The new hypocrisy of BIG4 fans: YG stans chapter

  • You liked the " i buy the NMIXX album for my collection" by JYP stan, or the 'I'm not HYBE stan" but strangely stan the new agency groups.

    Welcome to our new chapter dedicated to YG stan for not saying Blink. :pepe-tea:

    You've probably seen it too lately, some people are already stanning the new YG group which has not yet started and are still introduced these days. These people explain us that they like the group for their talents and wonderful voices thanks to the content posted by YG.

    But so why you complained not even 6 months ago that there was still no information about the group and suddenly there is content that pushed you to stan :pepe-magnify:

    Vocals and Talents suddenly become arguments when you still didn't care about this for blackpink and you always explained to us that it was not important :pepe-magnify:

    Another strange thing is that in the group's intro video > HERE < We can notice something interesting :pepe-magnify:



    Gosh, don't tell me that you are exactly taking over the narrative created by YG :pepe-magnify:

    I also made a thread a few days ago ( > HERE < )asking people who they think is the best 4th gen vocalist and she wasn't my surprise to see people already voting for "BABYMONSTERS MAIN VOCALIST" (note that there is not even the name of the person we do not even know who it is) and guess who voted for this, an happy coincidence i guess :pepe-magnify:

    Truth is y'all don't give a fuck about vocals/talents when it came to Blackpink, but that suddenly becomes your main argument for stan a band that's not done being introduced but that you use and propagate a narrative created from scratch by the agency which uses its other groups to promote it to you as they have already done in the past. Congrats YG stan you're just pushing the narrative created by YG about talents like like a beautiful flock of sheep. And the worst part is that you attacked the other company stans a few weeks ago and said many times that you hated YG, a nice bunch of hypocritical clowns. :flirt-pepe2:

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • wait what? we never said blackpink has not talents lol you are confusing when we say they might not have their best vocal technique which is true but we like their voices a lot actually aka vocal tones

    Yg artists are known for having distinct vocal tones and blackpink is not different. You can argue that babymonster have unique voices as well ( it's the reason why I like them) they seem to be more vocal oriented than bp ( for what it seems)

    most of us like blackpink as performers and their rap line is one of the best for girl groups so what do you mean they have no talents. There is no hypocrisy there lol besides YG stans =/= blinks also not all blinks are baby monsters fans yet some are but some aren't

  • wait what? we never said blackpink has not talents lol you are confusing when we say they might not have their best vocal technique which is true but we like their voices a lot actually aka vocal tones

    Yg artists are known for having distinct vocal tones and blackpink is not different. You can argue that babymonster have unique voices as well ( it's the reason why I like them) they seem to be more vocal oriented than bp ( for what it seems)

    most of us like blackpink as performers and their rap line is one of the best for girl groups so what do you mean they have no talents. There is no hypocrisy there lol besides YG stans =/= blinks also not all blinks are baby monsters fans yet some are but some aren't

    This one is obviously a YG stan lol loves defending their flop boy groups too

    Do not use Bp name to elevate some toddlers

    Like I couldn't give less of a FCK about them but I will drag WHOEVER use BP name for some bs

    ;judgingpepe: like don't piss me off

    This one is 100% not a YG stan :)

  • overall company stans will deny they are company stans no matter the circumstance

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  • The other YG groups are so irrelevant that you had to take swings at Blackpink only :pepewhat:

    I talk about akpop here, and on akpop YG stan are above all blinks, some are company stan others are not, I can tell the difference.

    Blackpinks vocals are fine btw

    They're low tier among the others 3rd gen GG group. I can give easily 5 third gen GG better than them. They also have their strengths like all groups but it's not the vocals.

    But my point here is to say that vocals was never the main concern of the fandom for stan the group, but that suddenly becomes an argument for the company stan about the new group and that strangely it coincides perfectly with what the narrative created by YG says. I wouldn't talk about the number of posts I've seen telling us about the new "Lisa".

    I know you can't wait to also stan babymonster:leaving-bee:


    "Every winter has its spring."


  • no they aren't low tier what are you smoking? but we never say that why are you lying? we always say we like their vocals have you ever heard of vocal color?

  • i voted for new vocalist in BM

    and also i think BP has great vocalists...its you trashing their vocals, not me. So your narrative puting the blame on us is pure :pepe-shades::pepe-mirror-glare:

    and i always think the music is what matters, i already like what YG is doing with BP, guess i will end up deciding if i stan or not when they debut...

    but so far as trainees...they are singing better than all the 4 gg including aespa (SM is alredy shaking, but now is an earthquake)

    these girls are not only reaching notes, but serving emotions. Has never been all those groups forte

    And yeah, some groups had been on BP tail, shading non stop, men we live on a 24/7 hate parade, and i am staning just out of spite. Having my best petty life with BM, cos they are sooooo good, it will be fun when they debut.

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


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