Nayeon and her mother earn backlash online for not paying back mother's ex-boyfriend's money

  • Source: Money Today News via Insight

    [+138] Whatever the court rules, this seems more like a case where she deserves criticism for failing to do what's right

    [+118] 600 million won from her mother's ex-boyfriend... wow... that's a sum that most people couldn't even dream of... Her mom's quite skilled.

    [+85] Damn.. pay it back. You spent it, you should pay it back, it's the right thing to do.

    [+41] Sigh... Even if she won the case, it really reflects poorly on both Nayeon and her mother by failing to do what's right.. I'm sure it felt good to be spending someone else's money like that, but you should know that the right thing to do is pay it back when you can, or at least be really thankful to him. There's never a good end for people who think easily of other people's money like this.

    [+23] I don't know what happened back then but for a boyfriend to hand you 600 million won... especially after being promised that they'd pay him back after she debuted? Wouldn't that mean he never would've given them the money in the first place if that promise was never made like they claim? Sigh

    [+5] Feels like she could just pay him back out of her one month's paycheck, just give it back and have some shame

    [+4] Gold digger?!

    [+1] Pay it back, he helped you when you needed it most...

    [+1] Who knows what the details of their story are but she's rich enough where it's probably better to pay back that 600 million won and keep her image clean..

    Source: Issue King TV via YouTube

    [+805] Just on a basic human level, you need to pay that 600 million won back, especially if it helped you get to where you are now. You've made so much money since debut, pay it back.

    [+534] Amazing how people seem to forget the people who helped them get to where they are

    [+512] The least you can do is not forget the person who helped you when you needed it. Even if that money wasn't lent but given, you should know to pay him back for the efforts he put into helping you succeed.

    [+263] It's basic human decency to pay back the people who helped you when you needed it

    [+216] So Nayeon's basically a case of Fifty Fifty that managed to get away with it

    [+151] Behaving like this will only hurt her own image. If someone helped her get to where she is now, she needs to pay it back.

    [+124] I wonder why people find it so easy to betray the ones who helped them when they were at their worst... Nayeon-ah, the money you and your mother spent needs to be paid back, it's the least you can do as a human being. I wouldn't have even taken this to court, I would've just paid it right back... If you have any shame, pay it back.

    [+92] Even if he hadn't been her mother's boyfriend at the time... even if that 600 million won was truly gifted to her in good faith, I would've still paid it back to express my thanks. Even if not all, at least a little bit... She was my favorite member in Twice, it's disappointing to see this ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

    [+130] If it's fact that he helped them to a sum amounting to over 600 million won, then yes, Nayeon needs to do something about paying it back..

    [+85] Even if she won the lawsuit, she needs to pay it back out of human decency

    [+82] Wow, that's actually amazing...

    [+77] Her mother's character is amazing... I can't help but pass judgment on to Nayeon's character, who was raised under such character as well

    [+77] Ah, the famous "JYP character" ㅋㅋㅋ

    [+75] I'm more amazed that the man waited all this time ㅋㅋ

    [+23] She's letting her image tank over 600 million won when she's probably made way more than that over the course of her career.


    Source: Naver

    [+2,621, -42] This won't be good for her image. You need to at least pay back a bit of what this person gave you to help you succeed. How can you spend on his credit card like that and not give a cent back..

    [+1,494, -19] Mother and daughter took this guy for a ride. Seems like the man knew he wasn't going to get his money back anyway and went ahead with the lawsuit out of anger.

    [+1,197, -9] So in the end, it's true that Nayeon and her mother spent 600 million won of this man's money. Shouldn't that be paid back?? That's no little sum..

    [+841, -5] Wow~ if someone helps you in your time of need, it's basic decency to pay it back. 600 million won is no laughing sum.

    [+352, -4] I don't get it. Once you succeed, isn't it basic decency to pay back the people who helped you? Why are you ignoring them? I think the judge made a bad decision here. This is a matter og human decency. I get that they never married so he's no more than a stranger even after 12 years but he still paid for so much of Nayeon's education and lifestyle. Am I the only one that thinks it's basic decency to pay him back?

    [+239, -3] This man paid for her and her mother's life for 12 years to as um of 600 million won. Be a good person and pay it back. He's not even her bio parent, the least you can do is pay it back.

