I'm sorry, but I've never seen him call out his fandom for slut-shaming women, let alone do something significant, like helping the campaign to stop violence against women. I don't understand why a women's organization like this would feel the need to give an award to a man for literally doing the bare minimum. For clout chasing, I guess. Because no way they be like- oh, he studied some women’s rights, must be a great man! When it’s just simply about respecting another human being, which should come from basic logic.
Is this RM's fault? No, he’s just a slave to his company like other idols, so I don’t expect him to speak out or call out his fans for hurting or being disgusting toward other women. That's literally their source of money coming from. But what pisses me off that fans hype things like this so much that organizations use it for attention, which just lowers the bar even further as men are considering on great level just for doing nothing.