Jay Park Cancel party

  • People are getting mad about him saying that DNA remix is about him learning about his korean roots and accepting it

    meanwhile in the whole MV you see him with dread, people in the back have dreads and perm

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    and what's worst is that his PR told him to not post the video because it'll create a lot of backlash

    and what Jay park thought was the smartest move to do, not listen to his PR, post the video, and make a whole statement saying how people shouldn't be mad because Kpop fan fangirl about hair dye, so Jay park have the right to fanboy over Dreads

    and saying that the dreads aren't a big deal because it's part of the korean hip hop culture

    you could think that someone who grew up in the states, hang out with a lot of black artist would have been more aware about all of these but i guess it's not the case of JP '-'


    What jay park will do next to be even more cancel ??

  • personally the US's cultural appropriation issue is ridiculous to me. Hair is just hair. And don't come at me about dreads being only black culture. I am of old Javanese descent and we do have dreads in our culture so excuse me for not claiming much about it because unfortunately to those who are sensitive to the issue, I don't care if anyone wants to wear dreads. In my country wearing dreads or not, its both acceptable so the problematic thing is not the culture or the so called appropriation, its the country called United States of America that doesn't accept it that needs fixing.


    If he already knows its gonna create trouble and he still does it... like WHY?

  • Not really mad he brought up Asian Hate though. There is context to that. The black twitter stans that followed him after the BLM donations mostly unfollowed him after his first Asian Hate post. Some Asian stans also did the same, unfollowed him because of BLM and then followed him again after his Asian Hate post. Outside of JP's douchey tweets, it showed the ugly side of others in that app too. The side who only want to fight for their own color.

    • Official Post

    People just continually give him what he wants which is attention. People trying to cancel him have done more to promote the song than he did.

  • He probably does this on purpose to keep people talking about him. I honestly wouldn't even know who tf he is if I hadn't heard his name in relation to some controversy or another.

    Get ready for his outburst at getting backlash before his eventual apology :sketchyk:

  • personally the US's cultural appropriation issue is ridiculous to me. Hair is just hair. And don't come at me about dreads being only black culture. I am of old Javanese descent and we do have dreads in our culture so excuse me for not claiming much about it because unfortunately to those who are sensitive to the issue, I don't care if anyone wants to wear dreads. In my country wearing dreads or not, its both acceptable so the problematic thing is not the culture or the so called appropriation, its the country called United States of America that doesn't accept it that needs fixing.


    If he already knows its gonna create trouble and he still does it... like WHY?

    when y'all start saying stuff like this i know you don't actually get the point or want to get the point about why this upsets black americans. use the two braincells you clearly wrote this post with to think critically about WHY they only wear dreads and hairstyles like this when they're doing hip hop. THEY'RE the one who associate that stuff with black people and then boil it down to a stereotype to fit into "hip hop culture". its just annoying.

  • SooYoung I know your just in it for the drama, but if your gonna make a thread atleast be factually correct instead of taking screen grabs from twitter without reading his full statement in context.

    If you’d actually done that, you’d see he said he doesn’t agree with koreans wearing dreads.

    so Jay park have the right to fanboy over Dreads

    and saying that the dreads aren't a big deal because it's part of the korean hip hop culture

    So please correct your thread and stop lying because it just looks like you were too lazy to read his full statement and started spouting nonsense.

    Jay Park words on dreads were “ Do i think OK for Korean rappers to have dreads? I might not necessarily agree with it but who am i to say don’t do it”

  • Not really mad he brought up Asian Hate though. There is context to that. The black twitter stans that followed him after the BLM donations mostly unfollowed him after his first Asian Hate post. Some Asian stans also did the same, unfollowed him because of BLM and then followed him again after his Asian Hate post. Outside of JP's douchey tweets, it showed the ugly side of others in that app too. The side who only want to fight for their own color.

    you're truly talking about of your ass with this. how would anyone even be able to track who followed him for what post and left him for another post and what their race is?

  • when y'all start saying stuff like this i know you don't actually get the point or want to get the point about why this upsets black americans. use the two braincells you clearly wrote this post with to think critically about WHY they only wear dreads and hairstyles like this when they're doing hip hop. THEY'RE the one who associate that stuff with black people and then boil it down to a stereotype to fit into "hip hop culture". its just annoying.

