
    The styling, which is reminiscent of a bikini top or bra top, led some to call it a "school uniform bra top," a bizarre term, and praised Hwasa's unconventional style.

    However, the public's reaction was cold. Even though Hwasa is a confident and self-assured artist, it was pointed out that the s*x*alization of school uniforms crossed the line.

    Furthermore, in this song, which has the message, "I will cherish and love my body, which is the most precious thing in the world but is easy to forget," Hwasa performs choreography that emphasizes her body even more. Not only Hwasa, but the female dancers also raised eyebrows with their racy performances in cropped shirts and short skirts.

    original post: here

    1. How old was Britney's song?ㅋㅋㅋ in other words, it was also criticized back in the days. Let's just not mess with minors' clothes

    2. She always does excessive things

    3. Students nowadays just look so mature that it worries me a bit. If she does this kind of performance in school uniforms, the p*rvs will always get crooked thoughts every time they look at them so I'm worried.

    4. People who are saying "so what? She's doing an homage to Britney" are oba. Britney got so much hate back then too. She got into a controversy for s*x*alizing school uniforms + p*d*philia

    5. I wish that she'd be more careful after her controversies... this is a school uniform..

    6. It's KB so of course she's gonna wear a school uniform

    7. I get that the concept of this show is a school concept but this is a bit meh

    8. Do you guys know how long it's been since Britney debuted?... just how much has the moral sense evolved since then...

    9. She's not wearing that because it's KB, that's her comeback outfit

    10. It's true that her outfit is similar to Britney's but Britney also got a lot of hate

    We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestyle

  • So you can't dress like a sexy schoolgirl, you can't dress like a sexy nurse.... I would comment on how boring Halloween must be in Korea, but they've likely canceled it altogether at this point, so that would be redundant.

  • Don't "duh" me. That wouldn't be the reaction in a lot of other places. I also didn't say "this year."

    I'm talking about the 159 young people that died on in a crowd crush at a Halloween Street Parties last year in Itaewon that would lead to Halloween being "cancelled" this year and likely a good number of years to come. Not some imaginary reaction to costumes.


  • I'm talking about the 159 young people that died on in a crowd crush at a Halloween Street Parties last year in Itaewon that would lead to Halloween being "cancelled" this year and likely a good number of years to come. Not some imaginary reaction to costumes.


    No shit, Sherlock. What did you think I was alluding to? A vampire outbreak? :rolleyes:

    The reaction to her outfit doesn't seem too imaginary to me either, seeing as how this thread exists, detailing said reaction!

  • Not surprised that Knetz react like this. I remember how butthurt they were when Jennie dressed up as a nurse. But they have no problem when male idols do shirtless hip thrusts... Ridiculous

    Because it's a double standard. Women like naked guys with abs, somewhat sexy girls? Nope. And before some idiot tries to throw out some incel psyop, the overwhelmingly vast majority of kpop fans for both male and female artists are WOMEN including the majority of commenters on this article and in this very forum and most knets that comment on kpop in general let that sink in. Just remember, sexy jennie? Bad nuu don't do that. Sexy Jungkook? Yes plz daddy moar!🤡 Gotta love them double standards.

  • Because it's a double standard. Women like naked guys with abs, somewhat sexy girls? Nope. And before some idiot tries to throw out some incel psyop, the overwhelmingly vast majority of kpop fans for both male and female artists are WOMEN including the majority of commenters on this article and in this very forum and most knets that comment on kpop in general let that sink in. Just remember, sexy jennie? Bad nuu don't do that. Sexy Jungkook? Yes plz daddy moar!🤡 Gotta love them double standards.

    We're so tired of this narrative about women hating on women. Internalised misogyny does exist, but ever since naver added the demographic stats feature years ago, it had been proven over and over and over AND OVER AGAIN that in most hateful articles about female idols, it's men in their 30s and 40s dominating the comments sections, you all don't get to still try and convince us of your misogynistic narratives about fangirls when we can clearly see with our own eyes that it's men commenting.

  • the school girl uniform is literally one of the most sexualized outfits in the world! this is nothing new. just like jennies nurse outfit. this has been happening forever.

    and i mean kpop idols literally wear school uniforms all the time! like theres a reason they do that. they may not be super altered like hwasas but its not like theyre in school! they wear them for the appeal

    these people are absolutely insane

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