Why is Heejin often the main member to get hate for getting lots of lines?

  • Genuine curiosity but often on LOONA's line distribution videos it's MOSTLY (please notice I am saying mostly before y'all say X gets hate too) Heejin that gets hate for getting lots of lines, despite other members, e.g. Chuu, Kim Lip, Jinsoul, also having lots of lines continuously, and sometimes more. Please note I'm not hating on LOONA at all, they're one of my ults so don't attack me.

    Does anyone have a logical reason why? Judging from past comebacks and live stages, Heejin is clearly main vocal material along with the others, given her range and stability (yes, I understand this isn't all a main vocal is but it's hard to judge LOONA's techniques given from what I've seen/heard, BBC doesn't give them proper vocal training, apart from Haseul who's been trained in the past - correct me if I'm wrong).

    It's different if people are saying X deserve more lines but blaming another member when it is out of their control, imagine how they'd feel if they saw those comments - EVERGLOW's Mia suffered the same during DUN DUN era.

    Another argument is how she gets lots of center time and I thought people would understand that it's not only insinuated that she's the center of the group, but also as a result of having more lines, she will inevitably get more center time which as I stated above, is out of her control and is also up to the choreographer before someone argues "Not everyone who sings is in the center at the time". Again, it's not as if other members don't also consistently get lots of center time for reasons similar as Heejin's.

    But yes, if anyone has a reason that isn't "She's gotten lots of lines before", as I've previously mentioned that other members have as well, then please let me know as I'm genuinely curious. Also please don't bash others and say X doesn't deserve x lines of center times because all the girls have worked had and yes I understand some members are consistently done dirty but again IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE MEMBERS.

    Stream & and PTT.

    edit: many responses have said thing about screentime so i wanted to add it is equally a result of heejins lines which i've banged on enough about above but also the fault of bbc's editors and again, other members get similar screentime too. the most logical conclusion i've come to is that heejin arguably stands out the most and people hate on her for that... the jealousy really jumps out. and before someone says "she gets the best hair or outfits", fashion is objective and depends on who wears what - we've seen all those model vs kpop idol clothin comparisons (so just admit and accept that you think she's pretty). it's also not as if she's the only member who's dyed their hair and had a striking colour e.g. gowon's hair in why not, choerry's hair in butterfly.


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    Edited 2 times, last by potatopotahto ().

  • potatopotahto

    Changed the title of the thread from “Why is Heejin often the only to get hate for getting lots of lines?” to “Why is Heejin often the main member to get hate for getting lots of lines?”.
  • I guess so, I still wonder why they single out Heejin though.

    I do agree with Haseul's case given her main vocal position but I thought maybe BBC just didn't want to overwhelm her right after her coming back from mental health problems - similar to Mina from Twice's case. Hopefully next comeback she'll get more.


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  • I think it has something to do with screentime.

    Heejin often gets one of the best scenes and shes just damn gorgeous thats why in the eyes of people, they think Heejin always overshadowed the other members.

    Also those who hate on her are not orbits. Jusy casual listeners smh

  • I think it has something to do with screentime.

    Heejin often gets one of the best scenes and shes just damn gorgeous thats why in the eyes of people, they think Heejin always overshadowed the other members.

    Also those who hate on her are not orbits. Jusy casual listeners smh

    That actually makes sense, remind me of how Aespa's Karina was made fun of after debut by Knetz for her appearance because others thought she was pretty - kinda sucks how you can be hated just for looking nice :/

    So true but it sucks seeing so many people agreeing and bandwagon on the hate :(


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  • I think it has something to do with screentime.

    Heejin often gets one of the best scenes and shes just damn gorgeous thats why in the eyes of people, they think Heejin always overshadowed the other members.

    Also those who hate on her are not orbits. Jusy casual listeners smh

    In the position description section on kprofiles she is the only member with so many

    Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper, Visual, Center

    I think this says it all

  • cause she is center

    Nayeon get stupid hate for that tho

    Even yeji get hate even she isn't center but she is better vocalist than ryujin so she get lines tho

    I can't understand with hate on center cause this fault of producers no them

    I remember wonyoung said one producer wish

    She sing last line of panorama song but this high pitch and nasal so the people prefer deep vocal even wonyoung can sing with lower vocal but prefer nasal

    Edited once, last by izoniee ().

  • so true, it sucks that center basically guarantees you hate and people don't understand that its the people behind the scenes, not the members themselves.

    alot of people don't realise that certain songs won't sound as good if different members sang specific songs either - some people just have more versatile vocal colours than others.


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  • honestly it's not just line distribution, for a while now Heejin and Chuu get the most spotlight, solo promotions, "push", etc.

    I'm not justify the hate, I think it's not the members fault, I think the party at fault is BBC for not knowing how to equally promote all 12 members of their group

    [+808,8] Jennie wears high heels larger than your oppa's dick, sit down

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  • has orbits been liking ptt? what the general reaction?

    from what i've seen everyone loves it and views/albums have been doing well


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  • heejin is just talented she is the best dancer in loona and one of the lead vocalists so yeah she does get more screentime but it's well deserved imo

    She's a quadruple threat. Visuals, vocals, rap and dance. And her speaking voice is super appealing as well.

    Why do so many of my 4th gen GG faves get so much hate? Soyeon, Mia and Heejin, let them breathe ffs. They cant help that they're the most talented all around aces of their groups.

  • The best dancer is definitely yves but heejin is the second best along with olivia

    it's Heejin actually she has come a long way. she wasn't the best at first but she improved a lot it's very impressive

  • She's a quadruple threat. Visuals, vocals, rap and dance. And her speaking voice is super appealing as well.

    Why do so many of my 4th gen GG faves get so much hate? Soyeon, Mia and Heejin, let them breathe ffs. They cant help that they're the most talented all around aces of their groups.

    loona isn't 4th generation they have been longer in the music industry than blackpink lol

    they have a bigger discography even before BP debuted

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