    Your acting like all the rappers in the video are doing this for a fad. They are just emulating hip-hop culture. It’s what they were around/grew up with. It would make sense for them to want to look like/emulate their idols who did hip-hop. Since black people played a big part in that, hence why they “copy” their hairstyles.

    Everything the Korean hip-hop scene is dont out of respect/love for black hip-hop. It’s not like they are changing their hair as a joke or to be disrespectful.

  • LMAOOO please

    you're saying he dn't agree with koreans wearing braids

    but what he's doing in his whole video ? it's him wearing braids '-'

    Make some sense at least -_-

  • LMAOOO please

    you're saying he dn't agree with koreans wearing braids

    but what he's doing in his whole video ? it's him wearing braids '-'

    Make some sense at least -_-

    I’m not saying anything, i’m quoting his words from the comments section posted with the video.

    You used a quote from him that was fake, hence lying. If your gonna smear him, atleast be accurate.

    Just admit you were lazy and didn’t read his full statement.

    Also braids and dreads are too different things, but again, you don’t really care and are just talking out of your butt while being misinformed.

  • Your acting like all the rappers in the video are doing this for a fad. They are just emulating hip-hop culture. It’s what they were around/grew up with. It would make sense for them to want to look like/emulate their idols who did hip-hop. Since black people played a big part in that, hence why they “copy” their hairstyles.

    Everything the Korean hip-hop scene is dont out of respect/love for black hip-hop. It’s not like they are changing their hair as a joke or to be disrespectful.

    they are doing it as a fad tho. thats the whole point. they don't actually care about or respect black people outside of rap musicians. and jay park's response makes that clear as day. if hip hop wasnt popular and marketable they would not be doing any of this shit and thats the truth.

    its the same as the kpop stans that "respect" korean culture but are racist af towards regular asian people, asian stans and even just kpop artists they don't like.

  • when y'all start saying stuff like this i know you don't actually get the point or want to get the point about why this upsets black americans. use the two braincells you clearly wrote this post with to think critically about WHY they only wear dreads and hairstyles like this when they're doing hip hop. THEY'RE the one who associate that stuff with black people and then boil it down to a stereotype to fit into "hip hop culture". its just annoying.

    I have an opinion on why I don't get the US's CA issues. I do however understand the history of it's racism and to me it boils down to the country's inability to solve racism and the claiming of culture plus the appropriation that comes after, happens as a result of that. Thus the change that is needed is in fact the amalgamation of the country's races, instead of segregation of culture. That's thinking critically.

    You didn't even realize that you are implying that its okay to have this hairstyle as long as it's intent is not stereotyping, which is actually in line to what douchey Jay says. You probably don't even realize you are agreeing to Jay Park's words.

  • they are doing it as a fad tho. thats the whole point. they don't actually care about or respect black people outside of rap musicians. and jay park's response makes that clear as day. if hip hop wasnt popular and marketable they would not be doing any of this shit and thats the truth.

    its the same as the kpop stans that "respect" korean culture but are racist af towards regular asian people, asian stans and even just kpop artists they don't like.

    LOL, you think Jay Park and the countless other K rappers are doing hip-hop cause it’s popular???? What. That’s like saying every kpop star is getting into kpop cause it’s popular. That’s stupid. Most of them are artist first and have been rapping/immersed in hip-hop culture long before Khip-hop blew up.

    It’s such a cynical take that makes no sense. And you have zero evidence to back that up.

    Please some of you just need to read Jay Park’s full statement because it’s just coming off as ignorance. He talks about some artist growing up in predominately black neighborhoods abroad or just generally emphasizing with how the black community struggled but expressed that struggle through hip-hop and how they’ve admired/wanted to emulate that.

    None of this is done for spite or malice. It’s just a bunch of korean dudes that were so inspired by black hip-hop/culture they feel confident/happy dressing and looking like them.

    If there was hate or making fun of it, i get being upset, that black culture has grown so much that koreans kids half way across the world want to rap/dress like artist they look up to isn’t a problem.

  • you're truly talking about of your ass with this. how would anyone even be able to track who followed him for what post and left him for another post and what their race is?

