Aespa 1.4 million copies on Gaon this week

  • We get to see numbers weekly now btw

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  • We get to see numbers weekly now btw

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    Interesting. I think SM prints about 1.6 mil. So they shipped 1.4 in the first week. Their hanteo is at 1 mil, and Japan sale will start on the 16th.

  • anyone know where they got this # from? cause the chart isnt updated.

    /e and the pure numbers dont make sense from the daily chart, unless china had all its #s shipped today for like 600k

  • anyone know where they got this # from? cause the chart isnt updated.

    /e and the pure numbers dont make sense from the daily chart, unless china had all its #s shipped today for like 600k

    this article mentions 1.4 million

    나연, 글로벌 K팝 주간 첫 1위…에스파, 걸그룹 초동 1위 (써클차트)
    그룹 트와이스 나연이 글로벌 K팝 차트 주간 첫 1위를 차지하고, 에스파(aespa)가 역대 걸그룹 초동 1위를 기록했다. 써클차트(구.가온차트)를 운영하는 한국음악콘텐츠협회는…

  • sm always ship more for their "global groups" look at 127

    and those numbers dont come from america bc their bb # is just 55k

    they always do this

  • Are you looking at retail albums? Retail album i believe is the equivalent of Hanteo.

  • also curious to know if you add up an albums weekly numbers and they end up being lower than the monthly does that mean there were album returns? what if they're higher? :/

    if albums were returned gaon will do negatives on the chart LMAO

    so it will all add up at the end

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  • Is this Gaon/Circle? If so afaik their daily numbers are domestic retail.



  • 1.6M figure from SM that all and sundry were going "it's 100% actual pre-orders" turned out to be shipments after all, as everyone with half a brain realized.

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    Pretty embarrassing for a major chart tweet account to be honest.

  • let me break this numbers down for some of you that concern.

    SM first weeks shipment = 1.4M

    aespa First week sale on Hanteo = 1M

    400k left unaccounted for. Aespa predicted to be sold 55k first week in the U.S, so it's reasonable that they has shipped 100k there. Their Japanese sale has not started yet. It will be on the 16th. It's also reasonable to assume that they shipped 150k. So that leave 150k unaccounted for. Not all stores are Hanteo Certified, so it's reasonable that these 150k could go to these stores. Hope that clear up.

  • The only thing embarrassing is you coming for the chart account that knows better with your ignorance.

    This is for 1 week. Tell me which artist had Circle/Gaon first week shipment as the total number?



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  • Shipment alway = store preorders. I believe SM and these store work the numbers out base on fans demand for preorder. Its that simple, nothing complicated.

    The thing is tracking is not over. It’s only been a week aka they still are going to ship out more than that obviously. The fact shipments hit 1.4 out of 1.6 preorders in a week is already good. We have other groups that take more than a month to ship all the pre-order number yet don’t get these stupid stalkers questioning them.

    Besides shipping, everyone was asking about Hanteo before and now that in Hanteo they sold 1m on the first week, further proved its legitimacy. They will catch up with the 600k~ difference in time except some stores that aren’t certified by Hanteo. We all believe BP bought 1.5m album according to Gaon/Circle reports, even though Hanteo numbers is at 800k.



  • Oh my.. i dont get why so many doubt sales of aespa? Isnt it quite obvious they're going to sell that much given that EVERY FREAKING TIME sm releases some merchs for them it goes out of stock within a day. The demand (whether real fan or reseller) is INSANE.

    People also accused BP/YG of mediaplay / exagerated sales of The Album but it turned out to be true afterall.

    Fellow blinks, lets just let MY celebrate this one time. Im sure when the pinks comeback they will easily get back the record.

    Peace ~

  • The only thing embarrassing is you coming for the chart account that knows better with your ignorance.

    This is for 1 week. Tell me which artist had Circle/Gaon first week shipment as the total number?

    They don't know better - they decided to pass on without any interrogation the number SM provided, and when people quite rightly pointed out it was stock pre-orders, they doubled down.

    IT's for one week. Hanteo as at 1 Million. Great achievement. In general, about 85%-90% or so of customer pre-orders are shipped in the first week, and since these are pre-sold, the shipment to the direct customer is counted by Hanteo. Because of the platform albums that's why the number was 800k first day - platforms were immediately available = Hanteo Sale.

    We're at 1 million directly sold, Gaon (which is stock shipments) is at 1.4m. If they were actual customer pre-orders, like it was passed off to be, then Hanteo would be extremely close to Gaon.

    They are not, so that means that the 1.6m quoted was counted as Stock Preorders, not customer preorders. I'm calling out that specific clause, because that's what the dispute is about.

