the tweet they posted was to prove that wonyoung is better, but what triggered them to make this thread was probably this poll lol
because wonyoung is losing and obviously that means akp has an inferior complex towards her for some reason duh
the tweet they posted was to prove that wonyoung is better, but what triggered them to make this thread was probably this poll lol
because wonyoung is losing and obviously that means akp has an inferior complex towards her for some reason duh
have you seen this?
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wtf did i just watch
I think it is. In the days when I followed Super Junior, I found Shindong to be a warm, funny and talented man and he isn't the only one within the group that has made fat shaming and misogynistic remarks. I think people just like to hate on him because he is a member of a group that has got problematic members.
what does this even mean? so you are aware that shindong has made fat shaming and misogynistic comments in the past, but you think people hate on him only because he’s a member of a group that has problematic members, and not because he’s problematic himself?? lol where is the logic here??
You finally have some taste grandpa
The way this thread backfired 👼
Don’t forget
everyone wants a slice of that underdog and “privilege-less” narrative because nowadays if a group didn’t debut while begging on the street it means they didn’t earn their success and kpop stans will happily jump on that to use as a weapon against groups they don’t like. look at all the payola trash talk and downplaying that nj gets, just because their company didn’t mismanage them and actually put their privilege to good use.
wbk kpop stans don’t really care about the well-being of the idols they stan, they just want to wield them around as trophies while they live vicariously through their faves’ achievements and sob stories. tale as old as time
can't believe new twt user @popreich69 with a HANNI pfp said something about my faves, I'm going to send trucks to HYBE
it’s all just so unbelievably dumb how kpop stans act lol they make being easily riled up by a feather trigger an art form 😂 even if we ignore the reality that a lot of the time these twitter trolls don’t actually stan these groups and are deliberately trying to incite fanwars with bait (like what akp’s very own user bbb does all the time) so that all groups get dragged back and forth for their own entertainment, anyone with eyes can see that there are bad apples in every single fandom, the big ones especially so, and using the excuse “well those fans dragged my faves so i dragged their faves back” not only exposes that they have the mental maturity of a 12yo, it also opens up the opportunity for other stans to clap back and drag their faves using that same logic.
in this specific case i’ve seen “stans” of all popular ggs (ive, lesserafim, gidle, aespa, bp, etc.) attack nj and vice versa on twitter aka known dumpster hole, but i have a working brain and better use of my time than pulling up a couple tweets with a few likes to justify attacking the ggs that those twitter users supposedly stan. call out the shit stirrers, not attack the groups in their profile. it’s a simple thing to understand but kpop stans refuse to get it lol it’s pathetic to watch honestly
I never saw any ive stans attack fifty fifty so even if other people saw it obviously it isn’t legit or didn’t happen, but i saw some hybe stans attack fifty fifty so obviously hybe stans are all worthless scum that deserve to have their groups dragged now is it very predictably hypocritical and lacking self-awareness lol
Display Moreanons does not exist any more
i guess we Blinks are the only fandom that can take crap from left to right on open forum. But the reigning Fandom complained too much about their idols being hated, when in fact it was talked 90% about girls and girl groups.
oh how i miss anons, and the things that can not be name in the open without your thread being closed for no reason (they couldn`t even find the reason on the list of nonos from the forum).
About Jisoo it depends of the audio you listened. She was singing with backtrack, almost all the show was with back track. But there were parts where it as almost not there. The choose to do it in the open. I mean there are huge groups the lypsinc and pretend they are singing live ALL THE TIME. and they got caught by a misshap.
I think Jisoo was singing live over a backtrack. But her voice was clear and covered the backtrack
they mean make the poll anon (so it doesn’t show who voted for what), not the abolished anon subsection of this forum
are you having a stroke? nobody said that charging $50 an album is normal. sane people would ridicule the seller’s greedy arse while laughing at the buyer’s idiocy for paying that amount for a non-essential item. but if someone is dumb enough to shell out that much money they don’t have any ground to stand on to cry scam lol. they paid for it themselves, they weren’t forced to. that’s not a scam. just a seller being greedy and a buyer being dumb. nobody said that it’s normal. stop putting words in people’s mouth. the point just flew right over your head, as expected
Are the sm stans on this thread acting dumb on purpose? No one’s saying you’re not entitled to your opinion or expressing your disappointment whether you’re a fan or nonfan. It’s the “scam” accusations yall keep throwing around without knowing what it actually means that reeks. And why are some people acting like buying this album is mandatory for them, and so lesserafim has to cater to their every whim?? If you don’t like the amount of songs, then DON’T BUY it. Make your voice heard. Instead of complaining over and over that it costs oh so much of your lunch money or whatever when no one’s forcing you to make that choice. BUY YOUR FOOD instead of shelling out money for idols all whilst whining that they’re “scamming” you. Have some common sense good lord
Display MoreThe album with 13 tracks only costs like an extra $1.61 compared to the Antifragile ep. Like......who really cares that much??? lol
Unforgiven by Tenken, on Flickr">
Antifragile by Tenken, on Flickr">
no you don’t get it. no matter how much they charge the albums, it’s always a scam to call an album with 7 new songs a full album, even if it actually contains 13 tracks and costs virtually the same as a mini album, because you know, “scamming” is not about stealing money to these people, it just means some pedantic shit with no real consequence to your wallet
Display Morewell if i say i feel scam to pay for a full album and get a cd to use in my car when in the cd there's only 7 new tracks and the rest are just old songs
then yes it's a scam and i can call it a scam, and yes i'm entitle to say that it's a scam and i feel scam by HYBE because from what i know i'm the one paying for the album, hybe is not giving it to me for free,
so thank god i have the right to say i feel scam to have to pay so much money for a full album when i only get 7 new songs and on the full album there's already 6 songs i already paid for on the previous albums i bought
so thanks for your concern but i still have the right to express my opinion about a product i'm going to buy
and btw you're not going to have free albums or a paycheck for trying to change people opinion about feeling scam for the tracklist of the album so you can stop trying to quote everybody who's expressing their frustration about this tracklist
no one’s forcing you to pay if you don’t feel satisfied with the product lol you’re speaking like they put a gun to your head and you have to be content with what you paid for with no prior knowledge about what it will turn out to be 😂
scamming would be taking your money with no refund option for the product they’re selling, but that’s not what happened here. it’s all transparent what you’ll pay for, and if you don’t feel it’s worth your bucks, you can cancel your order any time. and from a legal standpoint the album has 13 tracks, so it’s not a scam from that front either. the 7 new songs alone already qualify it for a status higher than ep. feeling disappointed that the album isn’t catering more to your personal liking or that the seller is being greedy is one thing, but it’s not legally a scam by any measure in the industry atm. again, no one is forcing you to pay for an unknown product you don’t like, so all this whining just seems so karen-like lol.
