People say Blackpink have solo stan problem, but I feel like Blinks support girls far more equally than any other fans by any other group

  • I mean all the girls got 500m stream on their debut song and gap between streams are not that big

    1. Jennie Solo 678M

    2. Lisa Lalisa 559M

    3. jisoo Flower 522M

    4. Rosé On The Ground 500M

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  • Exactly, blinks have supported each girl with same enthusiasm while I'm shocked to see some fandoms who always claimed to be stanning the entire group tuning in only for a single member. It was a huge shock for me.

  • Yes yes yes! People love to use the "akgaes" narrative to make it seem like the hate BP gets is 90% from them when I don't see a single group getting this same treatment in the fandom. Blinks are here for BP and their solo careers shows it. They are the soloists with the most equal support ever in kpop.

    The others is like 1 member or 2 are chosen as the "oh, it's bc x songs are more pop, more liked" and then the difference for the others members is so huge that you would think others are from nugus companies....

    Anyways, BP soloists are well supported and loved!

  • Yes yes yes! People love to use the "akgaes" narrative to make it seem like the hate BP gets is 90% from them when I don't see a single group getting this same treatment in the fandom. Blinks are here for BP and their solo careers shows it. They are the soloists with the most equal support ever in kpop.

    The others is like 1 member or 2 are chosen as the "oh, it's bc x songs are more pop, more liked" and then the difference for the others members is so huge that you would think others are from nugus companies....

    Anyways, BP soloists are well supported and loved!

    I think here credit goes to yg too, they pushed all the girls as separate entities meanwhile in most of the group we only see a single member being "face/center" and that member is also favourite of the fandom and ends up becoming the only famous soloists of the group. It usually happens with sm groups but I see Hybe following the same strategy.

  • I think here credit goes to yg too, they pushed all the girls as separate entities meanwhile in most of the group we only see a single member being "face/center" and that member is also favourite of the fandom and ends up becoming the only famous soloists of the group. It usually happens with sm groups but I see Hybe following the same strategy.

    Yes and no, actually yge strategy was to give just Jennie and Rosé solo songs and we know how little Lisa was pushed in their debut year, but ever since then blinks were so loud about wanting all 4 to have the same opportunities that we ended up with YGE really having 4 stars in the group and promoting them better.

    In YGE we have seen this in all their previous groups.. BB was mainly about GD and Taeyang, 2ne1 just CL, Winter just Mino, iKon just Bobby and BI, it's clear the difference in treatment, but thankfully blinks knew it and it didn't get to this level... But we are back at it with Treasure and Baemon, it's also up to the fandom to choose the easy path of just going with who the label wants to promote or to actually do something and be loud about all the members.

  • Who?


    All their solos are equally flop


    A lot of nugu groups, who are all equally nugu so the faves support all the nugu members equally

    Point is, there is no way zero percent chance, that Blinks are the one true chosen fandom that supports their faves more equally than any other fandom as stated by OP

    The way it was stated there is absolutely zero truth in that statement

  • I think you took the tittle too literally ;judgingpepe:

  • Vips, armys, exols, sones, Once, Reveluv, etc etc etc, you can see one or two members getting way more support than others and the difference is wild.

    I don't know about BGs, but none of the GGs or BTS fall under this very specific statement you made. No twice rv or snsd member have any top performers nor do they perform like nugus. They are right in the middle for soloists. And if anyone thinks any BTS member is doing numbers like nugus then I don't have anything to say to them:pepe-joy:


    The others is like 1 member or 2 are chosen as the "oh, it's bc x songs are more pop, more liked" and then the difference for the others members is so huge that you would think others are from nugus companies....

  • I don't know about BGs, but none of the GGs or BTS fall under this very specific statement you made. No twice rv or snsd member have any top performers nor do they perform like nugus. They are right in the middle for soloists. And if anyone thinks any BTS member is doing numbers like nugus then I don't have anything to say to them:pepe-joy:

    As I said in comparation to the most supported members their numbers look weak. I obviously exaggerated the nugu sentence :meme-life-support: but anyways, it's not like I lied :exit-pepe:

  • Say this when looking at the difference of streams in BTS solo songs :pepe-just-smile: I'm sure they all must have at least 1 song with over 500M streams as armys can do this to all the members. Sure, super equal.

    I think 6/7 of them do, but I'm not sure about the exact numbers. I mostly only keep up with their music releases these days.

