Jae vs Jay Park: Who's worse?
Neither is super great and JYP has done some messed up things before without a doubt, but if I had to pick one, I’d go with Jae for now. Some of his jokes are really sexist and messed up. Not to mention how he’s a terrible friend. At least JYP treats Stray Kids with respect. I can’t say the same about Jae who called all idols brainwashed. Have a great day/night!
Edit: Apparently I misinterpreted Jay Park as JYP. That is my bad. I have no idea who Jay Park is, so feel free to ignore my comment. I would delete it, but I don't know if that's an option, so I figured the least I could do is admit my mistake.
Although it's "just" one incident, Jae. He used misogyny as a condescending "joke" and laughed as if he really did something. The intent was there.
Jay Park has said a lot of controversial and problematic things, but when we take into consideration what he's done for artists and communities, he comes across as someone who has the right intentions despite being bad with words in defense of artists signed to his labels. It's often not him who's guilty of questionable behavior (cultural appropriation, specifically); it's the fact that he involves himself instead of staying out of it. I get that these are his artists he feels obligated to protect, but still, it's probably better for him to let it dwindle down on its own, especially when his artists are much less known than him anyway.
guys get cancelled for saying thot nowaday? I thought it was normal for guys to use the word thot
I hang out with guys too much
edit: okay seems the word thot is more serious than i thought
guys get cancelled for saying thot nowaday? I thought it was normal for guys to use the word thot
I hang out with guys too much
what kind of trash people you hang out with? do you get called a thot by your friends like Jamie did by Jae?
As someone who always had more guy friends than female friends, if they call me thot, they wil get their ears boxed so hard it will ring for the rest of their life
guys get cancelled for saying thot nowaday? I thought it was normal for guys to use the word thot
I hang out with guys too much
Well... Jamie didn't like the fact that Jae called her a thot.
EDIT: also this is kind of like when a male classmate that I was kind of close to made a joke about me, which made me actually uncomfortable. (even though I didn't say anything about it.)
TW: mention of r*pe
He said that he was going to rape me, but he meant it as a joke.
guys get cancelled for saying thot nowaday? I thought it was normal for guys to use the word thot
I hang out with guys too much
The word itself is something we shouldn't be saying anyway, but it's worse when using it to describe a friend. Not to mention Jamie has explicitly expressed concern over being objectified, sexualized, and negatively depicted.
Sure, there are lots of "bro" circles that use that word casually and some women don't mind it, but that's a whole lot of internalized misogyny. People aren't always aware certain behavior is wrong because it's so ingrained. Jae comes from a background of having numerous women who are fans of his and, given how "general audience" K-pop is, this is inexcusable. Consider that he said something along the lines of:
"Now that I'm not a K-pop idol anymore, I can say this. Jamie, why you gotta be such a ____?" -
Thot (that hoe over there) is very very derogatory. Even guys I'm cool with I will never ever let them call me that.
Although it's "just" one incident, Jae. He used misogyny as a condescending "joke" and laughed as if he really did something. The intent was there.
Jay Park has said a lot of controversial and problematic things, but when we take into consideration what he's done for artists and communities, he comes across as someone who has the right intentions despite being bad with words in defense of artists signed to his labels. It's often not him who's guilty of questionable behavior (cultural appropriation, specifically); it's the fact that he involves himself instead of staying out of it. I get that these are his artists he feels obligated to protect, but still, it's probably better for him to let it dwindle down on its own, especially when his artists are much less known than him anyway.
So Jae gets told off for using bad words but Jay gets a pass?
They haven't called me a thot thankfully but I've heard them say it about other women. But I live in a country that isn't english speaking. I always assumed the word didn't hold any significant meaning, just a meme word from the "begone thot" joke
guys get cancelled for saying thot nowaday? I thought it was normal for guys to use the word thot
I hang out with guys too much
I mean depends who your friends are I guess playful banter is fine .
They haven't called me a thot thankfully but I've heard them say it about other women. But I live in a country that isn't english speaking. I always assumed the word didn't hold any significant meaning, just a meme word from the "begone thot" joke
To put it in perspective its very derogatory toward women, if you call a woman you know thot, means you have less respect for her than dirt
Neither of them gets a pass. I'm referring specifically to their social media antics (Jae on Twitch and Jay Park on Twitter).
