1. you've heard good things about them but you're too lazy to check them out Mamamoo
2. you've heard good things about them, checked them out, was disappointed Loona, XG
3. you've heard bad things about them, but you ended up really liking SNSD…eventually, over several years XD / NewJeans…also eventually XD (“really” is an overstatement)
5. genuinely too lazy to check out even though you really want to Super Junior K.R.Y, fromis_9, Golden Child
7. you like everyone's (singing) voice Mamamoo
10. your favorite song is a title track surprisingly few of the ones whose b-sides I actually listen to
11. you only listen to this group's title tracks most tbh cuz I listen to a lot of Kpop groups + ain’t nobody got time for that
12. you think this group's bsides are infinitely better than their title tracks f(x) when they have stuff like Airplane, some of their tts r major bops tho like Nu ABO
13. you were disappointed by their most recent release most groups tbh, Kpop has been flopping nowadays
15. the fandom must make everything about them and their faves I’m an ARMY but I admit BTS (but to be fair we stan BTS, the biggest band in the world with the biggest fandom, so a lot of things in Kpop ARE about us… :P but not everything lol)
16. you slowly lost interest in them over several comebacks, reached a breaking point, and unstanned them B.A.P, but I came back for their 2024 reunion
17. there's one member that gives you bad vibes does (ex-)BIGBANG’s Seungri count lol :P
19. the fandom's horny 24/7 used to be EXO-Ls, don’t know about now (I used to consider stanning EXO but gave up for that reason bc they seemed to primarily care about their hormones over EXO’s vocal talent)
20. your ult group 2NE1/SNSD/BTS (women empowerment and deep meanings baby)