Korean Netizens Defend White-Washing culture

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  • 더쿠 - 케이팝이 글로벌화 되면서 조심해야 하는 피부색 언급

    i really don't care if people want to use skin whitening products or get a tan or have a preference for a certain skin tone whether it's a lighter or darker one. the moment it becomes policy enforced by some police state that you must have light skin to be allowed to participate in society then sure, i'll protest against that. i mean the central banks are all screwing everyone of us financially and nobody cares so like whatever but here's the post mentioned in the video if anyone wants to read through it

  • No different than westerners and their love of tanning beds, spray tans, and laying out in the sun all day to get some color on their skin.

  • Have to admit Kpop Idols are white as can be. Still Koreans are trending ahead cosmetically. So who to say ?

    Like Oppar says Westerners like Tans. Winter is coming and pale white people will be everywhere. XD

  • The way I see it, different cultures have different beauty standards and they can do whatever they want do long it isn't offensive like for instance full on blackface

    Like calling super pale skin beautiful is the same as calling tanned skin beautiful, depending on what beauty standards you have.

    If their culture is to be orange or purple that is their problem

    Expecting others to confirm to your beauty standards being the excuse of kpop being 'global' is a you problem

  • Colorism is a big problem in Asian countries and Asian people should acknowledge it only then things will improve not hiding behind calling it CUltuRe

    Beauty standards have improved here in South Asia a lot and I see a lot of new gen girlies showing their brown skin with pride on insta etc

    I'm sure east Asians can do it too

  • Colorism is a big problem in Asian countries and Asian people should acknowledge it only then things will improve not hiding behind calling it CUltuRe

    Beauty standards have improved here in South Asia a lot and I see a lot of new gen girlies showing their brown skin with pride on insta etc

    I'm sure east Asians can do it too

    I feel like calling "not conforming to other beauty standard" as colorism is very loose

    Like what does beauty standards improving even mean? Seems like by saying that showing off tan skin proudly as "improving beauty culture" makes it seem like having pale skin is bad

    I know that isn't really what you mean, you probably meant more along the lines like "seeing how tan skin is getting more and more accepted gradually" is an improvement of changing beauty standards and how people are less tied down to just one singular beauty standard

    But that doesn't mean that pale skin people need to want to have tan skin they can do whatever they want.

    Just because Koreans say "oh her skin is as white as an white" doesn't mean that they think tan or dark skin is the devil

    I'm not saying colorism isn't an issue, I'm saying that different people have different beauty standards and that is OK because why should others conform to other beauty standards just because those beauty standards were previously looked down before? Just for the sake of it?

    So long people don't make a mockery out of it they can adhere to whatever beauty standard they personally deem fit

  • Well it is part of their culture and western fans need to realize that colorism has a different origin in East-Asia than in the rest of the world.

    Is it right ? No, but calling it white-washing shows many do not understand where their obsession with pale skin comes from. They don’t want to look like a white person, white People are not their beauty ideal.

  • There is an issue with over-emphasizing the beauty of pale skin and under-emphasizing the beauty of darker skin in Korea (to put it mildly), and that will naturally create some cultural clashes since it's the opposite of many western countries, but there are two other big issues at play making western kpop fans angrier than they should be.

    1. Many westerners just don't know what East Asians look like. For some reason a lot of western kpop fans expect East Asians to be very dark, even though there have been many east/west collabs and interviews in recent years showing that they aren't. It just doesn't seem to register that the average East Asian is as pale as the average Central or Southern European, and some are even paler (see: NCT's Jaehyun).

    2. People don't know how light works (see: The Dress). A lot of Korean stages and Korean photo/video editors will use bright blue lighting, which counteracts the yellow pigments in the skin and makes people look paler. This isn't the same as using skin filters, but a lot of people can't tell the difference, and it makes them angry because they assume digital skin whitening is happening constantly. It does happen, but it isn't nearly as common as you'd think. By far the most common place for digital skin whitening to take place is actually selcas, not official materials or fancams.

    So I'm not surprised at all that Koreans are defending themselves, because western fans' ignorance often makes it seem like they hate Koreans' natural skin colors.

  • So I'm not surprised at all that Koreans are defending themselves, because western fans' ignorance often makes it seem like they hate Koreans' natural skin colors.


    Like I'm Asian and I'm fair skin. I can literally go under the sun become tan and then go back to fair skin in a few days

    Now if western fans points out everything that is against fair skin, now it makes it feel like my skin tone is inferior and that you hate my skin tone because you think that my skin which isn't tan, isn't beautiful.

    And that turns out to be hypocritical because on one end you are telling an entire society that you shouldn't hate on darker skin tone because it is colorist to you, but on the other you also seem to be implying that lighter skin tones are ugly and trying to force an entire society to conform to your beauty standards

  • My point is none of these bishes are pale so why not appreciate their own brown skin instead of white washing their own pics

    Adding sistar pics because they are your ult!!

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    Adding BTS pics too (Suga is considered palest member of BTS)


  • If it's about whitewashing pictures then yes for that I do think that it is unnecessary.

    Also not that Sistar video seeing my faves eating up my faves


  • you're an idiot

    thats lighting

    here's a pale ass white person looking pretty tan because of lighting


    this is how she looks in natural light


  • This yes i hate this crap western fans do with the we have to save you western mentality 🤡 world shit. They will even go edit pictures of you to be darker like 🤡🤡🤡 they do not like us and think our skin must be darker, like do these people touch grass? Take your ignorant of other people's culture and genetics outside goto your local china/ Korea towns in your country and tell all them asians they are somehow darker than they are 😂 I'm sure these people would be lucky to escape that area of town with their lives.

  • I agree that people shouldn't digitally lighten their skin, but East Asians are quite pale on the human spectrum.

    Jungkook is an average Korean, and he's about the same as the white people here but more yellow

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    Yeonjun is also an average Korean (maybe slightly lighter than average, but he had a tan here) and you can see that he's much lighter than Anitta, who is mixed white, black, and Latina



  • No different than westerners and their love of tanning beds, spray tans, and laying out in the sun all day to get some color on their skin.

    I am "western" and also latina, but quite pale, but because i know the damage that comes from being exposed on the sun. I like both taned and white, black, brown, whatever.

    If they want to be international artists they must play by international rules. Period

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • Wtf does that even mean?

    i guess you can`t think for yourself with the theme of the thread

    maybe you don`t know but there are different kind of people in the world, with different colours, from white to black.

    why do i think this looks like Mansplaining- oh because it looks like i have to talk down to someone. Yes sorry about that. But if you don`t know you might insult someone by saying "a person with dark skin looks bad" maybe i should talk down on you

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


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