Name a girl group and I'll tell you what's stopping me from stanning them
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Young Posse and Geenius - don't know them
ALICE - Potentially I can stan. I like Sohee. They need more promotions and the one big hit that will hook me upDisplay More
Wonder Girls, AOA, Raina, Kara, 4Minute, Mamamoo - they don't exist, unfortunately. How can I stan the unexisted group?
Miss A - It's simple. Suzy
ReVe - a casual listener. What's stopping me? A weird discography. Anyway, "I JUST" is one of the best b-sides kpop ever made.
STAYC - I am on my way ))) thx to ISAtoo old for this
Do they still exist? Anyway, there are too many of them, I become disoriented
Yes, it's me, nice to meet you
I STAN!!! Riot mzfk, give us the new album!
stanned them during the last two years and even had few fanwars vs ONCE. Technically, I am still a flover.
What happened?
2. HYBE's mismanagement -
too old for this
old enough to be imprisoned
a bit younger
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I hyped around "7", but since then boys dropped oversweet content. Also, their fandom... It's embarrassing to be part of them. So, even if I stanned BTS now I could do that secretly.
Not a fan of boy groups overall. However, SKZ definitely overperformed BTS nowadays. Maybe I need to look closer on them, because I barely know any song except Maniac.
Do they still exist? Some tracks are pretty good, but I did not hear anything from them during a long time. The reason is mostly the same as ReVe or Aespa - it's a weird, unpredictable discography with sometimes very cringy songs.LOL, you spied my spotify or what?
Kiss of Life - stan!!!!!! currently, this is my ult bias group. I anticipated their debut even before people knew about them. S2 Ent was made by HSS, the former CUBE CEO who created 4minute, CLC and Gidle. So I estimated KIOF will slay. Being flover, I already recognized Natty and creative director Hae-in, both were participated in Idol School.
XG - stan!!! It's a new concept in kpop, they provide super-qualified content, every member is unique and has own charisma.
Dreamcatcher - I am Siyeon's akgae and a casual listener. It's a mystery for me why I never stanned them as a group despite listened all of their discography. Maybe, other members (except Siyeon) are kinda lacking of charisma. -
She overused the sexy concept to the level of Lisa's Parisian Cabaret
As I said, there are too many of them. I am losing my sight and can't remember who is who
what about lsfm and G idle?
LLe SSerraffimm is like IVE but without the pizza advertiser. During debut times I confused those two groups because of their concept, background and sound are literally the same. For those who have the same problem here is a hint: lsfm is OT5, meanwhile IVE is OT6. So, count the members before guessing who they are.
Gidle. The reason is so obvious that you can guess it from my aesthetics -
They need to kick few members to free some fresh air, then I might stan
It's Yuri not Yujin, I'm very sad you don't recognize my ult bias.. truly living up to your name
As punishment you should listen to her song
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LLe SSerraffimm is like IVE but without the pizza advertiser. During debut times I confused those two groups because of their concept, background and sound are literally the same. For those who have the same problem here is a hint: lsfm is OT5, meanwhile IVE is OT6. So, count the members before guessing who they are.
Did u ever listen to any of their songs?
Or like, watch any of their MVS, like, at all?External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
Super similar, right?
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