What Personality Best Describes You? 46
Odd Todd (You're always out of place) (15) 33%
Late Nate (You're always late!) (11) 24%
Quiet Kelly (You hardly say a peep) (11) 24%
Messy Jesse (You don't care about your looks) (10) 22%
Positive Peter (You always look on the brightside!) (9) 20%
Book Brooke (You're always reading) (8) 17%
Early Shirley (You're always show up ahead of time) (7) 15%
Negative Nancy (You're always down about everything) (7) 15%
Broke Billy (You got little to no dough....) (6) 13%
Sassy Sally (You got twice the sass as the average person!) (6) 13%
Capybara Carrie (You are in a constant state of zen and are one with the universe UwU) (6) 13%
Sexy Lexy (You care most about your looks) (5) 11%
Wealthy Walter (You gots a lot of dough $) (4) 9%
Debbie Desperado (You're desperate) (3) 7%