There nothing wrong with criticizing groups but there's a fine line between criticism and straight up being hateful

  • So i this video got recommend to me and i told myself i should give it go and watch it

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    i like to hear people's criticism and there reasons on why they don't like certain songs to me criticism is important and it helps groups developed and go further but this YouTuber is straight up mean and hatful there is no criticism and insightfulness behind this person's claims , calling itzy shitzy and mocking Wendy almost deadly accident isn't funny there's nothing amusing about this besides this person called Skz songs noise without listening to them how do you want people to take seriously ? She tries to passe her critics as quirkiness but it ain't it there's nothing funny about her videos and she should take people insight on her videos

  • i think saying negative stuff about the work is criticism and saying negative stuff about the artist is hate

    Plain and simple

    You put your work out there, you have to accept people who like and dislike it

    But not personal attackz

    u r m o m g a y


  • I don't know anything about this YouTuber, but just based on that cringefest of an intro they are definitely desperate for attention so they resort to tiredass drags on groups so they can cry about how "everyone is mean to them for having an opinion :pleading: ". I always assume YouTubers like this don't have a single video on their channel about something they actually like.

  • So i this video got recommend to me and i told myself i should give it go and watch it

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    i like to hear people's criticism and there reasons on why they don't like certain songs to me criticism is important and it helps groups developed and go further but this YouTuber is straight up mean and hatful there is no criticism and insightfulness behind this person's claims , calling itzy shitzy and mocking Wendy almost deadly accident isn't funny there's nothing amusing about this besides this person called Skz songs noise without listening to them how do you want people to take seriously ? She tries to passe her critics as quirkiness but it ain't it there's nothing funny about her videos and she should take people insight on her videos

    I got it in my recs too, found the video pretty dumb like at least listen to the song once before one says it. Stuff like this is why no one takes kpop criticism seriously really it's always one of two polar sides, the one's who find everything the greatest thing ever and hate criticism or the ones who hate but make it over silly personal reasons.

  • Youtube videos are another breed. Honestly sometimes they are too negative and blow things out of proportions

    I don't like watching them at all lol


    bf8564d98af24361d0590896c941048f9c781516.gifv 113c3e0e8e47532a0f6e02950f2765764a166a8c.gifv ea538e39aff2514e678056be42c87abdbaefb377.gifv

  • Also this video, like jeongyeon is resting. I dunno why she complaining about her lines. Her mental health is more important.

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  • Majority of these YT "unpopular opinions" are just a disguise to downright hate on groups and deflect backlash for it. Most of the opinions aren't even "unpopular", just hateful and used by antis of certain groups.

  • So i this video got recommend to me and i told myself i should give it go and watch it

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    i like to hear people's criticism and there reasons on why they don't like certain songs to me criticism is important and it helps groups developed and go further but this YouTuber is straight up mean and hatful there is no criticism and insightfulness behind this person's claims , calling itzy shitzy and mocking Wendy almost deadly accident isn't funny there's nothing amusing about this besides this person called Skz songs noise without listening to them how do you want people to take seriously ? She tries to passe her critics as quirkiness but it ain't it there's nothing funny about her videos and she should take people insight on her videos

    I really don't like this youtuber. She disguises hate under cristisim and whenever someone calls her out for it she pulls out the race card and her fans hate on that person to death. She even once said this about Suga on a video similiar to the one you put "Still ruining BTS songs"?

  • I really don't like this youtuber. She disguises hate under cristisim and whenever someone calls her out for it she pulls out the race card and her fans hate on that person to death. She even once said this about Suga on a video similiar to the one you put "Still ruining BTS songs"?

    I know they do this for buzz but it's getting out of hands and like the criticism are really weird

  • Also this video, like jeongyeon is resting. I dunno why she complaining about her lines. Her mental health is more important.

