Everglow's Yiren under fire for posting in support of Xinjiang cotton labor

  • Everglow's Yiren under fire for posting in support of Xinjiang cotton labor



    Article: Everglow member Yiren posts in support of Xinjiang cotton from Uyghur forced labor

    Source: Insight

    1. [+526] Could she still say this if her own family was being forced into labor like this?

    2. [+414] Screw off already

    3. [+150] Please stop adding Chinese members to idol groups... it really makes me uncomfortable

    4. [+133] How can you only think of the money in this situation... how much longer do you think your beauty will last?

    5. [+97] That character..

    6. [+70] Screw off

    7. [+269] All Chinese idols must be kicked out of their groups

    8. [+100] Entertainment agencies need to stop picking Chinese idols. How can they still not learn?

    9. [+11] Aigoo, child~ you're not listening, are you?

    10. [+12] Then you go labor for the cotton

    11. [+42] Please stop hiring Chinese idols

    12. [+37] If you like it so much, go screw off back to your country ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    13. [+15] I'm tired of Korean groups picking Chinese members. All they do is backstab you.

    14. [+4] Hul... could she say the same if she was Uyghur?

    15. [+2] She can go back to China if she wants to work there so badly

  • I get hate between Korea and China

    let's hope it's not another case like with RBW which seemed like someone hacked/posted something without knowledge of CEO's etc.

    + still hard for me to understand small barking dog here...

    • Official Post

    What's the point of Yuehua making a KOREAN group for KOREA and then setting them up like this lmao? They already had no chance to make it due to Yuehua's reputation, the chances were even lesser now due to China and Korea's conflicts, but this was the nail on the coffin.

    I'm disappointed but not surprised, since she's a Chinese idol from a Chinese company. I just don't understand why she had to say anything instead of keeping quiet? Is she planning to promote in China or what? And even if she was, there's no guarantee you're going to get any support so at the end of the day this is all useless.

  • Some of those comments are mighty hypocritical and xenophobic, insulting all Chinese people!

    It’s a difficult situation. We don’t know the pressure Chinese celebrities are under. Dilraba Dilmurat, who is Uyghur herself, came out in support of the cotton, and I even saw some Chinese posters on here say that life would be much worse for them without that labour. But then obviously some of the things happening to them is completely indefensible and inhumane.

  • THis isnt even Korea vs China. Its like the world vs China.

    China does all this fuckery, but acts like the softest snowflakes and has brainwashed its entire population.

    Anyone says Taiwan is independant, they throw a bitch fit

    Company says they wont use cotton, they throw a bitch fit

    etc etc etc

  • I just google it and that is not forced labor. There is some articles from it few days ago.

    Yeah that is what chinese government says and fans of these chinese idols accept it as truth because they don't want to accept that what their favs are doing is very wrong, some time ago they didn't even recognized the existence of concentration camps which now they call as re education centers after satellite and internal images came out

  • It’s like the excuse white supremacists say that black people were also slave owners. It doesn’t change the fact that the government reinforced slavery and then servitude, and most people gave their quiet support.

    In China there are some prominent Uyghurs that are pro-CCP yet there’s many more who get marginalized or put into camps by force. The government can do whatever they want with them and there’s zero accountability. Unlike Middle Eastern countries, the US will never bomb China because they abuse “human rights”

  • What's the point of Yuehua making a KOREAN group for KOREA and then setting them up like this lmao? They already had no chance to make it due to Yuehua's reputation, the chances were even lesser now due to China and Korea's conflicts, but this was the nail on the coffin.

    I'm disappointed but not surprised, since she's a Chinese idol from a Chinese company. I just don't understand why she had to say anything instead of keeping quiet? Is she planning to promote in China or what? And even if she was, there's no guarantee you're going to get any support so at the end of the day this is all useless.

    Could be Chinese government pressuring Yuehua, same with all the other Chinese idols who publicly voiced support.

  • im disgusted with people trying to cancel yiren or something since it's likely that yuehua is the one who posted it AND IF NOT she would be pressured to support the cotton since her family might be in danger otherwise. think with your head without trying to ruin someone's career.

  • im disgusted with people trying to cancel yiren or something since it's likely that yuehua is the one who posted it AND IF NOT she would be pressured to support the cotton since her family might be in danger otherwise. think with your head without trying to ruin someone's career.

    I agree, China is know as dictatorship. I have tried figure out what is going on and it seems like Chinese government have forced to do that.

