Genocide in Gaza

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    No fuel, no electricity and no clean water. 2 million people in Gaza are besieged with no possibility of moving out and no possibility of aid coming in. Israel has been targeting densely populated residence neighbourhoods, UNRWA schools that are used as refuges for displaced citizens and ambulances, they have also threatened Egypt they'd bomb any aid trucks coming through the Egypt-Gaza border. Hospitals are about to turn into mass graves due to lack of electricity and fuel. A genocide is happening right now while the world watches and turns a blind eye and deaf ear.

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  • A doctor from Gaza a few hours ago

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  • they are not just watching, they are adding fuel to the fire. and basically are the reason why Israel feel free to do whatever it wants because of all big countries and international powers are supporting it in destruction of Palestinian people.

    sometimes it is a crime to be born in a poor & war-torn country because no matter what you do, how much of a victim you are, you will still take the blame for all of it.

  • they are not just watching, they are adding fuel to the fire. and basically are the reason why Israel feel free to do whatever it wants because of all big countries and international powers are supporting it in destruction of Palestinian people.

    sometimes it is a crime to be born in a poor & war-torn country because no matter what you do, how much of a victim you are, you will still take the blame for all of it.

    Israel committing a genocide and France doing an Israeli flag light show in the eiffel tower in support. Meanwhile they dispersed pro-palestine protests and allowed pro-israel ones. The UK saying pro-palestine protests "might not be legitimate". That's democracy and freedom of expression for you.

    US citizens tax money is funding a genocide.

  • Not turning a blind eye or deaf ear, rather cheering on. Fkin vile.

    It does not get any more immoral than an Israeli minister referring to Palestinians as human animals and not getting any condemnation for it.

    Israel's age old propaganda to dehumanise Palestinians has successfully conditioned people into thinking of Palestinians as less than human, of their lives being unworthy and into victim blaming them for Israel's own war crimes.

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    The way Israeli propagandists keep backtracking after the damage is already done and international publications used their lies as front page headlines.

    Lies spread faster than the truth in war. This is a fact that Israel has weaponised.

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    Is Mr Justin Bieber and all these other dumbass celebrities who have been doing the same thing, are they going to still be sympathetic once they find out these photos are actually from Gaza instead?

  • Here's the answer

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    The sympathy with the destruction and victims magically vanishes when they find out they're actually Palestinians.

  • the only thing that I don't get here is that Palestine striked, taken people from music festival as hostages, raped women, and killed them

    don't get me wrong retaliation hit isn't a proper option, especially when civilians are in danger, and are losing lifes

    but in same time there are only muslim countries around, if we go past even before Christ there were Kingdom of israel, Kingdom of Judah, and all that I won't play a historian here because I don't know it too well

    just saying why the f... they didn't created two separate countries in some way and don't meddle into each other business?

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    Nazis excusing the holocaust is that you?

  • This is the cycle of hatred from both sides and a forum that predominately discusses Army/Blink fanwars is probably not the best place to have an actual discussion about it.

  • It's not a humanitarian crises like the result of famine or earthquake, it's a a deliberate planned occupation that's been around and enforced for decades. The world is letting it happen or pro actively making it happen.

    When israel bombs the fuck out of Palestine rest and you see some countries have "sympathy" all the while fully let israel continue bombing or even pay for it all. I've seen in the news "Gaza in rubbles" dozens of times in the last 5 years. They were bonded during Covid too. No one ever speaks up and tells israel to cool it. America talks about Russia being brutal and rash regarding Ukraine but it's been supporting israel doing the same thing on much longer scale. Peak "do as I say not as I do".

  • the only thing that I don't get here is that Palestine striked, taken people from music festival as hostages, raped women, and killed them

    Israel has always striked first, they've been on the offensive for 75 years. Just go and check how many Palestinians are killed by Israel every year. I don't know why people are acting like this war started this week. As for "palestine" raping women and killing them like you put it, please show me proof that isn't sourceless hearsay like the 40 beheaded babies, bayonetted pregnant women and charred bodies that was all proved to be lies and propaganda.

    As for why they didn't create two separate countries, I don't know how to put this in a more polite way but perhaps you should read about their history.

  • just saying why the f... they didn't created two separate countries in some way and don't meddle into each other business?

    That was the initial plan but shit went sideways really quickly. Now it devolves into a matter of who started first, with no apparent desire from neither sides to settle things for good.

