Posts by kazuyakamenashi

    I also want to know, a channel like MBC wouldn’t talk if there wasn’t a reliable source

    It's a news agency and here in Korea those slimey journalist get blank checks to say fucking anything 90% of the time they aren't held accountable or sued. So hardly do they have reliable sources and just say bullshit to bring in those views and clicks for that ad revenue, we learned this the easy way with that whole seungri is the Mafia,the boogeyman, dear leader of north korea lol and more powerful than president moon 🤡🤡😂 all the bullshit with that case was ridiculous

    Still saying he did it, and then "i don't even know if it was him" days later after his reputation was ruined...

    Given all the proof OP 2 posted, I'm kind of inclined to believe she's an attention seeker who throws people under the bus for things they didn't do, but ofc not 100% sure

    Exactly and these sort of shit people give real victims a bad name as it makes any claims they i more unbelievable. Also it brings into light the logic of this bullshit. Think about it for a moment, why would you come up with shit so late? I'll go with myself as an example, kids i had issues with in school some 20yrs ago, tell me, why would I remember their names and somehow know what they look like 2 decades later unless im obsessed with them?🤡 Nobody cares about or keeps tabs on someone they DON'T like. Like seriously how do you recognize someone 20yrs later? You haven't seen them since elementary school and why would you remember their first and last name too? Makes me question all these bs scandals as of late.

    I fucking hate jyp...i thought we moved passed this

    i'm so sad right now and i wanna cry thinking how much Hyunjin wanted this and how much effort he has put in preparing for Kingdom. This sucks

    Not jyps fault this whole witch-hunt bs is a toxic part of our culture here in Korea we truly picked up the worst part of western traits, cancel culture. Soon as any scandal drops regardless of if its insignificant or not everyone wants to erase you like you never existed to begin with.

    I could literally have called you a faggot as a immature insult once when i was 9yrs old and somehow some lifeless piece of shit would bring that up 25yrs later and people will somehow think yup justifiable reason to hate on that person and end their career etc. Total clown world madness.

    Worst part is most fans find this behavior entertaining and acceptable

    knetz' reaction to Minho explaining who Jonghyun is


    Yeah that hit everyone in the feels and will hurt more to the kid, when she decides oh hmm i wonder how my uncle's are doing" google's SHINee sees the second result on the front page of the goole search, if she doesn't understand it she will just show the pc or phone to her parents and they will have to explain death and what happened to him.

    it's because boy group members usually fight using their fists not mouths and then 1-2 days later they already forget about it and they become better friends.

    There are also a lot of groups that have female managers.

    Exactly if we have problems it gets hashed out quickly if the words didn't solve it my fist in the other guys face did, then it's make up time because we understand fighting can get way more serious plus the company would kick our asses figuratively for beating each other up. The managers also can physically seperate you because its a man dealing with another man they don't have to walk on eggshells to deal with us whereas with women just them physically seperating two parties from a fight could have them accused of sexual harrassnent because oh they touched your chest pulling you out of a hands on fight with the other members. With guys that bullshit doesn't happen.

    So is jpop, just look at Johnny, didnt leave my og comment to make jpop look bad but i dont see the point in pretending that it isnt full of issues just like kpop is

    True the only difference is jpop and its agencies like Johnny entertainment doesn't give a single fuck about fans, issues sjws or whatever else. If some scandals come up long as its not something serious like raper murder theft etc they won't do shit about it make anyone apologize or halt activities nope they will just keep trucking along. Jpop is in a perfect situation they can fully sustain their growth at home to not need nor want outside help. Kpop is dependent on forgeiners and the general public so they will bend the knee to any issue even if its nonsensical bs. Whereas jpop will tell you to kick rocks and go fly a kite or stfu and keep listening to our cute /hot jpop boys.

    deserve their own fandom

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    She must meet Wonho and become the fbb of kpop lol

    Meh. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't say he's ugly but he isn't to me the most Good looking attractive/hott guy there's plenty more who would top that list. That said he isn't bad looking at all. The same goes for all the BTS members sure they are number one for their talents not their looks lol they are all good looking guys but there's many more in the industry that would have them beat in the looks department.