    Easy. Go to twitter. His fans and haters are keeping track on it and makes threads after threads of users following and unfollowing him, just to be a receipt of some sort. Khh community in twitter is not that big so its easier to trace. His followers literally went down when he posted the Asian Hate on twitter. So by all means, as a fellow Asian I do think he has the right to be upset that while he supports BLM, the same support was unfound on his own race.

  • I have an opinion on why I don't get the US's CA issues. I do however understand the history of it's racism and to me it boils down to the country's inability to solve racism and the claiming of culture plus the appropriation that comes after, happens as a result of that. Thus the change that is needed is in fact the amalgamation of the country's races, instead of segregation of culture. That's thinking critically.

    You didn't even realize that you are implying that its okay to have this hairstyle as long as it's intent is not stereotyping, which is actually in line to what douchey Jay says. You probably don't even realize you are agreeing to Jay Park's words.

    thats not "thinking critically". thats a crock of bullshit. "the country's inability to solve racism"? you mean, the world's inability to solve racism? CA is not an inherently u.s problem. other countries just silence tf out of their minorities in general. mixing everything together is erasure, not unity. i didn't mention anything about segregation. you rlly think asking people not to wear dreads ect when they're pretending to be authentic hip hop artists is segragation?

    i don't think i defined anywhere in my post when its ok or not ok to wear these hairstyles. it is inherently a stereotype to wear these things when engaging in hip hop. it doesnt make you more hip hop to have braids. you can do hip hop without pretending to be black.

    jay parks statement is bs. anyone who refuses to understand where other people are coming from and just dismisses them deserves similar treatment. he knew people would have smtg to negative say about this and did it anyway. and right after his issue with muslim fans not even a month ago.

  • He's better than All Ur faves he's thé first Korean artist to speak and donate to blm and he educate and all his artists and tell them to speak about it and hé didn't speak about it After getting a back lash like some of Ur faves and also hé speak about asian hâte and he's using his Platforms in a good way also when Ur idols were silence almost all the Korean rappers speak about blm and they donate and they Always give crédit to black music and black artist. Si plz kpoopies leave khh Alone and mind Ur own business

  • He's better than All Ur faves he's thé first Korean artist to speak and donate to blm and he educate and all his artists and tell them to speak about it and hé didn't speak about it After getting a back lash like some of Ur faves and also hé speak about asian hâte and he's using his Platforms in a good way also when Ur idols were silence almost all the Korean rappers speak about blm and they donate and they Always give crédit to black music and black artist. Si plz kpoopies leave khh Alone and mind Ur own business

    Just because he donated money does not mean he is exempt from backlash for wearing things that he is not supposed to. I am guessing this is kinda similar to when Bigbang wore Cherokee Chief headdresses for their music videos, which was super disrespectful to my family's culture. I cannot say if he is right or wrong as I am not black, but since black people are saying it is wrong and disrespectful to them in masses on social media we cannot just shrug them off. We can still like their music but we have to hold them accountable for these things.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • LOL, you think Jay Park and the countless other K rappers are doing hip-hop cause it’s popular???? What. That’s like saying every kpop star is getting into kpop cause it’s popular.

    this is a joke right? do you even hear yourself? yeah...a majority of current gen kpop stars are becoming kpop stars bc kpop is popular and they want to be successful...hello?? how many groups do you see mentioning international achievements they have as goals almost solely bc they've seen bts do it?

    also it is not about what they were doing before khip hop blew up (it was always sizeable subculture in sk anyway before it was mainstream). it is about rap music being popular on a global scale and that is why even kpop emulates it heavily.

    i don't care to have a discussion on this anymore if you're not black. and if you are and we don't agree then we will never agree. jay park is full of shit and always has been. writing a long ass post "explaining" himself AFTER getting called out says more than you think it does

  • While I understand all this, I still think he knows it will create trouble and did it because he knows it will create trouble. But when trouble happens, the real message he's trying to present gets sweep under the rug. He wanna show that this is what khip hop is about, but his PR obviously notice that the message will be lost in translation with the video. And she's definitely right.

    Yet I gotta laugh at some twitter stans who had a problem with the guy in the afro, saying its not their dna. Lol who's stereotyping Asians now? Comedian Song Young Gil has a natural afro, and he's fully Korean. Tiger JK has so much volume in his hair people accused him once of CA too saying he is trying to be black with his afro. Korean ahjumma's literally have one of these styles plastered in their salons. Sometimes I wonder if these CA key board warriors even realize how ignorant they are despite of the "fight" they are attempting.