    [+222, -1] So the judge admits that the money was spent on her rent, transportation, paying loans, education, etc -> and yet the judge ruled that Nayeon has no obligation to pay it back?

    [+215, -0] At her level of success, it should've been paid back before it even reached the courtroom. Even if the money wasn't technically "lent," she's made millions as a Twice member now. If she had shown even an ounce of desire in paying that man back, I doubt he would've filed a lawsuit. He's not even asking for more than he supported her with, just as much as he gave her, which sounds like the lawsuit is more out of sad feelings than a way to get revenge on her. This is an issue of character. Don't live like that, Nayeon.

    [+185, -2] So it's basically true that we wouldn't have the Nayeon we know today without this man's money... Her and her mother basically took this guy for a ride. Even with the court ruling the way it did, she needs to settle with him the best she can.

    [+145, -4] She basically earned her success off of her mother's affair partner

    [+122, -1] I don't even know how you can spend 600 million won of someone else's money like this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ your mother's a mess, Nayeon

    [+105, -2] So mother and daughter used their good looks to stick a straw down a man's back and suck him dry~ Nayeon-ah, don't live your life like your mother. There's nothing free in this world. The man's a fool for thinking he'd get anything out of keeping his girlfriend's house afloat like this

    [+95, -3] Wow, amazing mother and daughter pair

    [+72, -0] This feels iffy. It's like those cases where the girlfriend spends her life looking after a man as he prepares for law or med school and then he dumps her after he gets in.

    [+62, -0] ㅋㅋㅋ At her level of success, it's basic human decency to pay it back. Seems like both mother and daughter never wanted to at all. If you never wanted to pay it back, you should've figured out a way to make money and keep yourselves afloat before ripping off a man like this!

    [+61, -3] They sure did spend a lot ㅋㅋㅋ not even on her own father's card but on some foolish man's credit card. I always thought she had a cute image but she looks so different to me now.

    [+47, -0] Is her mother a gold digger or something? Why was she using so much of a boyfriend's money?


    Source: Naver

    [+1,246, -10] So Nayeon's mother spent her boyfriend's money on paying for Nayeon's education and their living expenses but now that said daughter is a famous celebrity making lots of money, she turned on him? Where's your basic human decency? Don't you think paying that money back will be better for your daughter's image?

    [+591, -9] I mean, isn't it so obvious that the money was lent, not gifted? Who in the world just goes around giving away 600 million won without expecting it back???

    [+473, -8] Even if she has no legal responsibility to pay it back, this is not good human behavior. It's not even like she doesn't have the money... I don't get why she felt the need to blow it up in the media like this instead of paying it back.

    [+370, -2] What the court ruled doesn't matter. If you took his money, you need to pay it back.

    [+236, -3] There's no way he just "gave" them the 600 million won without expecting it back..


    Source: Naver

    [+585, -10] Just out of basic human decency, should you not pay back someone's money you used to live off of?

    [+428, -6] So basically, it sounds like the mother used the guy for his money, and now that her daughter's big, she doesn't want to pay any of it back. Her mother basically took some poor guy for a ride. Sigh, you have tons of money, just give it back..

    [+276, -4] So what is the court saying? That even if he gave them 600 million won before debut, they weren't legally married or anything so the money's considered a gift???????? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They "broke up" so there's no legal obligation anymore???????? And yet there's transactions proving that 600 million won of that money went into supporting Nayeon???? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    [+263, -3] Unless the mother wants to tank her daughter's image, please just pay it back.. You didn't "win" anything in this case other than telling the world that you took a man for a fool.

    [+75, -1] The court itself acknowledged that the 600 million won was spent on her... Nayeon's image is going int the trash now. The court only ruled in their favor because they were never married, just dating... The public's only going to remember that she has the money now and refused to pay it back.

    [+70, -0] He spent years keeping food on their table...

    [+64, -1] Not even a few thousand but hundreds of thousands... that's not an allowance here or there, that's money that kept you alive, and this is how you pay him back ㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're gold diggers

    [+55, -1] Unless you're gold diggers, there's no reason why you shouldn't pay him back when he helped you when you needed it most

    [+49, -1] Nayeon-ah... at least give your mother 300 million won to pay this man back. You have the money, we all know that. At least pretend like you care about paying back this poor man.

    [+41, -0] You are not human if you backstab a person who helped you at your lowest like this

  • Let them say whatever they hell they want. Dude lost the lawsuit.

