Confess for akorns .10 akorns to be exact
I'll start
When I was new to the forums and when the YG and big hit stuff was blowing up, I made a bunch of alts to attack a user for saying something(I dont remember what but it had to do with treasure) anyway they noticed (obviously) and then they had the mods ban my alts I blocked them that day, I also get triggered from seeing their username but they don't even remember me (that dp looks good though)
Imagine labeling someone as your nemisis and they view you as a brat
did I mention that their double my age?
this is why you should never reveal your age
They won't even bother
confession number two:
I have a bunch of twitter acounts but my main acount is M E S S Y. Seriously, it's messy, I made that acount in 2019 when I got into kpop and I think I attacked almost every fandom with that acount(expect for mine), I guess you could call me toxic and I have one other mainish acount for treasure but thats it. all other acounts are acounts made to conceal my messy world. Don't think I'm an angel cause I'm not.
Confession number three:
This acount was meant to be orignaly my treasure acount therefore my old sig saying I only stanned treasure, and I had another acount with a different IP adress on here for my other ult since I don't like mixing my two groups (they don't mix well, I learned it the hard way ) but I got in some beef with the other so here I am
mixing them
( it's already getting messy
I really should keep my mouth shut
Confession number 4:
I dislike all pizza topping's expect for pineapple. I can not tolerate them, at all
we can't be friends if you like them (I'm joking
I've confessed, now you There's nothing stopping you
I wanted a hit thread and even exposed myself, You must honor me flops
Honor your fallen soldier
rosseanne kittykitka Nuts-N-Balls taesv6 @tzuyusakgae Rainbowlicious celestia490 florcia Lilbp firemonster246 Kairina itsymoo lmfaooo bumble-bunny jinaland koalaa98 catzi
Come for the drama and confess