What are some "hard to swallow" facts about kpop fandoms?

  • 1. Taste is subjective. You do not have to love every comeback your faves release.

    2. You can unstan because of the fandom. Toxic fandoms can ruin the expeiences.

    3. You do not need to buy albums to support your faves. There are other ways to show your support.

    4. Streaming isn't everything. Don't loose sleep over it (literally).

    5. You do not have to stan every new group.

  • Checking out other groups besides your favorite group(s) and liking them/being nice is not a betrayal. Putting down and ignoring other groups does not make you more loyal nor does it make your group more successful (it's also immature and looks stupid). If you watch and like someone else's music video or even compliment it, that won't be the end of your fave's career or make their competition "win" against them.

  • Checking out other groups besides your favorite group(s) and liking them/being nice is not a betrayal. Putting down and ignoring other groups does not make you more loyal nor does it make your group more successful (it's also immature and looks stupid). If you watch and like someone else's music video or even compliment it, that won't be the end of your fave's career or make their competition "win" against them.

    Yes this exactly! Its not a betrayal to like other groups/being a multi-stan. You can like as many songs or groups as you want (or don’t). Just as long as someone isn’t being rude about it, theres no issues to who you stan, or even if you like a song not from your faves

  • Some groups with really good music come from small companies therefore their fandoms are granted to be smaller. And then there are some popular groups who have had lower quality releases.

    I hate the competition between fandoms. Currently a big one is Midzy’s and MY’s but they’re posting Tiktoks and interacting and stuff. Fandoms are tearing each other apart while the artists are friendly.

    People shouldn’t be placing their success in the hands of the success in an idol group. Your success is what you accomplish in life and what you’ve overcame.

  • The fact they're socially conscious toward issues it's a blessing but also a curse. I'm always amazed in their ability to be welcoming and active towards many causes, but sometimes I feel like there's a lack of critical thinking and some are just parroting what they've learned that is acceptable in the community. The worst is when they weaponize "problematic behaviour" instead of trying to understand about it, like yeah I'm glad you think this is bad but are you really understand why this is bad?

  • The fact they're socially conscious toward issues it's a blessing but also a curse. I'm always amazed in their ability to be welcoming and active towards many causes, but sometimes I feel like there's a lack of critical thinking and some are just parroting what they've learned that is acceptable in the community. The worst is when they weaponize "problematic behaviour" instead of trying to understand about it, like yeah I'm glad you think this is bad but are you really understand why this is bad?

    I think it’s getting a little overboard with calling idols problematic. Yes it was good to call idols out when they messed up so they can apologize and learn from it. But this also brings about the issue of apologizing and not really meaning it. And going back to fandoms, it gives people more of a reason to hate on a group/unstan them.

  • Fandoms as a whole will hype songs that aren't good just cuz their faves released it. Don't feel like your taste is bad or that you are a bad fan just cuz you don't like something that everyone else seems to be praising. Plenty of other fans pbly don't like it either, but just won't say publicly.

    And the same goes the opposite way. If you like a song and everyone else seems to hate, so what? Everyone has their own musical preferences.

  • 1. I cannot emphasize this enough : your fandom is not your identity. Just because you stan X over Y you’re not more woke or somehow have superior morals. And both x and y fandoms have a lot of bad apples.

    2. Your favs achievements are not yours. They ain’t giving you a cent please don’t obsess over it so much and ruin your fandom experience.

  • 1. I cannot emphasize this enough : your fandom is not your identity. Just because you stan X over Y you’re not more woke or somehow have superior morals. And both x and y fandoms have a lot of bad apples.

    2. Your favs achievements are not yours. They ain’t giving you a cent please don’t obsess over it so much and ruin your fandom experience.

    People act like being a part of their fandom is their only purpose, but that’s unhealthy. Your life is more than being a fan of X group. Sure support your faves but don’t let it consume you. You bring up very good points about how it becomes some people’s identity. Their identity should lie in other aspects of their life.

  • victim mentality isn't cute

    if your faves knew about it, they'll probably feel embarrassed and ask that you worry about more important things

  • You don’t need to “save” your favs. You don’t need to “educate” your favs.

    I can’t believe this needs to be said : you are not your favs keepers 😭😭😭 this level of entitlement is just not it.

    At the end of the day your faves are gonna make the decisions they make and fandoms shouldn’t force them to feel remorse. So much fake concern on both sides.

  • Fans keep saying "don't be in your 20s and stan new kpop groups" but if people in their twenties and older stopped doing that, who would be paying your faves' bills? It's the older fans who purchase merch, albums, can afford tour tickets etc, not your 14 old ass that has to beg mommy and daddy to get money for a starbucks drink

    Edited once, last by reina-en ().

