cheddar Public Figure

  • Member since Jul 15th 2022
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  • Hey would you be interested in buying my Hoshi LE badge?


    I'm trying to clear out inventory because I need akorns.

    • Yes! How much would it cost?

    • 300 akorns!

    • Ok! Give me the weekend and I'll see if I can post enough or if anyone buys one of my badges lol

    • Sure thing :)

    • I have the 300! You still want to sell?

  • hello!!seen you around but we never interacted so hi fellow carat!!!

    it's cool how u have LEs alr so fast hehe, i got my first LE after joining the forum for a year lol

    also i see your akorn no. is growing fast woahh

    Like 1
    • Hi!! I got really lucky with a member giving badges away for free lol

      I'm posting so much for a badge! :smirks2: I'm close to 250 now thanks to the akorn weekends.

    • oh look now you have 250!!! which badge are u planning to get??

    • Wow thanks! :mvbee: I'm getting the DK badge!

    • go get it!!!my first badge was the seventeen static badge hehe

    • What else would a carrot do lol thanks again!

  • Wow, you already have 2 LE Badges when you just joined 2 weeks ago :wow: Congrats

    I got my first three static badges 2 days after joining. I got my first LE badge after 9 days (it was 1k akorns, took me a lot of farming and begging lol).

    How did you do it? :eyes:

    Like 1
    • I got them from a member leaving. They made a thread giving their badges away and I got lucky and was one of the first replies!

    • Ohh, was it from ultraaviolet?

    • Yup! I think so.

    • When I got there, I was too late ;(

  • congrats on getting your first two badges!


    Love 1
    • Thanks! :uwu-party-bee:

    • i believe nobody got LE badge faster than you ^^

      in case you need explanations how LE badge works i'm here to help :) know that their regular price is 1000 akorns and if you signup for them (pre-order period) they are 950 or lower, depends on the numbers of signups

      hope you'll enjoy here :pepelove1:

    • I'm very lucky lol thanks!

  • Hi new Carat :)

    Love 1