    Black Pink has taught me not to trust comments like this anyway,

    Jennie has been dragged to hell and back by K-netz, and it has literally never affected her career,

    Nayeon's solo career may take a hit in digitals, but it's not going to affect her fandom support. Also, as long as her brands stick with her, no amount of K-netz bitching is going to change anything.



  • This is absurd. I'm all for paying back debt if it was acknowledged by all parties as a loan in the first place. But here they speak without a single evidence that this is the case. It's always easy to act self-righteous online like this but if they're actually the ones being sued I'm sure they would wish for the judge to give them a similar ruling...

  • people talking about this subject are just dumb

    and people attacking the guy, nayeon mother or nayeon are dumb too

    the judge rules like this because there was no evidence, considering it was a transaction who happen in private nobody think of doing a contract or else

    the truth can be that the guy really gave the money as a loan and nayeon family just refuse to pay him back

    or the truth could be that he just gave the money without expecting them to pay it back

    we'll never know the truth, so people acting like on parts is right and the other is wrong in the forum just look so stupid and bias

    attacking a nobody for something you have no proof and happen in private years ago :facepalm::facepalm:

  • How do you let your girlfriend and her daughter scam you for 12 years straight

    Moreover, why not sue the mom only. Why bring the one who was a child into it just because she's famous now?



  • According to the ruling, Mr. A sent 535,908,275 won to Nayeon from August 2004 to June 2016. Additionally, Nayeon and Nayeon's mother paid 115,612,093 won with a credit card in Mr. A's name over a six-year period from March 2009 to February 2015. Nayeon made her debut with Twice in October 2015.

    Mr. A filed a lawsuit against Nayeon and Nayeon's mother in January last year. Mr. A said, “At the time, at the request of Nayeon’s mother, I lent her the necessary funds, including her living expenses,” and “I promised to repay when Nayeon (who was a trainee at the time) debuted as a singer, but Nayeon broke her promise.” Mr. A insisted. Two of Mr. A's acquaintances also appeared in court as witnesses and revealed, “Mr. A usually said, ‘When Nayeon debuts, she promised that Nayeon would repay the money she had supported so far.’”

  • According to the ruling, Mr. A sent 535,908,275 won to Nayeon from August 2004 to June 2016. Additionally, Nayeon and Nayeon's mother paid 115,612,093 won with a credit card in Mr. A's name over a six-year period from March 2009 to February 2015. Nayeon made her debut with Twice in October 2015.

    Mr. A filed a lawsuit against Nayeon and Nayeon's mother in January last year. Mr. A said, “At the time, at the request of Nayeon’s mother, I lent her the necessary funds, including her living expenses,” and “I promised to repay when Nayeon (who was a trainee at the time) debuted as a singer, but Nayeon broke her promise.” Mr. A insisted. Two of Mr. A's acquaintances also appeared in court as witnesses and revealed, “Mr. A usually said, ‘When Nayeon debuts, she promised that Nayeon would repay the money she had supported so far.’”

    Should have gotten it in writing, bucko.



  • How do you let your girlfriend and her daughter scam you for 12 years straight

    Moreover, why not sue the mom only. Why bring the one who was a child into it just because she's famous now?

    first of all do you know how long their relation lasted ?

    he probably never think it was a scam, they were together for more than 12 years if he gave them the money during this time period

    12y is a long time, enough to be confident in someone and their relation, he probably thought that he never need the money right now and they'll just give him back the money when needed

    you're all so weird, you all acting like you don't have any family, because it's quite common in family to just lend money and not asking right back for it because the other person doesn't have a good situation enough to pay you back, or you just don't need the money right now so you thinking or not asking them right now because it's not necessary 😐😐

    the second of all the money was use for nayeon when she was underage

    a loan or even a donation is consider as a contract, a minor can't sign a contract that's why the mom took the money but for nayeon so any judge can consider that nayeon can be consider as the co-debtor of the debt bevause she's the one who took profit of the money because it was maily use to support her while she's a trainee

    and finally i don't know how korean laws work, and don't know the financial status of her mom

    but considering that korea is very family oriented i wouldn't be surprise if there might be a law about joint liability in family in case of debt

    and probably because nayeon mom isn't rich any good lawyer would have advice the person to target nayeon because she have more money, and ensure the collection of receivables

    that's not a question of being celeb or not but probably more a question of who have more money to be sure that the debt is paid if the guy won the trial and not put her mother directly in a bad financial situation, because paying the debt rught away would cost her too much

    that's something often use in corporate law when the subsidiary doesn't have enough money to pay back their debt you just go to the headquarters because they have more money to ensure the payment of the debt not because she's more popular or celeb