    But thanks for worrying about them even in their hiatus :holding-back-tears:

  • "support girls far more equally than any other fans by any other group"

    This is definitely not true I can easily name many other groups who support their faves more equally



    Mamamoo, SNSD, Red Velvet, TWICE, Gidle, Aespa, and so on.

    You can say all 4 members of Blackpink has massive streaming numbers, but that has nothing to do with supporting them. That's like the bare minimum! Supporting someone isn't just about streaming!

    All I see on SNS is BP solo stans fighting with each other calling XYZ member a sl-t, ugly etc. I don't see that with any other girl group solo stans, btw.

  • MMM where Moonbyul is yet to have a hit song bc not even the fandom helped her in her strongest market aka sk, SNSD where just Taeyeon and Yoona exist for 70% of the fandom, RV where their popularity and fandom support is super obvious with pre scandal Irene being the top1, Twice where just Nayeon got streaming support in Pop era, Idle where there is also a clear difference in popularity, Aespa where just Karina song charted and 70% of mys act like just Karina and Winter exist. Ok.

    It's these streams that makes BP solos near each other, even their sales is similar so nope, I don't see a group where all 4 are SUCCESSFUL solo wise without looking like 50% of the fandom forgot they released music.

  • you feel that way because it's true. Obviously I can't speak for every girl group but genuinely both the support for the girls and even the bias split between them all is pretty even in polls that I've seen, though Jennie and Lisa always tend to a bit more popular.

  • MMM where Moonbyul is yet to have a hit song bc not even the fandom helped her in her strongest market aka sk, SNSD where just Taeyeon and Yoona exist for 70% of the fandom, RV where their popularity and fandom support is super obvious with pre scandal Irene being the top1, Twice where just Nayeon got streaming support in Pop era, Idle where there is also a clear difference in popularity, Aespa where just Karina song charted and 70% of mys act like just Karina and Winter exist. Ok.

    It's these streams that makes BP solos near each other, even their sales is similar so nope, I don't see a group where all 4 are SUCCESSFUL solo wise without looking like 50% of the fandom forgot they released music.

    Moonbyul is not a good example, because she's a rapper, and after all these years most people still think she's just a rapper. Also, she's not a digital monster, BUT she has the best-selling albums in Mamamoo by a mile! All 4 member of Mamamoo are successful.

    Yet again, you're talking about streams and charting, but what does have to do with support? Moonbyul just finished her first solo World Tour. Name one Kpop girl group member other than a Mamamoo members who had a successful and a sold-out World Tour. They're literally paving the way for girl groups as a group and as soloists, because even after 10 years, they're still doing things that others never did. Yes, they're not digital monsters like your gals, but no other soloists release more music than them. And we're only talking about music. I didn't mention other contents. They're the hardest working Idols in this industry, and I'm not even exaggerating! Just read this list from 2024! Writing down this is an insane amount of work, let alone doing it. They released more than 40 songs last year. So yeah, it's not that easy for Moos to "support" everyone because no other group put out this many contents. We had to stream 40 songs and buy albums almost every month or go to a World Tour concert.

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    Also, if you really want to compare your faves' fandom, okay, let's do that!

    Album sales:

    Jisoo: More than 1M

    Jennie: Does she have any physical sales? SOLO was just a Photobook or something with 230K sales.

    Lisa: 700K or so

    Rose: not even 500K

    Streaming on Spoti, without collabs, because that's the fair comparison. Their best performing songs:

    Jisoo: FLOWER - 520M

    Rose: On The Ground - 500M

    Jennie: SOLO - 680M

    Lisa: MONEY - 1.2B

    I think, I've said enough.

  • I don't want to discuss with you, but it's clear as day and night how all these groups have super popular members with the fandom supporting way more the solo activities and also super unpopular members that won't have a career big enough bc the fandom don't care about them. And Rosé sales are almost 1M for her first debut album, and 500k for this one she released last month.

    Successful wise all the pinks have hits under their belt.

    BUUUUUT you have your opinion and I have mine, let's end this tiring cycle for today :meme-life-support:

  • I don't want to discuss with you, but it's clear as day and night how all these groups have super popular members with the fandom supporting way more the solo activities and also super unpopular members that won't have a career big enough bc the fandom don't care about them. And Rosé sales are almost 1M for her first debut album, and 500k for this one she released last month.

    Successful wise all the pinks have hits under their belt.

