Jisoo and Somi under fire for promoting Starbucks (while its being boycotted for supporting israel)

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  • And I dont feel bad for them at all. Only Fatou showed to be in the right side of history so far. The moment my faves show shitty behavior like this I am dropping them in a heartbeat

    kpop fans using serious matters for fanwars need to be studied come on you know better than this? korean people are usually ignortant about this matter

    not all idols are aware of what's going with the boycott and Korea and this is Jisoo being random and showing she likes coffee she always talks about much she likes it i don't think there id a hidden agenda


    also there are many idols that are drinking starbucks this isn't an issue in Korea I just found out about this today

  • kpop fans using serious matters as fanwars need to be studied come on you know better than this? korean people are usually ignortant about this matter

    not all idols are aware of what's going with the boycott and Korea and this is Jisoo being random and showing she likes coffee she always talks about much she likes it i don't think there id a hidden agenda


    Yeah it’s actually crazy how specific fandoms are calling Jisoo a whole Zionist supporter :skull: do y’all know what that means? This ain’t dumb fan wars this is real life

  • kpop fans using serious matters as fanwars need to be studied come on you know better than this? korean people are usually ignortant about this matter

    not all idols are aware of what's going with the boycott and Korea and this is Jisoo being random and showing she likes coffee she always talks about much she likes it


    I understand that but boycotting Starbucks is literally one of the very few actions celebs could do to not show support to the genocide of palestinians by Israel, since most of them won't even say a thing, and people have known that for a while now, and the boycott have shown results ever since it started.

    For Somi and Jisoo to do that I just think it's incredibly tone-deaf specially considering the amount of influence and money they have.

    It's not just Starbucks, but also Puma, McDonalds, Disney, just to name a few.

    IVE currently have deals with both Puma and Disney and dives only haven't cancelled them because it's not IVE's direct decision, but most of us decided to not support their endorsement financially or in engagements for the same reason Starbucks is also being boycotted.

    So for Jisoo and Somi to post pics drinking Starbucks just because, with no direct link, it's even worse.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • I understand that but boycotting Starbucks is literally one of the very few actions celebs could do to not show support to the genocide of palestinians by Israel, since most of them won't even say a thing, and people have known that for a while now, and the boycott have shown results ever since it started.

    For Somi and Jisoo to do that I just think it's incredibly tone-deaf specially considering the amount of influence and money they have.

    It's not just Starbucks, but also Puma, McDonalds, Disney, just to name a few.

    IVE currently have deals with both Puma and Disney and dives only haven't cancelled them because it's not IVE's direct decision, but most of us decided to not support their endorsement financially or in engagements for the same reason Starbucks is also being boycotted.

    So for Jisoo and Somi to post pics drinking Starbucks just because, with no direct link, it's even worse.

    I know but this would apply to western celebrities, We know Korean idols always stay way from matters outside their country and barely keep up with news.

    there are actually a lot of idols sharing random pics of them drinking coffee but it's isn't related to boycott if they knew about it trust they wouldn't

    some examples

  • And I dont feel bad for them at all. Only Fatou showed to be in the right side of history so far. The moment my faves show shitty behavior like this I am dropping them in a heartbeat

    If you computers and use the internet, you are essentially supporting Israel. Intel and Akamai have important operations in Israel. They run the majority of computers and large chunk of web traffic around the world. Thanks to the Talpiot program, internet technology is an essential part of Israel’s survival. Xe without sin cast the first stone.

  • Every idol have one pic holding Starbucks, but not AFTER the boycott started. Because celebrities have a lot more power than commoners, they should have an obligation to know what's going around in the world specially when it involves basic human rights to people.

    If you computers and use the internet, you are essentially supporting Israel. Intel and Akamai have important operations in Israel. They run the majority of computers and large chunk of web traffic around the world. Thanks to the Talpiot program, internet technology is an essential part of Israel’s survival. Xe without sin cast the first stone.

    And that is exactly why palestine supporters chose to focus on only a couple brands easy to boycott first. That's why it's really bad how some celebs cant even do the bare minimum.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • ummmm

    please remind me if Idols were also attacked for supporting brands which stayed in Russia despite their attack on Ukraine?

    don't think anything like this has happened...

    why it's going viral, because it's Starbucks, and it's 'affiliated' with big USA?

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  • Every idol have one pic holding Starbucks, but not AFTER the boycott started. Because celebrities have a lot more power than commoners, they should have an obligation to know what's going around in the world specially when it involves basic human rights to people.

    And that is exactly why palestine supporters chose to focus on only a couple brands easy to boycott first. That's why it's really bad how some celebs cant even do the bare minimum.

    You do realize Starbucks isn’t even on BDS boycott list right they Aren’t sending any money to Israel


    You can look here. What do you expect people to do boycott Jisoo? I get criticism but she is getting mass hate now and being called a Zionist support out of all things

    Like I’m Muslim btw and it’s actually crazy to me how yall can’t keep kpop out of serious situations

  • Also op it’s funny how your acting like you taking this topic seriously when you literally dropped a twt just hating on Jisoo in your thread

    Have some shame. This isn’t something you can troll with

  • You do realize Starbucks isn’t even on BDS boycott list right they Aren’t sending any money to Israel


    You can look here. What do you expect people to do boycott Jisoo? I get criticism but she is getting mass hate now and being called a Zionist support out of all things

    Like I’m Muslim btw and it’s actually crazy to me how yall can’t keep kpop out of serious situations

    I do know that but the Starbucks boycott started because Starbucks sued the workers that were openly pro-Palestine.