The topic refers to who's "worse," not who gets a pass and who doesn't. I'm looking at intention here. Jae said what he said to be "funny" and for "bro clout." Jay Park involved himself to defend his artists under his label, although I don't think what they did should be defended.
Well... Jamie didn't like the fact that Jae called her a thot.
EDIT: also this is kind of like when a male classmate that I was kind of close to made a joke about me, which made me actually uncomfortable. (even though I didn't say anything about it.)
TW: mention of r*pe
He said that he was going to rape me, but he meant it as a joke.
Yikes, that is definitely not a joke, much less an even remotely funny one. I hope he apologized at least. Jae should have asked Jamie if she was okay with that joke first before saying it if he really was a good friend and never should have said it while she wasn't there to defend herself or tell him to stop. Or just never say it in the first place. Have a great day/night!
Well... Jamie didn't like the fact that Jae called her a thot.
EDIT: also this is kind of like when a male classmate that I was kind of close to made a joke about me, which made me actually uncomfortable. (even though I didn't say anything about it.
I think no one should think **** can be used as a joke. Next time he did this, just tell him straight up it’s not cool and don’t do that again. Maybe he genuinely don’t know and telling him will make it clear
To put it in perspective its very derogatory toward women, if you call a woman you know thot, means you have less respect for her than dirt
Oh god
If you watch the follow up clip, he explains he said it bc of the outfit she wears and the way she expresses herself on her photos
I wouldnt buy he didnt know thing
I don't know either dude but the fact that people here think THOT is a meme joke has me rolling. THOT is an acronym for THAT HO OVER THERE. and he sat here and wrote a bitch ass apology trying to justify his excuse for saying it to a friend who he KNEW was struggling with things like this. He laughed his ass off before saying NOW THAT I'M NOT IN KPOP laughed his bitch ass, off some more, than said why is she trying to be a THOT, before laughing again, and saying TELL HER GO AHEAD AND TELL HER. If it was some internal joke she would NOT have reacted the way she did on social media. THOT is extremely derrogatory and been around LONGER THAN 10 YEARS here in AMERICA. He's AMERICAN he knew very well what the fuck he is saying. He's a disrespectful piece of shit and better count his blessings if she even forgives him. Anyone trying to justify or excuse his behavior needs a fucking reality check. He hurt a friend who's been there for him for many years and his apology is piss ass poor. He's a 29 year old man, acting like a 13yr old who hasn't hit puberty. Absolutely no excuse.
If you watch the follow up clip, he explains he said it bc of the outfit she wears and the way she expresses herself on her photos
I wouldnt buy he didnt know thing
I was talking about fantasygoose’s own story. Not Jae.
About Jae, yeah he knows exactly what it means. I’m glad Jimin told him off. What put me off the most was the way he laughed after saying that, like it was the funniest thing ever.. such douchebag
I was kidding
I’ll change my pepe
I was kidding
I’ll change my pepe
oof my fault i thought you were serious lol
To add to this, both Jay Park and Jae expressed criticism towards JYPE and the K-pop system, but the difference is that Jay Park put in work to create an outlet for artists (including former K-pop idols) seeking an alternative route for their careers. He's been consistent in supporting them regardless of where they come from, whether it's company, country, or region. Sometimes he says things that shouldn't be said just to defend them, but he never does it just to shade anyone or get a reaction.
In contrast, Jae threw fellow artists under the bus. He insulted Jamie, unprovoked, as a joke because he knew he'd get clout for doing so. It reeks of sense of entitlement and a superiority complex.
oof my fault i thought you were serious lol
I thought the running pepe gave it away
I thought the running pepe gave it away
I'm slow today lol sorry lol
To add to this, both Jay Park and Jae expressed criticism towards JYPE and the K-pop system, but the difference is that Jay Park put in work to create an outlet for artists (including former K-pop idols) seeking an alternative route for their careers. He's been consistent in supporting them regardless of where they come from, whether it's company, country, or region. Sometimes he says things that shouldn't be said just to defend them, but he never does it just to shade anyone or get a reaction.
In contrast, Jae threw fellow artists under the bus. He insulted Jamie, unprovoked, as a joke because he knew he'd get clout for doing so. It reeks of sense of entitlement and a superiority complex.
Next month I’m gonna sponsor a badge for you.
