Do you become introverted in real life because of internet social?
I've always been very shy, but as I get older I get less so. I'm still introverted at heart.
My real life stays exactly the same, more in the introvert side. My internet personality has no effect irl.
However I do say I'm more extroverted online. I often speak/type more mainly because it's all anonymous and it's easier to have fights or post memes because I can simply Google stuff on the fly.
Online has also brought out the worst in me lol. Xbox Live days during university...oof I was toxic and shit talking AF lol.
I'm introvert, but among ppl irl that I consider friends I can still talk a lot.
If it's among people in general, yeah that would apply. Depends on my mood though.
No. I've always been introverted and the only time I become more introverted than usual is when people start acting like being an introvert is a serious mental disorder rather than the perfectly normal personality trait it actually is. It's annoying af and immediately kills all desire I might otherwise have had to communicate.
My social media life is the same as in real life
I've always been introverted irl,but I'm actually much more extroverted online since,as pathetic as it sounds,I find it a lot easier to communicate this way.
Nah I'm extroverted irl and on here
No. I've always been introverted and the only time I become more introverted than usual is when people start acting like being an introvert is a serious mental disorder rather than the perfectly normal personality trait it actually is. It's annoying af and immediately kills all desire I might otherwise have had to communicate.
I experienced that when a narcissist that can never stop talking did a shade attempt saying that people are shy just as escapism
I'm not obligated to join every conversation, specially when it's a boring one and I could be working instead.
So, as one of the few real oldies on here
'sup fellow oldie!!! lol
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