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    Because this person doesn't follow the groups they're talking about they just use them for clout

  • So i this video got recommend to me and i told myself i should give it go and watch it

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    i like to hear people's criticism and there reasons on why they don't like certain songs to me criticism is important and it helps groups developed and go further but this YouTuber is straight up mean and hatful there is no criticism and insightfulness behind this person's claims , calling itzy shitzy and mocking Wendy almost deadly accident isn't funny there's nothing amusing about this besides this person called Skz songs noise without listening to them how do you want people to take seriously ? She tries to passe her critics as quirkiness but it ain't it there's nothing funny about her videos and she should take people insight on her videos

    Thank you for this and for the examples. More people needed to hear and be reminded.

    However, what are the parameters or possible things to consider (like tone online, words used, etc.) when taking criticism? Because in my experience, people really think something is hateful when it's simply the truth. AKP isn't full of people who use critical thinking on a daily basis, after all, and jump the gun when their feelings are hurt.

    For example, using the word "if" denotes a possibility, not really a truth and even the person who used it acknowledges it. But to someone else, it might be negative.

    Any thoughts, selfmate and HardcoreBLINK ? I saw some of your takes on several topics, and feel like we could learn something from you both (except when you're trolling 😂).

  • me?

    here it's been done lol

    and this

    this is the internet where a majority of the communication can only be done via words and english words at that (where for a lot of us English may not be our first language) and thus all the non-verbal communication is lost thus one person's criticism may be construed by another as shade or bashing...

  • Ooh! I'll go ahead and check that thread out!

  • Constructive criticism is straightforward but stans of said group will always perceive it as hate speech lol

    That's how it's always been & will always be

  • they think that if they say "in my opinion" then a shield magically appears in front of them and no one can criticize their shitty hot takes. idk whats with kpoppies dragging itzy lately when they were up midzy's ass at the beginning talking about "best ngg" success stans r us

    then again they might have been inspired by AKP :suure:

    Exactly, hit the mark right there

    And yeah they ITZY obsession haters got towards them is so bizarre. Almost like a career for these people

  • IMO, the line is intent and it goes both ways;. Sometimes a post may be about a negative opinion, but the intent is not to bash/shade. Sometimes it very much is intended to be snide. And our interpretation of that post and its intent also governs our response. Do we think the person is usually shady? Then yes, we will be assuming bad intentions. Maybe we don't? They might be given the benefit of the doubt.

    This is what makes it so difficult - determining a person's intent. And that can really cloud any effort at intelligent discussion because we can't put our constant assumption of shade and the emotion involved with it aside.

    Disclaimer: I want to make it clear I am not excluding myself from this, though I do believe awareness of this tendency is the first step to trying to avoid such a situation.

  • The amount that HardcoreBLINK trolls makes it hard to take almost anything he says seriously. It's sad because I am sure he does have ideas with merit. But people aare going to squint to see the shade before anything else.

  • IMO, the line is intent and it goes both ways;. Sometimes a post may be about a negative opinion, but the intent is not to bash/shade. Sometimes it very much is intended to be snide. And our interpretation of that post and its intent also governs our response. Do we think the person is usually shady? Then yes, we will be assuming bad intentions. Maybe we don't? They might be given the benefit of the doubt.

    This is what makes it so difficult - determining a person's intent. And that can really cloud any effort at intelligent discussion because we can't put our constant assumption of shade and the emotion involved with it aside.

    Disclaimer: I want to make it clear I am not excluding myself from this, though I do believe awareness of this tendency is the first step to trying to avoid such a situation.

    None of us is excluded, because we're human and we all make mistakes. It's stupid to act as if you're perfect because nobody is. Others get mad at other people when they do the same thing, though. :clown:

    I always give people the benefit of the doubt but when I start noticing patterns and other people have also noticed something, I stay away or do 'grey rock.' While not everyone is really malicious, their actions (that they're not aware of) can still affect other people like me. I stay away for my mental health.

  • None of us is excluded, because we're human and we all make mistakes. It's stupid to act as if you're perfect because nobody is. Others get mad at other people when they do the same thing, though. :clown:

    I always give people the benefit of the doubt but when I start noticing patterns and other people have also noticed something, I stay away or do 'grey rock.' While not everyone is really malicious, their actions (that they're not aware of) can still affect other people like me. I stay away for my mental health.


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