  • this is a joke right? do you even hear yourself? yeah...a majority of current gen kpop stars are becoming kpop stars bc kpop is popular and they want to be successful...hello?? how many groups do you see mentioning international achievements they have as goals almost solely bc they've seen bts do it?

    also it is not about what they were doing before khip hop blew up (it was always sizeable subculture in sk anyway before it was mainstream). it is about rap music being popular on a global scale and that is why even kpop emulates it heavily.

    i don't care to have a discussion on this anymore if you're not black. and if you are and we don't agree then we will never agree. jay park is full of shit and always has been. writing a long ass post "explaining" himself AFTER getting called out says more than you think it does

    Ok you just have a shit view on the world. Yes majority of these kids going to performing arts school since they were little ARE ALL in it to be global superstars like BTS. It’s not like they like to perform, or sing, or making music. They just want fame. Again, you have a cynical view on the industry that makes no sense.

    Even less when you factor in hip-hop stars make considerable less than kpop and purely survive off of their local scenes and through touring.

    You clearly think hip-hop/black culture should be segregated and only stay as a black phenomenon, which is stupid because that isn’t happening in the states and it’s definitely isn’t gonna happen around the world. Either you are fine with hip-hop/black expanding and influencing other culture or you want black culture to be separated forever which i don’t see how that helps the black community at all or why anyone would want less mixing of culture. But w.e.

    And i am black and i appreciate what the K-hip-hop scene has done and Jay Park for that matter in helping the scene grow. They don’t just copy hip-hop, but expand/add their own influences. Tons of K-rappers use pop more than those in the states or even some artist using a mix of hip-hop/edm to rap. They are expanding the genre while honoring it and i don’t have a problem with that.

  • While I understand all this, I still think he knows it will create trouble and did it because he knows it will create trouble. But when trouble happens, the real message he's trying to present gets sweep under the rug. He wanna show that this is what khip hop is about, but his PR obviously notice that the message will be lost in translation with the video. And she's definitely right.

    Yet I gotta laugh at some twitter stans who had a problem with the guy in the afro, saying its not their dna. Lol who's stereotyping Asians now? Comedian Song Young Gil has a natural afro, and he's fully Korean. Tiger JK has so much volume in his hair people accused him once of CA too saying he is trying to be black with his afro. Korean ahjumma's literally have one of these styles plastered in their salons. Sometimes I wonder if these CA key board warriors even realize how ignorant they are despite of the "fight" they are attempting.

    The CA argument makes no sense to be tbh. It’s not like this is a “concept” for them. Majority of these artist dress and wear their hair like that 95% of the time. It’s not like it’s a Kpop idol who went to a stylist for a M/V and got handed cloths because it fits the set or “vibe” the M/V is going for. Jay even talks about some of them talking to their parents about it, because obviously a conservative country doesn’t like the way they dress/look. So it’s not like this is a look for convenience.

    Majority of these artist have been doing hip-hop for majority of their lives and are ingrained in the culture. The Khip-hop scene has been a sub section of korean culture for awhile now.

    People just want to be upset to be upset. It’s the over wokeness of the left (and that’s coming from someone whose on the left). If they see that as their culture, whether by it’s what they grew up with or just what they want to be, everyone should just let it be. They aren’t trying to be hurtful and just trying to spread hip-hop/be themselves.

    It’s crazy how we’ll sit here and be fine with trans/gay people by saying “do what makes you happy” but we can give that same courtesy to everyone (again, saying this as a gay guy). They aren’t hurting anyone, they aren’t promoting anti-black stereotypes, so i’m REALLY confused by what’s the problem.

    Khip-hop artist that do nothing but pay homage to the black hip-hop artist who came before them by their cloths and their hair are NOT THE PROBLEM.

  • thats not "thinking critically". thats a crock of bullshit. "the country's inability to solve racism"? you mean, the world's inability to solve racism? CA is not an inherently u.s problem. other countries just silence tf out of their minorities in general. mixing everything together is erasure, not unity. i didn't mention anything about segregation. you rlly think asking people not to wear dreads ect when they're pretending to be authentic hip hop artists is segragation?

    i don't think i defined anywhere in my post when its ok or not ok to wear these hairstyles. it is inherently a stereotype to wear these things when engaging in hip hop. it doesnt make you more hip hop to have braids. you can do hip hop without pretending to be black.

    jay parks statement is bs. anyone who refuses to understand where other people are coming from and just dismisses them deserves similar treatment. he knew people would have smtg to negative say about this and did it anyway. and right after his issue with muslim fans not even a month ago.

