Soojin fumbled the bag HARD with her debut

  • She swore up and down she was innocent, said she would leave the group if she was guilty......then she left. Now she doesn't want to promote in Korea because "The school violence issue became a burden". Like why are you making yourself look guilty? From what I know Soojin was found not guilty by the school violence committee so why not... say that? Why not be more open and firmer that you were innocent?

    You know your name was the biggest one in the bullying scandal, that's what the general public know you for. But barely anyone knows you were proven innocent. So, if you want to comeback you need to be clearer or you can go the JYP route and ignore it. But not promoting makes you look guilty. And no, I HIGHLY doubt CUBE is blacklisting her cuz A. She's not that important and B. Doubt they have all that power. Maybe music shows don't want her cuz of the scandal (doubt it) but in that case just stay silent. Making a whole statement about not prompting cuz of the scandal just makes people remember about the scandal.

    She says she wants to focus on international promotions which to be fair is the best option for her cuz the Korean market will not let the scandal go. So, why an all-Korean song that has a strong traditional concept? The song was BORING, I listened to it 3 times and I don't even remember a single word from it. It showcases NONE of her charms, it's also not a song suited for the international market. The rest of her songs were also boring, and all sounded the same. Whoever her management is really messed up dealing with her whole debut. Hope they come up with a better media strategy and songs for her. Like what happened to her was so unfair and CUBE dropped her like a hot potato instead of supporting her.

  • I feel like Soojin lost all her confidence after that scandal she kind of lost that sexy confidant aura that she used to have I mean look her she can’t even perform live to her fans

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    It’s seems that scandal harmed her more psychologically than we think so it’s probably going to take some time before she goes back on stage

  • I feel like Soojin lost all her confidence after that scandal she kind of lost that sexy confidant aura that she used to have I mean look her she can’t even perform live to her fans

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    It’s seems that scandal harmed her more psychologically than we think so it’s probably going to take some time before she goes back on stage

    God, this makes me cry. Yeah, you're right but her management team should have handled this better and picked a better song for her.

  • "she doesn't want to promote" is likely untrue, her reputation is pretty bad and whats left of her popularity is just not worthy for shows to get her

    I think she fumbled her debut badly but the reason is that she chose a chill song with boring choreo, she was known mostly for her sexy aura in Gidle, she should go that way, with a english title, banger song, catchy choreo, focus a bit internationally since koreans don't care about her either way

  • God, this makes me cry. Yeah, you're right but her management team should have handled this better and picked a better song for her.

    Well she said that she chose this song because this is what suits her right now also this is only a debut song we don’t how her career is going to progress let’s take Somi for example her debut and her latest release have nothing to do with one another artist take time to find what actually suits them don’t forget her identity was centred around her group and now she’s solo


    Edited once, last by nana18 ().

  • I feel like Soojin lost all her confidence after that scandal she kind of lost that sexy confidant aura that she used to have I mean look her she can’t even perform live to her fans

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    It’s seems that scandal harmed her more psychologically than we think so it’s probably going to take some time before she goes back on stage

    She knows people are jugging and she does not have other members to hide behind or to lift her confidence.

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  • It's hard to put yourself in front of a crowd and perform solo, when you're out of one big bullying scandal and a years long hiatus, and used to perform within a group. Plus, I'm not sure she ever was that confident in her vocals. Her charisma and stage presence came from her dancing and expressiveness. Singing live with a minimal backtrack never was her forte.

    I'm not that surprised because even back when Gidle was a full group with no bullying controversies, I was already skeptical about Soojin as a solo. She was so shy. She seemed very comfortable letting other lead the way, do the talking, relying on them to make decisions, etc.

    Now that I think of it, I even remember reading once that, at first, the leader position was offered to her since she was the eldest Korean member (before Miyeon joined Cube). And she declined promptly. But once you're solo, you're your own leader. Even if someone backstage makes all the decisions in terms of music, art direction, concepts, etc; when you're on stage in front of an audience, you're on your own, there's no one to hide behind.

  • also Soojin

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    also she sold 67k in just 3 days

    girl should get some respect

  • Y'all are being stupid for no reason, she already said many times that shes an introvert now with the bullying scandal she's even more cautious and thats fine. Her debut did amaziiing, she doesnt wanna do shows for now cuz she clearly said she came back mostly for the fans. When she settles she'll be back with a banger and promote it.

  • Y'all are being stupid for no reason, she already said many times that shes an introvert now with the bullying scandal she's even more cautious and thats fine. Her debut did amaziiing, she doesnt wanna do shows for now cuz she clearly said she came back mostly for the fans. When she settles she'll be back with a banger and promote it.

    I'm not stupid. What does song choice have to do with being an introvert? Also, if she doesn't want to promote on music shows then fine but making a statement citing the bullying scandal as the reason is a bad PR move from her management team.

  • Also, if she doesn't want to promote on music shows then fine but making a statement citing the bullying scandal as the reason is a bad PR move from her management team.

    What? There is no such statement. All the company said is: "We have no scheduled music show promotions, and we'll communicate with fans mainly on social media or YouTube. With that being said, it isn’t like we have not promoted (in Korea) at all. We have already held a fan-sign event and will continue to do so." Everything else is speculation from the media.

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