  • Fans keep saying "don't be in your 20s and stan new kpop groups" but if people in their twenties and older stopped doing that, who would he paying your faves' bills? It's the older fans who purchase merch, albums, can afford tour tickets etc, not your 14 old ass that has to beg mommy and daddy to get money for a starbucks drink

    This exactly! I’m in my 20s and I get told often that I’m too old for kpop and could be spending my money in better ways. Okay who else is gonna be paying for their faves to exist?

  • I think it’s getting a little overboard with calling idols problematic. Yes it was good to call idols out when they messed up so they can apologize and learn from it. But this also brings about the issue of apologizing and not really meaning it. And going back to fandoms, it gives people more of a reason to hate on a group/unstan them.

    I don't think it went overboard, more people being able to recognize weird behaviours is a good thing, not understand that there's a difference btw microagressions and full rooted problematic behaviour and actions is the bad part lol

    I agree with your how call out it's good, I've seen this working with my faves many times, but yeah an apology is not synonym with understanding. Same goes with people that think that there's such a thing as "unproblematic" and likes to feel superior or drag others for supporting x because they did y.

  • I don't think it went overboard, more people being able to recognize weird behaviours is a good thing, not understand that there's a difference btw microagressions and full rooted problematic behaviour and actions is the bad part lol

    I agree with your how call out it's good, I've seen this working with my faves many times, but yeah an apology is not synonym with understanding. Same goes with people that think that there's such a thing as "unproblematic" and likes to feel superior or drag others for supporting x because they did y.

    I agree there’s definitely a difference between microaggressions and full blow problematic behaviour. But in fandoms anything thats not perfect is treated like yhe end of the world. Yes they need to be held accountable but if they show no remorse at the end of the day, thats when to give up. You can’t force someone to feel sorry for something they don’t feel sorry for. While on the topic of idols and problematic behaviour, fans comparing one group’s actions with anothers.

  • You don’t need to support your faves to be a fan. You don’t need to buy albums, collect merch, stream or vote. You just need to like them. That’s the only requirement to be a fan and not “actively supporting” your fave doesn’t make you a worse fan.

    Completely agree. Some people don’t have the money to constantly buy albums. Some people work and have lives so streaming constantly isn’t feasible. Theres more to life than streaming and losing sleep over it (literally). If you love your faves, thats all you need to be a fan.

  • Completely agree. Some people don’t have the money to constantly buy albums. Some people work and have lives so streaming constantly isn’t feasible. Theres more to life than streaming and losing sleep over it (literally). If you love your faves, thats all you need to be a fan.

    True but my point is that even if you do have money and extra time you don't need to spend it on your faves. Just be a fan in whatever way you find the most entertaining/fun

  • Hate is never okay but I think a group and their fandom correlate. If a fandom is off the rails and a group doesn’t call them out, doesn’t that make them almost as bad?

    I see your point, but I politely disagree. I do think calling out hate is nice and telling people to stop, but it's seldomly effective, if ever. If anything, it typically encourages more hate (not sure why though). Besides, a metaphorical slap on the wrist won't stop the actual haters from hating on the group, or other fans.

  • You don’t need to support your faves to be a fan. You don’t need to buy albums, collect merch, stream or vote. You just need to like them. That’s the only requirement to be a fan and not “actively supporting” your fave doesn’t make you a worse fan.

    Agree so much! I have never been to any concert, bought any albums, or any official merch or excessively streamed or anything like that, and I don't see myself as any less of a fan for it.

  • I hate goals in kpop it’s really not that serious, they have unrealistic exceptions then they cry when they don’t reach them.

    Girl groups can co-exit I know it’s hard for some, but no a GG isn’t at fault for another GG’s downfall.

    People loose sleep (literally) because their faves didn’t reach X number of views on a new release. It’s really not that deep. If you don’t break a record everytime they comeback it doesn’t mean they will disband.

    And agree! Well I’m gonna take it one step further saying all groups should be able to co-exist with one another. Especially without thinking one group will be the downfall of the other or that one member is dating another in the other group.

  • I see your point, but I politely disagree. I do think calling out hate is nice and telling people to stop, but it's seldomly effective, if ever. If anything, it typically encourages more hate (not sure why though). Besides, a metaphorical slap on the wrist won't stop the actual haters from hating on the group, or other fans.

    I think it can help to a degree but I also see your point. Some people will not listen and will continue to hate. Like its a game for them.

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