    If you can't follow that nor can you understand what the issue was with, then I can't help you. It's got nothing to do with Aespa, it's to do with a chart account passing off a press-release as unassailable fact. All the labels are doing it, and the chart account should know better.

    Edit - I work in logistics and shipping. I crunch numbers for this field. I know what I'm talking about. Just because people don't have the energy to run a chart or twitter about something doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about. This stuff is literally my day job.

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    Aespa's pure sales in Billboard were 52k or predicted to be. If I take that random account's word for it, that'll get them to about 90k. They are talking about the billboard version.

    Still 500k off 1.6m.

  • We always know whenever a company announce a preorder is always = shipment. That shipment is based on demand with actual data from stores otherwise these companies will have overproduction issue. SM is notorious for under shipment. See Savage and most Red Vevet album for example.

    Maybe you have a problem with the chart mixed it up that these number are customer pre-orders not store preorders which is shipment by the way. but the chart is not wrong for stating these shipment are based on actual demand which In the end, they will sell through all these stocks and more. So yea, I don't see a problem here.

  • And?

    Aespa's pure sales in Billboard were 52k or predicted to be. If I take that random account's word for it, that'll get them to about 90k. They are talking about the billboard version.

    Still 500k off 1.6m.

    See my post here below.

  • We always know whenever a company announce a preorder is always = shipment. That shipment is based on demand with actual data from stores otherwise these companies will have overproduction issue. SM is notorious for under shipment. See Savage and most Red Vevet album for example.

    Maybe you have a problem with the chart mixed it up that these number are customer pre-orders not store preorders which is shipment by the way. but the chart is not wrong for stating these shipment are based on actual demand which In the end, they will sell through all these stocks and more. So yea, I don't see a problem here.

    I mean you're right, but the Chart Account did obfuscate the issue, and it was then widely reported and parroted that it was "customer" pre-orders.

    I take issue because instead of clearing up any misconception about what 1.6m represents, they doubled down. Is it overly important in the big scheme of things? Not really - but I greatly dislike how press releases get parroted as fact. A bit more critical consumption of these things wouldn't go astray.

    Like 1m direct sales is a fantastic achievement. SM and the accounts retweeting could have said 1m Pre-orders and said million seller and they'd be spot on. But they said 1.6m seller, and quite frankly it's not correct. Again, not hugely important, but I feel if we don't call out the bullshit shenanigans it'll only get worse.

  • Are you new to Kpop? Because what you said is not new info and is not exposing SM and chart acc. It’s something everyone who follow kpop knows. First thing if you read the translation you would realize you are paraphrasing what you already posted “The figure is the estimated demand calculated using various factors , including HOW MANY ALBUMS WERE PRE-ORDERED BY FANS

    It’s already mentioned that they are store pre-orders. Stores are not just going to order some random number but numbers based on demand. Hence pre-orders were calculated using various factors including “pre-orders by fans”. Key word: “including”.

    They pretty much stated everything you think you were exposing and it’s a standard process atp.

    All companies do the same thing when announcing pre orders so it’s weird you made it personal with SM’s announcement for GIRLS as if it was an anomaly and everyone else only announced bought albums (edit: reading your second post, you are addressing the industry shenanigans but talking now only about SM and aespa seemed like you were accusing them and only them). I don’t see you going all expert on other companies/artists who are doing the same, so nice changing the tone from your first post trying to criminalize SM’s statement over nothing. As for the chart acc, they always share companies stock announcements and no one makes a big deal of it because everyone knows how it works, then they replied to those who were playing dumb trying to downplay the number by saying it’s only stock pre-orders (as if not every announced p.o number is exactly that//*x group announce they reached a certain p.o number* = *an achievement accepted by the majority*)

    they replied by quoting that the stores p.o number was based on the demand on various factors including fans p.o.

    Then also said that they exceeded 1m pre-orders not stock pre-orders (which again is proven true by Hanteo first week sales). I don’t see where the chart went wrong exactly? They said at least 1m pre-orders were confirmed from fans and overall 1.6 was total stock p.o.

    Anyways, when aespa’s Savage pre-orders were announced to be 400k, smartasses were calling it suspicious, overshipped by Sm etc... Only for the bought albums to exceed that number in months and for SM to restock. These stores know they will sell hence even during GIRLS p.o period, they ran out of stock and restocked many times not just took SM’s alleged “over-shipping” number and called it a day. It’s a legit pre-order number like Savage and like many other album announcements that we don’t question.

    Seriously though, what are you going to say whenever the Hanteo numbers reach 1.6~? Are you going to take back your words or you’re just going to suspect/accuse their next album?



    Edited 2 times, last by Yumeku: (edit: reading your second post, you are addressing the industry shenanigans but talking now only about SM and aespa seemed like you were accusing them and only them). Sorry I was rude or aggressive. ().

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