Another fellow brazilian lmao, I started to noticed it when you recommended Anitta on some other post.
But yeah, I can't agree more, specially when jmusic is taken in consideration. I think that kpop will eventually get mainstream here, a dream? Yes, but we can't just take it as a defeat, we will endure, and maybe someday kids will make fun of one another, saying "lol your mom like WG instead of SNSD".
honestly i think there's a good chance of kpop becoming mainstream here, Brazil might have a lot of flaws but we are super open minded to foreign artists. I'm not sure if you were already born but do you remember the time when arab/turkish music became A FEVER here because of O Clone? :-D there was also a time a french song called hey oh was a hit only in Brazil lmao and when Psy performed at the carnival here? Tbh BTS and BP are already played in some places, locals are even using BP music for memes. And even nugu groups had exposure and chance of being in big tv shows here like 24k and kard. My faves Monsta X having a group cover Hero on Fátima Bernardes i think it's only a matter of time before it explodes here.