  • It's really hard to give judgement without knowing all the details and dynamics of their relationship.


    i don't know if people are being dumb on purpose or not

    the judge never said that he state this way cuz their proof that he gave them

    he just stated this way bevause there's a lack of evidence in both parties

    and people are here acting like they have a clue about what happen in this couple for 12y when they don't 😐😐

  • you're all so weird, you all acting like you don't have any family, because it's quite common in family to just lend money and not asking right back for it because the other person doesn't have a good situation enough to pay you back, or you just don't need the money right now so you thinking or not asking them right now because it's not necessary 😐😐

    this ☝️

    Everyone acting as if they get some contract signed when they help their friends or family etc. Most of the time people just lend money to people close to them just on basis of trust and mutual understanding.

    Refusing to return the borrowed money without any written contract might be ok legally but morally its a very shitty low life behaviour.

    Nayeon is very rich anyways, she could have easily just thrown money on that guys face and cut all the relationship between them moving forwards. Even though she is not legally obligated to do so but she did benefited a lot from that guy, idk why would she want to live her life indebted to someone.

  • Everyone acting as if they get some contract signed when they help their friends or family etc. Most of the time people just lend money to people close to them just on basis of trust and mutual understanding.

    Refusing to return the borrowed money without any written contract might be ok legally but morally its a very shitty low life behaviour.

    first time you actually post something smart

    i guess there's some progress

  • 600M won ain't even a big sum for someone like Nayeon... I don't know what's her relationship with that man nor do I care about it but she should have paid him back just for her peace of mind.

    Why? He put in living expense for Nayeon and her whole family and his argument rest on the notion that he claims Nayeons mom promised Nayeon would pay him back? What kind of horse shit is that? If such a promise ever happened in the first place it wasn't Nayeon who made it.

    All of the members of the household would have benefited from the money, himself included. But he only has a gripe with the rich one? From an alleged promise made by her mother from something that started when Nayeon was an 8 year old child? Ridiculous. He didn't appeal for a reason. The claim is non sense.

  • I guess your family members and friends might be making you sign some written contract whenever they help you or you might be doing so when u help others then

    It's been 7 years since 2016?

    Dude had plenty of time to try to get a paper trail to prove they owed him money. If he got to the point that he's taking them to court, then by then, he didn't consider them family.

    Bet your bottom dollar, I would have made sure to get it in writing that I intended that money to be given back (family or not) if it is a large sum like millions of won (thousands of dollars). He's her mother's ex, right? Before me and her broke up, I would have worked on finessing that out of her.



  • It's been 7 years since 2016?

    Dude had plenty of time to try to get a paper trail to prove they owed him money. If he got to the point that he's taking them to court, then by then, he didn't consider them family.

    Bet your bottom dollar, I would have made sure to get it in writing that I intended that money to be given back (family or not) if it is a large sum like millions of won (thousands of dollars). He's her mother's ex, right? Before me and her broke up, I would have worked on finessing that out of her.

    easy to say on internet, hard to do in practical life

  • How you know she benefit from the guy?

  • yeah because everybody know what's going to happen in the future, and who you will bring to court in 15 years

    If you don't have any actual proof, why the hell would you sue them?

    I'm sorry, but if I am loaning someone thousands of dollars, and I intend for them to pay me back, we are getting it in writing. I don't care who you are (my mom is the only exception since I'd be fine if she didn't pay me back lol). That's just smart business.

    And any person who has enough money that they can give out thousands of dollars to support somebody else, should know that.



  • The part that pisses me off is people defending it and calling everyone that commented something non hateful as incels🤡🤡🤡 when on the flip side microdot a good man and idol who did nothing wrong basically got his career etc destroyed by the same thing but in his case he had zero knowledge etc of his parents misdeeds about this money they got. He paid it back.

    But when it's a woman on the receiving end of the same situation except a little worse because someone gave them that money out of love or some moral obligation suddenly this is okay? Interesting

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