My stupid predictions for kpop 2022

  • well we know this year is going to be worse than last year because kep1er set this year off to a terrible start. thanks kep1er, if this year goes terribly I will make sure to have you all put in jail.

    boring 3rd gen predictions. who cares about these people anymore. sorry.

    Red velvet:

    - Irene acting gig that is again, going to be some boring-ness. girl, didn't you get with the program? jisoo knew what she was doing when she signed on to snowdrop! looks like irene didn't when she signed onto that boring ass movie!

    - Wendy solo, this one even boring-er, maybe the title track will make us live for a week then it'll fade into darkness. c'mon, what does wendy really give us? what does she contribute to climate change? nothing. ok.

    - Seulgi solo (honestly don't expect much from her. sorry.)

    - Joy ?? I don't really know what she's gonna do. maybe wear another 20 dollar dress at an award show. good job joy. saving the planet one day at a time.

    - Yeri ?? who cares.

    - Group: 1 comeback this year and another Japanese comeback. Korean comeback will age like Psycho. (hopefully not) Velvet concept, c'mon conspiracy theorists!


    - at least 3 members leaving this gig

    - like 5 comebacks because JYP needs money so they can fuel JYPn's flop debut.

    - Japanese comeback (will make no noise)

    - just un-happiness.

    - we're not getting icsm 2.0, sorry.


    - don't win that grammy I'm sorry the grammy's have standards. not really but do you think butter is seriously grammy-worthy like ???

    - 2 comebacks.

    - more English mess


    - this will be their year

    - literally will have the most entertaining comeback of 2022

    - hit after hit

    - full album will be okay, not good but okay IDK.

    - maybe 3 good songs, the rest will be skips.

    - Jennie gets another solo and it'll be a huge hit

    - jisoo gets nothing girl you deserve the dungeon

    4th gen here we come. who cares. god I hate kep1er.


    - literally running this 4th gen gig, idc what delusional Kep1er fans say. They literally stand out from the pack. don't know how since they're so boring to watch.

    - first big scandal. I blame wendy.

    - 2 comebacks (1 hit, the other one will do well) both minis.

    - good year for them but musically I don't see anything new. their MVs will still suck. fck you SM!


    - 4th gen's new blackpink

    - wonyoung will literally beome jennie 2.0, kpop fans need someone to hate every generation! 2nd gen it was taeyeon, 3rd gen it was jennie, and now 4th gen is our main girl wonyoung

    - literally, the other girls will be paid dust, idk about y'all but I don't even know any of the other girls names, like who are these back up dancers

    - wonyoung will sky rocket in fame #itgirl

    - Yujin will fall behind wonyoung cause starship likes wonyoung more lmao

    - 2 comebacks (mediocore)


    - 1 lackluster comeback then hiding away in shadows for the rest of the year

    - Huening Kai's sister gets no lines at all.

    - still not in sync when dancing

    - Yujin outshines them all.

    - idk their names sorry.


    - change of concept

    - no more emo music

    - very American pop sounding music

    - kind of like how pop artists are trying to be deep but come off one-note.

    - the opposite of BTS in music.

    -even more auto tune and random-ass screeching high notes. give taehyun a break will ya?


    - 2 comebacks for 127

    - 2 comebacks for dream

    - 1 comeback for wayv

    - lucas comes back and gets dragged by knetz lmao

    - 3 more scandals since these men are always embarrassing me.

    - a highly successful year for these gays.

    - 2 new flop ass members girl screw you SM.

    Stray Fads

    - of course, we know 2 comebacks already

    - they will literally be the biggest BG from JYP

    - Xdinary heroes and loud become treasure 2.0

    - okay maaaybe not xdinary hereos they look somewhat promising

    - basically just slayful ness

    - for the music, bruh idk bang chan I love you but you gotta stop this.

    - maaaaybe a hit

    - idk they are so unpredictable. idk if their gonna make hits or messes.

    general predictions for 4th gen

    - stayc fails

    - weakly fails

    - treasure gets more promotion and maybe become hits if YG does their jobs right

    - boys planet 999 gets better songs and mvs and basically everything cause MNET hates women

    - basically, any group that is not from big4 flop.

    - hybe's girl groups go unnoticed lmao

    - trainee a become the biggest 4th gen BG (when do they even debut?)

    musically this year is gonna be bad. I can just see it. no hits. no jams. BTS will return with more terrible music. I will free you BTS don't worry. 2021 2.0. girl mess. KPOP keeps getting worse and worse like what I'm I suppose to do with this information bruh?

    Edited once, last by ellenote ().

  • Anticipate the next record breaking full album by the Emperors of kpop and the daesangs they'll add to their collection :pepelove2:

    NO! will not be wishing well for bts in 2022. will flop!

  • I'm busy now and just want akorns :pepe_akorns:

    But I still think good trolls know how to get their point across with much shorter posts :pepepizza:

    here you go using that derogatory word "troll" me no troll. me normal human. sawry. my point is across very well. I like talking I cannot shut up, even online, shorter posts suck. reporting you to the goverment. sawry.

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