    I don't think there's anyone out there dumb enough to go against bts lmao

    True they are too big to fail the only way anyone can say anything is if they have irrefutable prove that something happened because if it's just heresay like 99 % of those bullying scandals were proven to be? Not only will bighit sue you into bankruptcy but army would probably bully you irl if not one of the crazier armys will either assault you or kill you so yeah nothing is ever EVER going to happen to BTS

    ppl are so dramatic lmao....have these rumors been proven to be right?

    Yea the rumors were debunked there's like 50 copycats scandals out about hyunjin of stray kids,kihyun of monsta x, mingyu of seventeen. A few girl group members a few more actresses and actors also hyuna lol I'm waiting for the bts, bigbang,exo and SHINee and other random bully scandals lol :clown::clown: i call bullshit on this stuff. Case in point my cousin that i was close to as a child and early teen moved away then out of the blue came to see me over 10+ yrs later and i didn't even recognize them as they were an adult.

    That said i call bullshit on these bully scandals how do you somehow recognize someone you hate? People you hate you don't want to know them so pray tell me why you know their full name and can recognize them some 20yrs later? You can only do that if you are constantly watching them shit don't add up

    She denies it on her Instagram, the queen said not today.

    These allegations are making me tired.

    Exactly 14 yrs after debut someone brings some bs up. Also not to sound insensitive to people who were bullied but shouldn't you have moved on by now? The dedication to somehow to go out and know thr full name of someone you hate and to somehow keep tabs on them forever so you can recognize them later in life. Tbh if you left xyz person alone since grade school etc they should be literally unrecognizable to you as they have changed significantly from age etc for you to know someone 10+ years later you had to be basically following their life.

    indeed convenient. Another article similar to this one came out the same day about stray kids hyunjin so this stuff is getting out of hand nothing but these types of posts every 5 seconds

    Sometimes i think KPOP fans live too much in a bubble. Things aren't black or white

    I understand people lack political awareness but this is too much.

    Even in my own country i will say what is needed to survive

    I find this thread IGNORANT and borderline OFFENSIVE but it is what it is

    Exactly because the people making these threads come from some suburban upbringing in h hardly ever faced any real hardships in life and live in a bubble of a nice western democracy where they can do and say anything without consequences even if they are wrong. They rarely understand other places in the world are in the grim dark and shit isn't that easy. Most people will " sellout if some folks in suits and police uniform show up and say do this now or jail or die. Yeah you will pick sell out if your strong willed enough to say no they will go after your family and loved ones forcing your hand

    Girl is desperate to make money in China :peperun:

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    Ok let me explain to you people who are not from asia how shit works. I'm from Korea so you learn a lot about China being that close and also visting other countries really opens your eyes.

    Being a celebrity in China is basically a curse, you see obtaining wealth or influence is only allowed by the government= the ccp the citizens in China are as much the victim as any country that is being attacked by China. They actively brainwash, threaten arrest and kill its own citizens realize China is literally just north korea but rich that's literally the only difference.

    She's become a ccp shill because the party wants to make an example of her just like what happened to china's most popular female celebrity fa bing bing. If they feel you are becoming more influential than the government they will knock you down make you do ccp propoganda fluff pieces they know it will make you uncool and your fans will hate it. They get any of these celebrities to do anything because they can and will threaten you your life or if you are out of china's control they will threaten your family and loved ones in China forcing you to do what they want or else. Most people will do it to. They know how people get dissapeaerd, the concentration camps the tianamen square massacre etc they know full well the CCP doesn't joke about comply or else.

    Hell if anyone is on this site or twitter, facebook etc that's chinese from China you understand that they could get arrested or killed for it. Anyone herr from there is using a vpn to bypass the great firewall china isolates itself from the world's internet and censor everything going in and out of china. If you see offical account of Chinese people openly active on these websites their own picture where they are from etc then they are members or affiliated with the Chinese government as only gov people can have western internet and fear any punishment. The only reason no one has gotten rid of modern day nazi germany= china is because it's a nuclear armed state nukes are a huge detterant to war because you can end all life on the planet

    That aged really well, didn't it? :pepe-cringe:

    Do you have any other superpower that we should know about?

    It did lol i dislike those clown's :clown: people who suddenly out the woodwork say oh i knew xyz was bad i had a look or a vibe lol ok. Funny how they are never around until something " happens" get that bs outa here you will never tell how someone is by looking at them on tv especially if you have never seen them personally or know them off camera. :clown: if that shit actually worked we would never have bad people in the world or criminals because our magical police could arrest you before the crime occurred