    I suppose I'm too dead inside, but I fail to understand how people are still emotionally engaged in this issue that has been running for decades and will keep doing so for a long time. It's like being shocked another school shooting happened in the US; well duh it's happening, nothing changed since last time.

  • It's not a humanitarian crises like the result of famine or earthquake, it's a a deliberate planned occupation that's been around and enforced for decades. The world is letting it happen or pro actively making it happen.

    When israel bombs the fuck out of Palestine rest and you see some countries have "sympathy" all the while fully let israel continue bombing or even pay for it all. I've seen in the news "Gaza in rubbles" dozens of times in the last 5 years. They were bonded during Covid too. No one ever speaks up and tells israel to cool it. America talks about Russia being brutal and rash regarding Ukraine but it's been supporting israel doing the same thing on much longer scale. Peak "do as I say not as I do".

    It's pure insanity how desensitised people have become toward the suffering of Palestinians

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    People get to openly say this without any repercussions, without fear of there being any repercussions.

  • i wish news outlets / "celebs" or anyone with a platform would take this chance to really expose and explain what these people have been really going through for years and years, now that the world has all eyes on the conflict. but instead, they just use it to spread misinfo for clicks, pseudo-sentimental takes and clout. yesterday prestigious news outlets were reporting those news about the beheaded children and for an entire day i was horrified. now, it's apparently "unconfirmed reports". but it's too late, and this very important footnote is of course not making the same headlines the original reports were.

  • Comparing literal life and death wars with online fan wars. Kpop fans being classy

    Don't be dumb on purpose. I'm not comparing anything.

    This forum is full of silly threads about shipping and 4th gen flops and a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter. Trying to discuss one of the most complex issues in the world here is just asking for ignorant bs because no one knows what they're talking about.

  • Israel has always striked first, they've been on the offensive for 75 years. Just go and check how many Palestinians are killed by Israel every year. I don't know why people are acting like this war started this week. As for "palestine" raping women and killing them like you put it, please show me proof that isn't sourceless hearsay like the 40 beheaded babies, bayonetted pregnant women and charred bodies that was all proved to be lies and propaganda.

    As for why they didn't create two separate countries, I don't know how to put this in a more polite way but perhaps you should read about their history.


    I don't know what to write like I said I only know the history of jews because I live close to nazi german death camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau

    but like I wrote above you shouldn't just go back to 1947 or something

    if we are going back in time, go back even more

    this is the neverending cycle

    it just show how stupid and cruel people are

  • Even if I can understand the anger of Israel at this moment, I mean they have right to be very angry, they can only blame them self because how they have treated the Palestinians during the last decades. And they are always too agressive when striking back. I can undersand if they bomb some Hamas targets in Gaza, but this over kill with blowing up big apartment buildings killing hundres of civilians so far... it's just wrong. And it will get much worse in the comining weeks.

  • Don't be dumb on purpose. I'm not comparing anything.

    This forum is full of silly threads about shipping and 4th gen flops and a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter. Trying to discuss one of the most complex issues in the world here is just asking for ignorant bs because no one knows what they're talking about.

    Just because kpop topics can be silly doesn't automatically mean people are ignorant on other topics. Should no users be allowed to discuss things complex things like social issues or morality in the news or their everyday lives simply because they're stupid to understand anything? What kind of shit is that?

    But then again your own fan war post and the one I replying does back up your own point, seems you’re ignorant one and a Kpop fan.

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  • It's pure insanity how desensitised people have become toward the suffering of Palestinians

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    People get to openly say this without any repercussions, without fear of there being any repercussions.

    I saw the same thing aimed at jews, Hamas caused this current war and deaths of thousands.

    Simple fact is Isreal will not accept Hamas being a thing which sadly means Innocent people will die.

    If Hamas was attacking soliders or people that were trying to settle like in west bank i can fully understand them fighting back but what they did was simply cause their own destruction and Gaza now becoming like west bank.

  • Gaza was doomed the moment Hamas launched that attack. Of course Israel is going to retaliate and it will always end up with more damage on the Gaza side.

    The world can’t do anything else than watch, nothing we say or support will have any impact on this conflict.

    But I feel like people forget that Palestine is split in two. The West Bank, where the vast majority of Palestinians live, is not under attack, they are not the target, these people live a somewhat normal life and are not physically affected by the current war. Many of them even having jobs in Israel pandering between Palestine (West Bank) and Israel.

