I wonder what backup Jini has? Girl must have some powerful people behind her.

  • Yes, I know ppl have talked about this before, I wanna talk about it so leave me alone.

    Everyone saying "Oh she wanted to do different things" are either delulu or have no understanding of how K-pop works. K-pop companies don't just let you leave, especially not like that. She was talking about promoting as NMIXX days before the announcement. Not only was the announcement sudden AF, she basically immediately opened social media accounts signed with a new agency, and debuted as a soloist within 10 MONTHS of leaving.


    Like wtf? That just doesn't happen like that. Think of every other idol who left their group for whatever reason and how long it took for them to come back. Not to mention this debut has a budget she had Amine on it. Her new agency is from what I can tell a pretty good one. ATOC signed a whole partnership with Subilme just to manage her.

    At first, I thought she did something to get her kicked out, but the whole debut and how fast it was made me think differently. I think she either has a rich family or powerful contacts (maybe a sponsor but I don't want that to be true). There is no way this just happened like that, she must have been planning to leave for a while and had enough power to get JYP to let her go. TBH I don't blame her, I would leave NMIXX too. I do feel bad for the members though, they're suffering under JYP enough.

  • Jini's departure from NMIXX will go down as one of the most mysterious things to ever happen in KPOP

    so many unanswered questions, and all I wanna know is WHY?

    She didn't get into some major scandal

    She didn't break dating rules by dating someone (even if she did they wouldn't kick her out for that)

    She didn't do anything illegal

    LIKE what happened?

    Or did JYP suddenly want to rebrand NMIXX and thought losing a member was a good way to do it?


  • What puzzles me is that according to fans she was really excited for their next comeback but then suddenly after she talked about she was cut off the line up , something definitely happened behind the curtains and the fact that jyp isn’t even blocking her and letting her promote is sus as well

    she definitely has backup, and I do not buy that she was excited, most likely she just put on a front. She definitely must have been planning to leave and was probs talking with the other agency. But if thats the case how come no one knew? Don't Korean fansites usually know about these things?

  • she definitely has backup, and I do not buy that she was excited, most likely she just put on a front. She definitely must have been planning to leave and was probs talking with the other agency. But if thats the case how come no one knew? Don't Korean fansites usually know about these things?

    The thing even Koreans don’t have a single clue on why she left like usually with this type of situations there’s always rumours but with her nothing so we might never know

  • She didn't break dating rules by dating someone (even if she did they wouldn't kick her out for that)

    She's a Minor, even if she turned 19 in April this year, she's still a Minor under Korean Law which has always been by International Age.

    So you can see how problematic it would be if she was dating and there has been speculation that she was.

    Apart from age, the other problem with Idol dating is in the case of a Rookie, its the reason why SNSD's Taeyeon and BP's Jennie got into problems as one was dating a Rookie while the other was a Rookie when dating.

    JYPE removed traces of Jinni as they distanced themselves (or rather NMIXX) from her so it's likely that she was forced to leave and I'm guessing a Rookie that is a Minor whom is dating would make sense for their actions.

  • I don't think it was dating. Idols date and companies pay off the news organizations to keep quiet. Its all standard. I mean as soon as Hwasa left her former company, bang there is news that shes been dating for 5 years. Also all the news about BP dating recently too, except for the only one who decided to stay on with YG.

    I think it was a direction of their music, which no one is into except composers on lsd. She just did what she had to do, to get off the train wreck.

  • Disagree, it doesn't explain how she got to debut so fast. Also, dating is easily kept hush-hush, think of all the times an idol left their company only to be exposed for dating immediately after.

  • Wut? Are you saying it's illegal for minors to date? Literally all my Korean cousins (i have dozens of them lol) dated at least one person before turning 18 or 19 or whatever. They ALL had their first physical relationship before that age. Or are you confusing dating with age of consent?

  • Yeah, it truly doesn't add up. You can't just break a contract on a whim without a big legal battle.

    Agreed about feeling bad for nmixx, they're objectively more talented than most of the 4th gen groups that are outshining them. It's such an injustice and missed opportunity. Why can't they have some decent music?

  • She probably has rich parents that paid the termination fee.

    Lots of idols now in days come from very rich families.


    Like wtf? That just doesn't happen like that. Think of every other idol who left their group for whatever reason and how long it took for them to come back. Not to mention this debut has a budget she had Amine on it. Her new agency is from what I can tell a pretty good one. ATOC signed a whole partnership with Subilme just to manage her.

    At first, I thought she did something to get her kicked out, but the whole debut and how fast it was made me think differently. I think she either has a rich family or powerful contacts (maybe a sponsor but I don't want that to be true). There is no way this just happened like that, she must have been planning to leave for a while and had enough power to get JYP to let her go. TBH I don't blame her, I would leave NMIXX too. I do feel bad for the members though, they're suffering under JYP enough.

    If you have money and are willing to spend it, many agencies will happily take your money and manage you.

  • Agreed, she likely found herself an influential sugar daddy in the industry that can pull strings for her career.

    Or this.

  • Yeah, it truly doesn't add up. You can't just break a contract on a whim without a big legal battle.

    Agreed about feeling bad for nmixx, they're objectively more talented than most of the 4th gen groups that are outshining them. It's such an injustice and missed opportunity. Why can't they have some decent music?

    You can pay to get out, it usually costs a lot of money.

    One of the Momoland girls that was kicked out of the group eventually paid to terminate her contract. The other had to sit in a dungeon doing nothing until her contract ran out (or a court battle settle it, I forget)

  • I agree that it is very weird for Jinni to redebut less than a year after leaving Nmixx if the fault was on her end.

    What I never see people consider is the possibility the fault was on JYPE's end. What if the company or staff member did something that would cause Jinni to want to leave and would cause a scandal if it got out? No surprise that the company would let Jinni go with no strings attached and probably with some undisclosed compensation, in exchange for Jinni not going public about it.

    The Five Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
    BP2.jpg Very-Very-Very-Smaller.gif BP1.jpg

  • Disagree, it doesn't explain how she got to debut so fast. Also, dating is easily kept hush-hush, think of all the times an idol left their company only to be exposed for dating immediately after.

    Wut? Are you saying it's illegal for minors to date? Literally all my Korean cousins (i have dozens of them lol) dated at least one person before turning 18 or 19 or whatever. They ALL had their first physical relationship before that age. Or are you confusing dating with age of consent?

    She's a Minor which means Kpop Companies are going to be more tougher when it comes to dating as it will ruin the Company Image and taint all other Artists there, raising questions about the environment.


    Apparently the rumor was that Jinni was dating a man of 21 years of age, so you can imagine the probable backlash to JYPE if she stayed as it would raise the question if JYPE were allowing other older men or women (possibly Staff or other Idols) to date Minors

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