i distinctly remember you never complained when sm “scammed” people with those repacks with only 1 or 2 new songs and 10+ old songs for their artists, weird 🤔 Western artists do special + deluxe + platinum etc. versions of their albums all the time with very little new materials added but no one seems to have a problem with that either, weird x2 🤔
Well not my fandom not my problem
Like I said dives cant relate
who said it’s your problem for your fandom? you’re the one who replied to that user and made such a nonsensical claim that an album must only be labeled by how many new songs it has to drag hybe and lesserafim, and that’s the part you were called out for. no one gives a shit what you do in your fandom lol
no, the problem is non-lesserafim stans and/or hybe antis are bending over backwards to try to find anything to drag them lol.
technically lesserafim’s album has 13 tracks - that’s more than qualified to call it a full album. there’s no law that says an album must only label itself by how many new songs it has lol. do we now call all those sm repacks “single albums” because they only have 1 or 2 new songs and 10 old ones? are those “best of” compilation albums that western artists released all the time essentially non-albums because they have literally zero new tracks and only contain previously released songs? istg it’s like yall throw your brains out the window to come up with nonsensical complaints about things you hate
now if you want to argue from a “personal complaint” pov, like the album only has 7 new songs and you want more, that’s one thing. but saying that it’s a scam to call it a full album because it only has 7 new songs is straight up false and dumb. it has 13 tracks in total. that’s a full album. not a scam to call it a full album
Display Morelol you want to know what's actually truly dumb ? YOU reading a comment; not even understand it and calling me dumb
because never in my comment did i say they are re-recording their old songs because they are old
i said there's no need to re-recorded these songs because it's not like they were release 10 years ago
because yes it seems that because of your lack of knowledge that groups usually re-record new version of their old songs when they are very old just to expose a younger public to these song and make them sound more modern
secondly it's YES it's a scam and some of you disagreeing with this are pretty blinded by their love for HYBE and hybe groups
because re-record or not these songs with garam are still the propriety of HYBE and hybe is still taking royalties for these songs even if garam is out of the group
and it's not like fans are boycotting the old songs because there's garam on it
and it's not neither like the girls can't perform songs who were released when garam was stilml in the group because they could perform blue flame or fearless just fine when garam left the group
and never in kpop a group had to re-record songs for groups when a member left, neither did NMIXX did when jinni or sunmi left nmixx or WG, neither did YG when one of the member left Winner, or neither did SNSD when jessica left
also did you even saw the full tracklist before commenting or did you just commented because you wanted to do it ?
because if you would have actually make some research you would learn that on the 13 tracks in the album
3 of them are actually songs who were already on the Antifragile mini-album (antifragile, the hydra, impurities)
and 3 others are re-record of songs who were already on the "fearless album" and if the reason of HYBE doing re-record of these songs was only because of Garam, they would have re-record the 5 songs from the fearless mini album and not just 3
sorry not sorry but this album is clearly a way for HYBE to scam fearnot, it's a way to promote this album and sell it under the designation of " Full album" while doing half of the job that a full album require by making half of the album original songs and half of the rest of the album re-record songs of old songs or just adding songs who were already release in a previous mini album who was release just few months ago
all this meltdown and for what, continuting to put your foot in your mouth and proving just how much you lack critical and logical thinking skills? lol
1) you’re straight up saying bs that no one wants garam-less versions of their old songs because there are people who want them. if you don’t see it that’s your fault lol
2) even if the demand for it wasn’t there, it’s perfectly within the artist’s rights (lesserafim in this case) to do whatever they want to their recordings, and if they personally wish to have a fresh start as a 5-member group and re-record all their songs, why tf are you complaining that doing this is “scamming” their fans? makes zero sense + exposes your entitlement lol. the fact that other groups don’t do re-record when they lose members has literally no relevance here. it’s not a fixed law that groups must or must not re-record songs when a member leaves, it’s entirely up to the individual artist to do what they wish, and if lesserafim wants to make new versions without garam, who tf are you to criticise them because you think that’s “scamming” fans? again, zero logic. what a dumb post