    Starbucks was associated to support of Israel because of that and even if Jisoo and Somi couldnt know any better it's just not a good look on someone that have massive influence.

    Even western celebs like Kim Kardashian nd Timothee Chalamet were under fire for the same reason and other instances.

    If you have enough influence and popularity, its unevitable that people will judge how you express yourself, specially in politically dark times when supporting basic human rights can cancel your career.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • StarI do know that but the Starbucks boycott started because Starbucks sued the workers that were openly pro-Palestine.

    Starbucks was associated to support of Israel because of that and even if Jisoo and Somi couldnt know any better it's just not a good look on someone that have massive influence.

    Even western celebs like Kim Kardashian nd Timothee Chalamet were under fire for the same reason and other instances.

    If you have enough influence and popularity, it’s unevitable that people will judge how you express yourself, specially in politically dark times when supporting basic human rights can cancel your career.

    Starbucks in Korea has no relation to US Starbucks

    Kim K has flat out supported Israel irself. So no not a valid comparison.

    People are essentially dragging jisoo calling her a Israel support and Zionist because she isn’t participating in a boycott that started on twt out of all things

  • Starbucks in Korea has no relation to US Starbucks

    Kim K has flat out supported Israel irself. So no not a valid comparison.

    People are essentially dragging jisoo calling her a Israel support and Zionist because she isn’t participating in a boycott that started on twt out of all things

    But how did you expect people would react when Starbucks literally became a symbol of being pro-Israel? It was literally one of the few if not the only brand where the boycott showed signs of success.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Is very disheartening to see the superficiality of lot of people who put a stupid drink over a genocide, but if jisoo and somi got paid to post about it now that starbucks is desperate after the boycott this make it way worse.

    Everyone who is so tone deaf to keep using brands supporting the genocide of palestinian deserve to be called out, no matter who is, don't shield your faves this issue is too serious.

  • If you think this is some troll thread then you are fking dumbass. I just shared the popular tweets that i saw regarding this issue. grow some spine and use your brain before talking instead of just bootlicking idols 24/7.

    The gall telling me to grow a spine. Oh oh because saying jisoo “can’t sing can’t dance” is so important to the issue at hand right?


    Why would I not think this was a troll thread? Do you see how ridiculous you are, be fr

  • But do they even know they are indirectly supporting Israel promoting Starbucks?

    Anecdotelly, I only know about this, because I'm often on twitter and some people I follow share information on that matter.

    In the real world, unfortanely, no one here talks or cares about Palestine around me.

    Rather than supporting Zionism, I think most idols are just indifferent like most part of the world's population.

  • I don't even care if they consume stuff on the down low but influencers being paid to "influence" people towards these brands are icky. Like none of the people being photographed need the money. Unless they have hardcore contracts I don't see any reason to make such posts or be photographed by paparazzi Kardashian style.

  • The gall telling me to grow a spine. Oh oh because saying jisoo “can’t sing can’t dance” is so important to the issue at hand right?


    Why would I not think this was a troll thread? Do you see how ridiculous you are, be fr

    Read the title, it literally says that jisoo is being criticised/attacked and facing backlash for it and that tweet with more than 2000 likes shows that happening. Stop being stupid and stop being such a pathetic bootlicker for kpop idols, they don't give a fk about u.

  • Honestly? I prefer no protest

    At least everything is lawful and in order. Maybe I'm too used to the non-conflict my country has.

    I feel you. I often see the protesters on the highway or the road, sometimes they block the cars too. I think living in a country like yours can be good in some ways but in others maybe not so much. Everything is just okay here since it's freedom of speech.

  • Why wasn't there backlash towards Seulgi, Karina or SVT

    Did you guys really think idols overall were boycotting too

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  • To be honest Starbucks taste like below average coffee but I was out doing Xmas shopping 2 days ago and grabbed a Starbucks cos it was convenient...I don't live on the internet and this kind of stuff doesn't make mainstream news in 95% of media networks wordlwide...so I wouldn't be shocked if they simply didn't know. I didn't.

    Maybe they should have people who check brands before they post with them...who knows.

  • Why wasn't there backlash towards Seulgi, Karina or SVT

    Did you guys really think idols overall were boycotting too

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    simple: because it's either their faves or not a group they originally dislike.

    starbucks is super common over there. it's highly likely the idols themselves are not even aware there is a boycott. and neither their PR, do these people really think they would let them go out and about or publish pics with starbucks cups if it was such a generally known thing?

  • Every day I go out of my house there's a protest outside so I guess it's bigger in places like America and Canada.

    Its not just America and Canada, but everywhere, including South Korea and other coutries of Asia

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    We just wont see it on tv bc israel is directed linked to media moguls

    narcissistic, my god i love it


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