    I also found this comment on Youtube (Dun Dun MV) that explain a lot.

    "For everyone that is mad about the whole Yiren thing, pleas know that chinese celebs are most definitly forced to support china in all of this. The chinese goverment controlles everything, anyone that doesn't agree with them gets cleared out of the way. Even one of the biggest influencer/millionair in china dissapeared because he said something the goverment didn't like. I definetly understand all of your feelings and you have the right to feel upset. But just keep in mind that this is not her own opinion. Also look at the amount of chinese celebs that have suppurted that cotton thing. I'm pretty sure they don't actually support it but they simply don't have another choice. And even some celebs did do this with their free will. Then keep in mind that china brings information very differently then in the west. China denies all of the things that are happening with the uyugurs that's also one of the reasons chinese people aren't expressing any anger towards this issue"

  • This is disgusting. And with all these Chinese idols showing their stance I wouldn’t be surprised if western media picks this up. Also, I feel bad for the Muslim kpop fans who are seeing this everyday.

    Here is my 2 cents:

    Don't take information at face value. In fact, if you look at the UN addressing of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, no Muslim country opposed China's policies on XJ and only Western Countries and their allies were opposed.

    Source: https://thediplomat.com/2020/1…policies/#:~:text=Heusgen's%20statement%20was%20made%20on,%2C%20the%20Marshall%20Islands%2C%20Monaco%2C

    I believe the number of countries supporting Chinese policies has increased to 65. People don't realize but terrorism is a serious issue in China and has been for the past few decade and not until recently has it diminished. Extremism includes suppression of women and cleansing of sinners, in other words killing of innocent civilians.

    Evidence of no forced labor:


    It's important to do some fact checking.

    Regardless, western countries give no crap about Muslim countries. We liberate these Islamic states and yet the only changes made in those countries are instability with millions of civilians displaced, breeding ground for ISIL and other extremist groups, and a change in government from one dictator anti-western country to another that is pro western countries: Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc. Our war in the middle east only further anger these terrorist groups, the only way to eliminate the ideology is through economic development for poverty alleviation and education.

    You can take my fact checking with a grain of salt, your opinion belongs to you and mine belongs to myself. I just wish people don't take these media at face value and do your own research.

    P.S. We do not live in 1700-1800s, we live in 2021, do you really think a country with high capacity production will really pick their cotton by hand? Machines pick hundreds of times faster. It's just simple logic.

    Here is a great informative video on Xinjiang and Uyghurs by scholars and not politicians:

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    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

    Edited once, last by winniethepb ().

  • Give me a reference that is not sourced from western government funded organization/entity. Persuade me that forced labor is present. I did my fact checking so prove me wrong.

    How about you show proof that uighurs in China who are in camps would really want to this if they had the freedom to choose.

    They have forced education and "correction" of mindset but forced labor? Thats too much.


    You can believe what you want Ill beleve the multiple articles from everywhere.

  • Did you not read what I said... you clearly didn't do your fact checking...

    "The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is a defence and strategic policy think tank based in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, founded by the Australian government and partly funded by the Australian Department of Defence."

    "also funded by the Australian and foreign governments such as the United States State Department as well as by military contractors"

    Copy and pasta from the internet.

    Do you know why we never hear about the atrocities in the middle east? Cause they've all been silenced... There were cases of human right group with report on the wars in the middle east, and they were all sanctioned.

    Uyghur vlogger, this video was filmed way before this cotton shenanigan happened. Use google translate if you can't read or understand chinese. The people picking cotton aren't even Uyghur but of other ethnicities.

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    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

    Edited 4 times, last by winniethepb ().

  • I wonder why Koreans think that just because some white nations with an axe to grind with China tells them so that they automatically believe there slave labor in China? China has a 1.4B people who need jobs so using "slaves" would actually create massive riots with people looking for work.

    Anyways, I think Yuehua should disband EG and leave Korea. More opportunity for Yiren in China than in Korea with Produce Camp or Youth next year. Maybe even for the Korean EG members as it seems like the ban is lifting and Chuang 2022 is rumored to have Japan and Korean trainees.

    Korea is a dead end for YH and its idols IMO.

    Why do I watch survival shows? This!

  • You seriously think every country just made up lies about China Uyghurs.

    You literally said find a report from someone other then the people who would actually report about this....

    You should do some fact tracking or keep your Chinese Nationalism in China.

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