Kpop is boring now

  • I find kpop really boring now specially compared to the 2nd gen. Here are my reasons:

    1. Idols don't appear much in TV variety/reality shows now. Before we have shows like Hello Baby, Invincible Youth, Strong Heart, Star Golden Bell, early days of Running Man, Now it's just mostly online contents which are boring more often than not.

    2. Due to much shorter average training years now members of rookie groups are usually not that close and don't know much about each other which results to awkward interactions and boring contents.

    3. There are no more rivalries in kpop now. Before we have legendary rivalries like H.O.T vs. Sechskies, SES vs. Fin.K.L, SNSD vs. Wonder Girls/2ne1

    4. Fanwars are no more fun, it's just pure toxic now. Who would've forgotten the legendary fanwar for the best female group of 2014 between SNSD and 2ne1 only for Sistar to win the award.

    5. Idols and fans can barely talk or do anything now because everything has become offensive. Almost all jokes now are offensive. You tease your co-member a little and it's already offensive or bullying.

    Out of all the groups that I am following now the only ones who I find to be really fun are STAYC and Dreamcatcher. Luckily SNSD will soon have a TV show and a comeback. That ought to bring some fun back to kpop.

  • 1. Idols don't appear much in TV variety/reality shows now. Before we have shows like Hello Baby, Invincible Youth, Strong Heart, Star Golden Bell, early days of Running Man,

    Traditional TV has been losing popularity everywhere, not just in kpop. Why wait until you get a chance to appear on a show once when you can just produce your own, custom shows and share them with a wider audience?

    2. Due to much shorter average training years now members of rookie groups are usually not that close and don't know much about each other which results to awkward interactions and boring contents.

    There were awkward idols in older gens too, though…?

    4. Fanwars are no more fun, it's just pure toxic now. Who would've forgotten the legendary fanwar for the best female group of 2014 between SNSD and 2ne1 only for Sistar to win the award.

    Didn't fans of other groups do things like getting into physical fights and attempt to poison idols?? Or am I remembering wrong?

    Fanwars have always been shit I don't get why you'd be nostalgic for that of all things

    Almost all jokes now are offensive. You tease your co-member a little and it's already offensive or bullying.

    What kind of jokes and teasing are you talking about?

    Edited once, last by cle19: typo ().

  • I'd love for programs like Oh My School or Invincible Youth to have a comeback

    but then again, the groups i'm interested in wouldn't go nor would participate together for sure so :pepe-sad:

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  • A bit odd you’re comparing 4th gen to 2nd gen. Does this mean you’ve done the same thing for 3rd, and if so why haven’t you dipped yet?

    Been into kpop since early 2nd gen and can’t understand why some people bother sticking around… given their complaints. Things ain’t gonna magically change back to how it was then for you.

    Nah, I skipped 3rd gen as I didn't like any of them except for Dreamcatcher which I only discovered last year. I was actually already out of kpop after the release of SNSD's latest album in 2017. Since then I was just following the SNSD members in their solo activities but don't give a care for the whole of kpop till I discovered STAYC shortly before their debut and pulled me back in.

    I'm not really complaining. I am just stating an opinion and what I have observed in the 1 and a half year since I've been back. And for now I am still staying because there are still 4 groups that makes me really excited; SNSD, STAYC, Dreamcatcher, and woo!ah!.

  • I don't think there has been any time that fanwars were really fun, at least not for fans of group(s) that were hate targeted the most.

    I came into K-pop at the height of 2nd gen Hallyu Wave as a Sunny/SNSD fan and my first and follow up experiences with actual fanwars (never had them with other music genres!) in the forever wars with ELF and Blackjacks/YG stans were stressful, annoying and frustrating.

    I agree with variety, I miss the idol peak TV when it comes to variety as seen in 2nd gen era, it really helped getting fans get more committed and interested into other groups, into the chemistry, interactions and collaborations between members of different groups and into K-pop as a whole.

    It made K-pop into not just K-pop music and idol performances, but into a whole K-pop culture and K-pop scene that included other aspects of Korean culture and media entertainment. At least for outsiders.

  • as someone who was around during gen 2...

    I very distinctly remember a lot of bullshit that gen 2 fans enjoy just sweeping under the rug.


    The dal shabet fan rape accusations

    The ELF suicide bullying

    Taeyeon literally getting dragged off stage

    4minute getting kidnapped

    Yunho being poisoned with glue

  • . Idols don't appear much in TV variety/reality shows now. Before we have shows like Hello Baby, Invincible Youth, Strong Heart, Star Golden Bell, early days of Running Man, Now it's just mostly online contents which are boring more often than not.

    Want to be entertained? Go watch 2nd gen legends infinite. They have a new show that's good they have also appeared on knowing bros.

    There's also exo with exo ladder show and then a few other shows a few of the members starred in recently. You can always watch seventeen, their shows are always fun and hilarious. Same is true with Ateez they always have a few shows and then there's TXT they also release quite a bit of entertaining content . Also oneus is another fun group

    Also if you want idols who have chemistry and interesting relationships then watch seventeen,exo infinite,txt,btob and onlyoneof and oneus content including the lives you will be entertained.

  • Fan wars are never fun. I'm glad it's just pathetic bs where people cry to each other online or send a protest truck. Im glad the days of literal fan wars is gone where people would have physical fights at concerts, fan meets and even try to kill people like the shit you just mentioned. Stuff today is super tame lets keep it that way. Don't give idols and their security a reason to Carry a gun and be trigger happy like an American police officer 💀

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