Since nobody here is willing to play the devil's advocate, I will do that

  • Ya know, half of the forum considers me the ultimate villain anyway, so I have nothing to lose. Imma play the BBC's advocate for a bit, okay?

    Like yall can trash this company as much as you want but these mofos have bills to play, okay? They went into enormous debt to debut Loona, got sued by one if their investors in the process and Loona failed to be that instant success that'd return their investment.

    Like I've been talking about this since the beginning, Loona is too overinvested. These girls had MVs with 10x the budget of any JYP MV. And when I was mentioning that it is very suspicious, I remember someone said they have some huge company behind them but all of that was bullshit apparently. They overspent investor money, as a result they got sued. Girls signed up for it. There is no way they didn't know, when they each were getting individual pre debut MVs, that this is all for free, idols aren't stupid as you may think.

    Due to Loona's failure to hit big, the company is basically bankrupt at this point. They won't even make money from Loona's 7 year career, they basically want to minimize their losses at this point. I don't support them but I do certainly understand them.

  • Btw, just like I warned yall about Loona, I am warning you again about TripleS, who are gonna end up in the same situation, save the screenshot. Funny enough TripleS producer os the same guy who failed with Loona and left. I am baffled someone else trusted him their money again.

  • they should've let go of Chuu by saying she is parting ways with their company due to 'conflict of interest' and all the Orbits would've understood and moved on. Cus every Orbit knew the conflict and it was never a surprise to see Chuu go.

    the Jan comeback would've went on and the rest of Orbits would've supported the comeback. BBC would've made some money back.

    now look what BBC has done for themselves

    no support from the GP, no support from the fanbase

    postponed comeback or not, it doesn't even matter, the support is not there.

  • Btw, just like I warned yall about Loona, I am warning you again about TripleS, who are gonna end up in the same situation, save the screenshot. Funny enough TripleS producer os the same guy who failed with Loona and left. I am baffled someone else trusted him their money again.

    It's amazing how he saw Loona's current state and was like "You know how to fix this? Run it back. AND... we double the number of members 8) "

  • Yeah i don’t think anyone is arguing that BBC didn’t overly invest into Loona and has a serious debt problem. The problem is, that she was a breadwinner for the company, which overbooked her, then expected her to be unhappy and fine with that????

    There’s a reason why idols typically get more of a cut or all the money when they do endorsements, shows, etc because it’s usually schedules separately from their group responsibilities can be like having a 2nd job (while recording content, music, practice can already be enough as an idol).

    BBC could have literally just taken less money and not treated her as a child, seeing how she was bringing in money. Instead they tattled to her mom and acted like she was an idiot when she tried to negotiate for better terms.

    Both sides definitely made mistakes, but BBC made a bad situation worse for no reason by alienating their cash cow. They wanted to make sure she knew THEY were in charge and it just looks like a giant power trip, instead of respecting talent.

    In the US music industry, Talent gets everything and companies bend over backwards for their artist (who bring in huge numbers). The SK industry is reverse, and companies want to have all the power and i think BBC’s ego got the better of them.

    You can only slave someone for so long before they get upset. And im usually a huge company stan, but BBC is definitely in the wrong here.

  • Even if Loona had become a success, they would still be screwed over with those terrible contracts. The company makes millions and the members a couple of thousands.

    Your thinking the company didn't finesse them when signing the contracts is funny. When they were doing for the entirety of the contract by not giving them any information about the financial side, like most of them do.

  • Chuus original contract was set to expire less than a month later anyway. They had no reason to remove her period



  • Chuus original contract was set to expire less than a month later anyway. They had no reason to remove her period

    then more the reason to part ways peacefully

    yet BBC choose to stab her in their parting speech and that lead them here, with no support from the fanbase

    now even the GP doesn't favor them

    if that's not enough they even stabbed her double time, terrible PR stunt

    if only BBC choose to let go of Chuu quietly then we wouldn't be talking about their unfair contract terms and disfavor BBC's image even more.

  • Yeah, it's standard for celebs to keep most of the money for their endorsements and appearances. I can understand a company taking a big chunk from the regular group work, especially for non self producing groups, cuz the company puts them together, gives them music, and does the producing, distributing etc. Meddling so much and taking her money for the other stuff was a rip.

  • This is business and business isn't personal. Business is risky. If business was not risky and was easy, we'd all be millionaires. It's sad people who don't deserve it will lose jobs, but, they were looking for a job when they found that one. There are other jobs out there. I don't feel the slightest bit of pain for the investors. They got what they deserved. When they invested, they signed up for EXACTLY this. If they didn't want this, as an investor they should have: Done more research, kept the reigns on the idiots they put in charge, and when shit started falling apart, they should have gotten off their lazy asses and tried to fix things. When you invest, you agree to take a risk. If an investment fails, it's your fault as the investor for making a bad investment. If the girls of Loona don't make money, NO ONE in that company deserves to.

    they basically want to minimize their losses at this point. I don't support them but I do certainly understand them.

    You don't minimize losses on the backs of young women you suckered in to contacts as a children. And BBC had a thousand times they could have tried to do something other than blame everyone and everything else but didn't. They wholeheartedly, with out hesitation chose this road. If they didn't see the cliff maybe they should of put on their eyeglasses.

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