Posts by tiaralia
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External Content open.spotify.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
6. I can't manage my expressionsI just can't hide it
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I am a pureblooded Asian, so rice ofc
NEO CITY tiaralia MyZen-L butterbutterfly @zuzuhhaa @laleria the101 Thank you for always being nice to me. When my day be ruined, what y'all said to me made me feel good. That's why I think everytime y'all such a warm person. 번역기 돌린 영어라서 문장이 어색 할 수도 있는데, 번역이 잘 됐으면 좋겠네요 제발. 당신들은 내가 인터넷을 하면서 만난 가장 착하고 성격이 좋은 사람들입니다. 언어가 달라서 소통에 어려움이 있을텐데도 불구하고 제 질문에 항상 친절하게 답해주고 가끔씩 번역기 돌려서 한국어로 말을 걸어주시는 것에 대해 감사를 표합니다
항상 긍정적인 사람이 되어주셔서 감사합니다
Oh finally a complete list
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This is the drama version and the story is so good
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what's your next mission
the chorus part gives me chills
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Morning: cleanser, toner, essence, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen.
I repeat those at night except for sunscreen.
I wear it if only I'm out of the house and when I'm using the computer
Such a handsome man
are you sure they are just praying