    BUUUUUT you have your opinion and I have mine, let's end this tiring cycle for today :meme-life-support:

    But we don't talk about success, because every Mamamoo is successful, they're literally the first ever girl group with all members charting on Billboard. So, successful wise, all MMM member had their own hits, some has multiple. Hwasa is still the most successful 3rd gen Idol, just so you know.

    We're talking about solo fandom differences, and it's clear that BLINKS don't support every member equally. Numbers don't lie.

  • you just named random groups, some of them don't even have a single soloist :boompepe:

    Who cares? We're talking about solo fandom support, not who released more songs. Most of them are not soloists, but actors, or Variety content creators. If you want to talk about who released more songs, Blackpink wouldn't be in this conversation at all. Till Rose's album, they had like 3 songs per member.

    They are still rookies, let's talk about this after 10 years! Let's see if BLINKS will support them the same way after many years. Taeyeon is the one and only group member who is still dominating the charts after a decade, for a reason!

  • I do agree that the akgae issue is just a scapegoat. Regardless of the akgae issue, all the members of Blackpink have been equally popular since their debut. However, we need to acknowledge that the genre of the solo songs is still the major reason for the equitable support. The solo music they make perfectly suits the kpop demographic's taste.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Yes BP is the only group with most equal support from solo fandoms, but the number of members and the music genre plays a big role. Bp only has 4 members and all of them release pop songs.

    While in BTS only Jungkook and Jimin release pop songs regularly, hence they have multiple songs over 1bn streams. RM and Jhope has the most indie artist sound hence their streams will be the least. And they have 7 members.

    Aespa girls didn’t debut as soloists yet, but I think they will be close to BP in terms of equal support. All of them seems will release pop/rnb songs, and if SM will support and push all of them equally, I can see them having similar success. So far Karina is the most popular one and by a huge gap, but other 3 have somewhat similar popularity, so in that sense Karina is an outlier.

  • But I thought sones supported all the members equally :pepe-clown-gear:

    And I thought you know how to read! Looks Iike I was wrong.

    Supporting someone isn't just about charts, especially if they're not even soloists like Taeyeon. How can you support the other 8 members when only Taeyeon releasing songs? The others have their own businesses, actors, DJ's etc.

    Jisoo is a pretty good example. She's pretty much nonexistent as a soloist with her 2 songs, she's doing more modeling and acting than the others. Her first Kdrama was a flop. So, where are your fandom? Why do they don't support her the same as the others?

    Jennie appeared on a Variety Show, yet it was a flop, and they canceled it. Also, "HER" HBO show was also a massive flop.

    Now Lisa will be a guest in one of the biggest HBO show, at least she can choose a show that's not gonna be a flop, and she doesn't have to rely on BLINKS.😅

    Again, don't talk about equal supporting when your fandom doesn't do that either. Your fandom only cares about streaming, and that's all!

  • David. Stop.

    Not EVERYTHING has to be about Mamamoo, fam. Sometimes you move like an anti.

    Shut up Yama. The thread clearly states only BLINKS supporting BP equally, and it's not true. And learn to read my guy, because I mentioned multiple groups, not just Mamamoo.

    Go create some new Blackpink thread or NJ. Stop trying to lecture me, it's not a good look on you.

  • To really show fandom support, it has to be across more metrics than streaming.

    Thr number of members does play a role but there are other factors such as general/casual listeners, time of release and how long it has been out and as others have said, music genre and language will also influence number of streams.


    Blackpink is pretty much the only or one of the few groups that release the same type of songs as a group and as soloists. While others releasing different type of music. That's why most of them don't chart that well or don't have big streaming numbers.

    I don't care if I hurt someone's feelings, the fact is, some people create art for themselves, and some create noise for the trends.

    I say this in general, not just about BP.

  • Supporting someone isn't just about charts, especially if they're not even soloists like Taeyeon. How can you support the other 8 members when only Taeyeon releasing songs?

    7 out of 8 of them have release solo albums and made their debut.

    Did they all have the same success as Taeyeon?

    Did they all have the same sales (which is a bigger measure of fandom support than charts)?

    No, they didn't.

    Hence why Taeyeon is the only one still releasing music

    Jisoo sold 1 million albums like 2 out of 3 others (Jennies solo was released before the sales boom) and she has over half a billion streams like the others. THAT is equally supporting . Her new album is coming this year despite her "barely being a soloist"

    But I see how you moved the goalpost from music to variety gigs or whatever you're on about



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

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