I don't understand how people trust mnet after so many rigged shows??

  • It's not about trusting MNET about the votes and rigging nonsense

    It's about how Koreans are just voting for Koreans and international fans are voting for a mix of Koreans/Chinese/Japanese, and because of that the votes are overall heavily skewed to benefit Koreans.

    The reality now is that literally the person who was ranked last in the previous episode is now ranled top 9, while the person who was ranked 1st dropped to 16th. It's not about MNET doing some shady shit with the votes, it's about how Koreans are only voting for their own citizens.

    It's about how regardless of everything, 66 trainees from China and Japan sacrificed their time and effort to participate in the midst of a pandemic, and that only 1 of them right now has a chance to debut, whereas out of 33 Koreans, 8 of them have a chance to debut, and it's all because Koreans only vote for Koreans

  • I call it a toxic relationship :pepepizza: ... But in all seriousness, i don't know... People also invest their emotion too much on a SURVIVAL SHOW knowing how anyone can be eliminated specially with how Mnet doesn't play fair so it's like signing up for a disaster while knowing it will lead to a disaster just to be disappointed...

  • But since the beginning the Korean votes were 50%, no? Unfortunately even i who don't keep up with survival shows knew some koreans would pull their "mentality" and vote just for koreans ..

  • Mnet rn

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  • But since the beginning the Korean votes were 50%, no? Unfortunately even i who don't keep up with survival shows knew some koreans would pull their "mentality" and vote just for koreans ..

    but when I searched up a tutorial thingy it says you have to vote for one member per group. doesn't that mean they have to vote for the C and J girls?

  • But since the beginning the Korean votes were 50%, no? Unfortunately even i who don't keep up with survival shows knew some koreans would pull their "mentality" and vote just for koreans ..

    Yeah it is. And I'm not saying that Koreans are going to vote for Koreans at the start of the show because we don't know that. The fact that many people voted 3J into IZ*ONE shows that Koreans do vote for Japanese trainees.

    But for this time round, it's like the Koreans are somehow just voting Koreans. It feels like they are just doing it to spit international fans and be like 'hahaha I-roaches take this'. They literally don't care about the trainees, this time round shit is different, they are voting Koreans just for the sake of voting Koreans.

  • TBH, International K-Pop fans in general hate on K-Netizens every shot we can take, so why shouldn't they hate us I-Fans back too? XD; I bet if we had a chance to vote against K-Netizens' choice out of pure spite, we would do it too in a heartbeat............

    maybe somebody's been translating I-Netz comments about K-Netz to K-Netz on Korean Netizenbuzz or something and now they hate us too after seeing how much we've hated on them (sometimes/atp usually irrationally for no reason)? 🤷‍♀️ 😅 😪

    2NE1: "We paved the way...for everyone who is paving the way!"

  • tbh. They could have just do top 3 in each group. Then we can guarantee 3 in each C,J,K group.

  • I just knew that would happen. It's so predictable.

    That's why I don't waste time with these survivals.

    It's about how Koreans are just voting for Koreans and international fans are voting for a mix of Koreans/Chinese/Japanese, and because of that the votes are overall heavily skewed to benefit Koreans.

  • :pepe-clown-gear:

    Don’t forget mama in a few months when there will bots, mass voter manipulation and fan wars while Mnet ignores it all and does whatever as usual lol

    Mama is the biggest joke, we been knew. They are supposed to be Asian music awards but only Koreans get the awards and are being presented as the best of the best of Asia...

  • It's not even just about rigging issues or anything like that. The show itself is just fundamentally flawed. Like Mnet obviously wanted to get International money out of this show that's supposed to make a global group from trainees from three different countries. But if that's the case, then why give Korean voters so much weight? What Koreans want and what International kpop fans want don't exactly align a lot of times. So who is this show actually catering to? Or do they expect International fans to just be sheep and throw money at the group while they cater specifically towards their small group of kfans who would've have preferred that this show didn't have any Chinese or Japanese contestants in the first place? Who is exactly happy with anything?? The whole thing is just insulting and one big farce. I'm just sick of it.

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