How is nmixx got 287k sold albums in hanteo but in gaon not?

  • How big is the difference in Gaon and Hanteo? If it’s not big then relax. It’s just because Gaon calculate the month so it will add up next month. Even if it’s a big difference where Hanteo is bigger (which is so unlikely because I don’t think jyp is that stupid but expect some people to tell you it's like the 4minute case).

    There’s also the possibility that their album might be calculated separately because a portion of sales were in a different time period before debut (that's what I read on twt, I am not sure myself).



    Edited 2 times, last by Yumeku ().

  • but the album was release 22 february

    because they were already selling album on hanteo

    only the other version was release 25 february

    which means they had a full week of tracking

    and in Gaon the numbers are?

    their gaon number is 161K album

    Which is pretty much the sales they had for their debut album from february 22th to February 27th

  • but the album was release 22 february

    because they were already selling album on hanteo

    Only the blind package shipped on the 22nd. The other came out on the 25th.


    also in another tweet someone pointed out that the end of Hanteo's first week lined up with the end of the Gaon monthly chart and both had them around 160k.

  • So the blind package has 60k sales. So we will say they sold 100k with the light version which was released on Friday 25. On Saturday and Sunday the sales dropped so it couldn’t top Young Luv. They’re pretty disadvantaged.

    Gaon tracking week starts to Monday to Sunday.

    They have a significant growth on Monday. So it’s clear they have a chance to rise this week on Gaon.

    Also I forgot that Gaon ended on 28th, so they have no chance to compensate with the upcoming sales.

  • Forget NMIXX, their Gaon numbers will increase drastically when the March results are released.

    I'm actually more peeved at Gaon with Yuri's debut album. How dafug she sold 92k on Hanteo but Gaon only shows 89k albums shipped????

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  • Forget NMIXX, their Gaon numbers will increase drastically when the March results are released.

    I'm actually more peeved at Gaon with Yuri's debut album. How dafug she sold 92k on Hanteo but Gaon only shows 89k albums shipped????

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    I've always seen it explained as returns being figured in when the gap is just a couple of thousand.

  • This is a great case to look at because it highlights a number of factors....

    GAON Sales

    So Gaon Sales are the amount that REGISTERED GAON Distributors declare to the Chart in this case Dreamus which distributed NMIXX's Albums

    HANTEO Sales

    Are Sales that REGISTERED HANTEO Retailers declare to their Charts.

    1st week Sales

    GAON Sales was 161k

    HANTEO Sales were 227k

    JYPn Blind Package

    This was a limited pre-order from around July 2021 for JYPE's new GG which we now know is NMIXX

    The Pre-Order Sales were around 60k+, Dreamus were not involved in the Sales so it wouldn't be included in the Gaon Sales but JYPE are registered with HANTEO so the sales would count.

    So to sum it up

    1st week Sales

    Dreamus: GAON Sales was 161k

    JYPE: 60k+ Albums that are not included for GAON

    HANTEO Sales were 227k

    The main reason that JYPE doesn't declare the JYPn Blind Package to GAON is because of the chances that they can be suspected of sajaegi

    HANTEO Sales include many non-Korean Retailers so their numbers could be higher than the GAON Sales numbers which is usually due to the Main Company being Distributor or that Company using a Foreign Distributor which is not registered at GAON

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