Poor mod with no moving badges 🤣
Anyways back to topic
I never liked Jay Park but like superyeah said he overcame his controversies by establishing AOMG, while Jae is doing the complete reverse by sparking controversies here and there with his lack of care with the words he use in favor of this "freedom" after leaving JYP ~and K-Pop, like he said~, even putting the people who stood with him during his hard times under the bus. If he truly care for DAY6 or/and the members he should be very careful with the things he do because despite him not being a member now it also reflects in the band's name since he made a career because of them, and in the end people will associate him with DAY6. -
I always think having a direct victim is worse. It also doesn't help that in Jae's case, the victim was supposed to be a friend whose insecurities and troubles (especially regarding this issue) he must be privy too (I mean, she even addressed them publicly), so he's just a whole other tier of toxic.
Although it's "just" one incident, Jae. He used misogyny as a condescending "joke" and laughed as if he really did something. The intent was there.
Jay Park has said a lot of controversial and problematic things, but when we take into consideration what he's done for artists and communities, he comes across as someone who has the right intentions despite being bad with words in defense of artists signed to his labels. It's often not him who's guilty of questionable behavior (cultural appropriation, specifically); it's the fact that he involves himself instead of staying out of it. I get that these are his artists he feels obligated to protect, but still, it's probably better for him to let it dwindle down on its own, especially when his artists are much less known than him anyway.
That also is what makes him a good man. Someone people would want by their side. You have someone who shows loyalty and will help or protect you even when it's not in their own best interest to do so.
That type of behavior is admirable the world would have less problems if there were more jay parks in it
[Excessively inflammatory comment regarding a sensitive topic]
lmao right? I've seen Jay Park fans celebrate his fuckboyness but then turn around and get offended when he does/says shit they don't like.
Like Jay Park has always been a fuckboy and honestly he seems proud of it. So it shouldn't be a shock to anyone when he does dumb shit.
Same for Jae but honestly he's worse because he doesn't seem to try to sincerely apologize or seem sorry.
was that supposed to be a joke?? cause it's not funny at all
I never liked Jay Park but like superyeah said he overcame his controversies by establishing AOMG, while Jae is doing the complete reverse by sparking controversies here and there with his lack of care with the words he use in favor of this "freedom" after leaving JYP ~and K-Pop, like he said~, even putting the people who stood with him during his hard times under the bus. If he truly care for DAY6 or/and the members he should be very careful with the things he do because despite him not being a member now it also reflects in the band's name since he made a career because of them, and in the end people will associate him with DAY6.I'm going to sound like a Jay Park fanboy here, but I looked a lot into this while I first got into K-pop and was amazed at what I discovered.
Jay Park also left JYPE on decent terms and thanked the company, his fellow group members, Park Jin-young himself, and his 2PM fans for the opportunity. He was extremely grateful. Remember, he didn't actually want to leave suddenly like that. He left because he got exposed for private rants he made during his trainee days about the K-pop industry and Korean society. He actually matured as a person by this point, but the Korean public still wasn't ready to forgive him. It was his choice to leave; he didn't want to affect the group negatively by being there. Park Jin-young was willing to let him stay.
He got blacklisted by Korea afterwards, but it was Park Jin-young (J.Y. Park) who convinced major media outlets to give him a second chance. Jay then used that opportunity to rekindle his relationship with Korea and established new opportunities for other artists.
A lot of new K-pop stans only know of his controversial tweets, but Jay Park accomplished a lot for the industry. Bridges were formed. A big reason many idols we see today are getting decent contracts and deals after their idol contracts are done is this. The AOMG and H1ghr Music formula made that possible. Look at GOT7 members (who also came from JYPE) being able to work out a plan for themselves successfully.
This is in stark contrast to former DAY6 member Jae's situation. He didn't care about how any of this could affect his former bandmates or other artists. His whole thing is about himself and how the company didn't promote his solo work enough even though JYPE had no obligation to do any of that; they might even be contractually limited. He should have been grateful the company allowed him to have his own thing on the side. If anything, he disrespected DAY6 and thought he was above them. Dissing Jamie as a "joke" was the final straw.
was that supposed to be a joke?? cause it's not funny at all
Ikr some people are just sick. Whoever that is is worse than anything jay park could ever be. To be all giddy about jihad so because someone feeling got hurt because he said something its totally ok to be fine with someone being killed for it? Just wow this is the reason why so many people hate "woke" people because they are the most hypocrites claim for tolerance and freedom yet are the most oppressive and intolerant even to the point that death to anyone who is"against" them is okay. Funny how nobody else thinks that way but them🤡
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