    The world? Please, the fact that you integrate the world into one problem shows how ignorant you are of racism things that happens outside the land of the states.

    CA is highly a prioritized subject mainly in the US. Its an American issue. A Nigerian lady came to my company, and the thing she asks is "Would my hair be a problem?" She has dreads. And we were confused why her hair would take over her skills? She said it was the problem she had in the US and she had it straighten for 5 years before going back to Nigeria. So is it a problem in my country? No. Its the US. Silence tf out? We, the rest of the world have not been saying anything because in some parts of the world, the US issues doesn't exist. What is a racial issue is the black comments the Nigerian lady gets around here, now that is our country's issue. So keep being an ignorant fool for trying to put this as a "World issue". Its not. Its specific and it needs to be corrected by it's own volition, not swiped for everyone in one answer.

    So unless you actually have real knowledge on actual racism in many parts of the world, don't even start.

    The Muslim thing. Lol. I am a Muslim and I can say this with clarity in my understanding, Allah means God in arabic. It's not the Islamic God's name, Allah/God has 99 names in Islam. Its Arabic language. If you have a problem with Allah but don't have a problem with Eminem saying "Why be a king when you can be God", then its hypocrisy to it's core. Arabs around don't have problem with it because they understood the implies of the lyric. Yet its Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims who have problems with it. You know why? Because the 2 country's Muslims claims the word Allah as their word. Even if in the land of Arabia Allah can be equally said by Muslims, Christians and Jews, in Indonesia and Malaysia, the Muslims have claimed it, other religion are fined if they do and in my POV as someone who do see context, these 2 country's Muslims are just sparing in bullshit and egoistical racism of their own with such high arrogance.

  • He's better than All Ur faves he's thé first Korean artist to speak and donate to blm and he educate and all his artists and tell them to speak about it and hé didn't speak about it After getting a back lash like some of Ur faves and also hé speak about asian hâte and he's using his Platforms in a good way also when Ur idols were silence almost all the Korean rappers speak about blm and they donate and they Always give crédit to black music and black artist. Si plz kpoopies leave khh Alone and mind Ur own business

    a bunch of fucking corporations owned by white men were rushing to post about BLM on their social media and donate. whether for a good cause or not, it can still be taken as a PR measure and shouldn’t provide them any sort of immunity from backlash

  • Khip-hop artist that do nothing but pay homage to the black hip-hop artist who came before them by their cloths and their hair are NOT THE PROBLEM.


    Well, Americans, or the people of US is just weird to me. Their issues aren't my issues but somehow reading through history I feel at times I understand more of their problems then they do. The racism is definitely taught in the US, that is very true. You need to be taught that its ok for black people to have dreads at work in the US while in my country, nobody cares if you have dreads as long as you can work.

  • Look, i do not care about CA or believe in cancel culture over CA but you have to be another type of stupid to pull of such an essay and

    video after literally having a similar controversy like a few weeks ago.

    Like I do not even care about his CA problems or controversies, just his whole ass attitude and ignorance is so annoying.

    I do not want to be his PR agent

    Digging his own grave like bob the builder hahah

    Jay Park sparks debate after posting comment on 'DNA Remix' MV


    Jay Park has sparked a debate once again after posting a comment on his music video for "DNA Remix".

    The AOMG and H1GHR MUSIC head previously caused outrage for the allegedly problematic lyrics for his 2020 track "MUKKBANG!", and after an initial response, he released a second apology. On June 15, Jay Park addressed the concerns about his allegedly racist and offensive lyrics once again in the comments for his "DNA Remix" MV, and it's now sparked a new session of debate among fans and listeners.

    Though some netizens seemed satisfied with his explanation, others weren't so pleased. Netizens on Twitter commented, "He almost had me in the first half, but then it got into BS territory," "He just keeps doing things, and the apologies just get worse and worse," "He really compared hair dye to dreads," and more.

    What are your thoughts on Jay Park's comment?


  • Hahahaa

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