    This is a war between Israel and Hamas and Palestinians living in Gaza suffer the most damage because the Hamas is their de facto leader of Gaza and they are an extremist radical terrorist organization.

    But Hamas is not representing the whole of Palestine, and not every Israeli supports the nationalist movement of their current government (with many protest by citizens). I want people keep this in mind whenever they try to justify the killings of innocent people from both sides. It’s the Leaders who fight not.

  • The world (The must powerful countries atleast) cant do anything? How about some sanctions and monetary support to Palestine, like they are doing with Ukraine. Dont be naive. The world can do something, they just decided to be accomplice of a genocide.

  • I saw the same thing aimed at jews, Hamas caused this current war and deaths of thousands.

    Yeah I see both, the propaganda and lies from both sides doing wonders on social media. Many being openly antisemitic, because Israel the bad guy, and others demand bigger retaliation towards Palestinians because of the attacks.

    People who picked sides only consume news and updates from sources that share the same sentiment as them. So you will mostly see biased statements, exaggerations and excuses and justification on social media.

    Only a few sources, but also content creators, report about this conflict as neutral as possible.

  • Jesus. This is your take? Israel give an ultimatum to 2 million people and you came with this shit?

    Learn how to use the right words in the right moments and don’t just use words you obviously don’t seem to understand because you read it somewhere.

    Genocide is the complete erasure of an an ethnic group, race or tribe, or its extreme reduction of their existence, not the occupation of a country. Palestinians are by ethnicity predominantly Arabs and a few other ethnicities. Israel is surrounded by other Arab countries (who btw leave Palestinians hanging too). There is also the West Bank which is the bigger Palestinians half that is not under attack. The whole situation is terrible and Israel being oppressive but it’s not in any near form the definition of genocide.

    Words have meanings for a reason.

  • Learn how to use the right words in the right moments and don’t just use words you obviously don’t seem to understand because you read it somewhere.

    Genocide is the complete erasure of an an ethnic group, race or tribe, or its extreme reduction of their existence, not the occupation of a country. Palestinians are by ethnicity predominantly Arabs and a few other ethnicities. Israel is surrounded by other Arab countries (who btw leave Palestinians hanging too). There is also the West Bank which is the bigger Palestinians half that is not under attack. The whole situation is terrible and Israel being oppressive but it’s not in any near form the definition of genocide.

    Words have meanings for a reason.

    GENOCIDE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

    the crime of intentionally destroying part or all of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, by killing people or by other methods

    Israel cut any supply to Gaza. They told them they should leave but the only border is blocked by Egypt.
    One side fight with arms of the 70s and the other have one of most advance militia in the world.

    Palestinias live in an apartheid.

    Tbh, i dont know if you are deeply stupid or just bad people. Either way, this is intolerable. Im done with you.

  • What you are seeing here is modern colonization.

    Genocide is whole different situation.

    And the people in Gaza are trapped because of the Hamas. Israel is going after them and with civilians having a hard time to flee, they are trapped. Because of the Hamas no one will open boarders ( in fear they might use this opportunity to into interest-rate)

    It’s a disheartening situation, but I wasn’t defending when I said genocide is something different!

  • The border isn't blocked by Egypt, Israel threatened to bomb any aid coming from Egypt and they bombed the Gazan side of the border 3 times.

    Sure thing Sandy, Israel is targeting ambulances and UNRWA schools because Hamas are launching missiles from there. And what do you think about Israel firing internationally banned phosphorus on houses and apartment complexes? Wait, don't answer that, I'm sure they're just helpfully lighting up the night sky after cutting off electricity :finger-heart:

    I hope your denial of the genocide that's happening right now makes you sleep better at night after your continuous refusal to condemn Israel's war crimes.

  • The side that can inflict this much damage with just one order and refers to the other side as human animals can NOT be the victim no matter how much brain gymnastics you practice

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  • I saw the same thing aimed at jews, Hamas caused this current war and deaths of thousands.

    Simple fact is Isreal will not accept Hamas being a thing which sadly means Innocent people will die.

    If Hamas was attacking soliders or people that were trying to settle like in west bank i can fully understand them fighting back but what they did was simply cause their own destruction and Gaza now becoming like west bank.

    You do realise that all the places attacked on Saturday are settlements right? RIGHT?

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