because kpop has never really had a group where every single member is popular enough to go it alone.

    Lol, that’s like every entertainment company, they will try and milk the SHIT out of fans even if the artist hasn’t renewed. It’s business 101 lol, nothing new. But the girls were at least clever enough to put up a front and renewed for the group activities on the pretence it was for the fans but actually it was to continue to milk the shit out of them 😂😂 I mean over the 7 years they’ve barely spent time together as a group due to the lack of comebacks, so they have no alliance to each other

  • Then your comment is a whole thesis lol.

    It's genuinely one of YG's mismanagement issues, not entirely the fans' fault. Any fandom, would react similarly if their company followed YG's approach with Bp, infrequent comebacks and more focus on individual projects. Currently, even Bts's Akgaes becoming more vocal after the group pursued solo projects since last year, so imagine how Blinks need to deal with this for Bp entire careers.

    Fandoms are going to claim mistreatment regardless of whether or not their faves are content with the work.

    I could argue YGE's focus on solo projects was in response to fans' complaints about mistreatment of members. I remember when they got upset at Jennie having the first solo project... Constant claims of favoritism. They demanded the other members get solos as well. We weren't sure if every member even wanted a solo at that point, yet the fans projected their wishes onto the members. It's been like this since late 2018.

    Blackpink isn't an ordinary girl group. They've proven they're "above K-pop" in many ways.

    I understand the frustration as a fan myself. I also want a bigger discography for them. But I know there's a possibility the members are fine with having limited group activities, and I'm going to respect that.

    We can't just project our desires for what we want Blackpink and the members to be. That's just adding pressure and stress when they already have tons of people who depend on them for jobs, income, publicity, and other things. Ideally, they should be able to do whatever they want without worrying about any of that.

  • I think BP had the potential to become even bigger than they are.

    I get that 'starving' fans is a strategy to make the next comeback more anticipated, but that would have worked with shorter gaps between comebacks and more individual activity. Doesn't need to be an overwhelming amount but it did seem to me that the girls were stifled with inertia while they have so much potential.

    Perhaps I missed something, but seemed to me that Lisa had nothing much going on this year, until the end of contract when she did Crazy Horse, which she seems to have enjoyed and helped develop her further as an artist.

    Am happy the girls are now free to explore their own things.

  • So, no one renewed their individual contract, meaning it's obvious that even the girls are dissatisfied with the restrictions that YG puts on them. Not even one of them feels the company is good enough to handle their individual careers, lol. Have we ever had this situation before, where no one is renewing their contract, yet the company is still handling their group's schedule and name?

    I won't blame any of them if they feel tired of being idols, as in the past 7 years, they haven't really worked like typical idols. Some of them might have lost that spark for music after being in the dungeon for too long. They already waiting a long time for their debut, and there's a huge gap between each of their album release too. That can easily make anyone fall out of love with something they once enjoyed. I still remember Jennie feeling helpless when fans asked when they would come back, as the girls didn't even know the answer. This was back in 2017; they probably felt tired of YG already.

    I wanted this for the pinks so I'm happy that it's happening.

    I hope that YG will let them do solo music under other labels or at least their own individual labels like OA for Jennie.

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  • Oh wait nevermind I saw mistreatment somewhere in a comment

    I ain't even quote it but whatever

    My point was, is, and will always will be, that's just how YG operate. They ain't gonna change for nobody. Like bighit literally took ideas from fans when it came to promoting BTS. Some labels just know that they can't stick to their old ways and that they need to get with the times. Yg stay doing what they did before because the man probably lives by "if it ain't broke don't fix it" 😭

    If anything it's unfortunate they debuted in YG, another label might've capitalised on their popularity but they wouldn't have been BP if they hadn't so...

  • Now, I'm confused about what you're trying to say. First, you compared Blinks to Armys, stating that Blinks have untapped potential. However, how can they unleash that potential without a constant groups activities to unite the fandom?

    You mentioned YG giving the girls solo projects due to mistreatment complaints yet they didn't give a shit about the lacks of discography complaints? That's so funny. Lisa made 11.4 million usd just from her appearance in YWY. If YG can get this much from their cfs and brand deals alone without need to spend a huge amount of money, guess which narrative makes more sense?

    Lastly, aren't you projecting your own desires here too as no one knows what happens. Comments can be right or wrong, and nobody knows except YG and the girls. At least now we all know that the girls themselves are not that satisfied with how YG managing their solo careers. Jennie even go as far as creating her own company when she can easily done that under YG.

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