Aprils "bullying scandal" is BS. Here is the truth (tw:sui****)

  • do you agree with me 32

    1. yes, they both did bad things so we should move past it (14) 44%
    2. no, hyunjoo is wrong (3) 9%
    3. no, april was wrong (15) 47%

    I relized a lot of people have a one sided view of what happened between April and Hyunjoo. I formed my conclusion by looking at other statements made by reliable people who have a much more unbiased perspective than Hyunjoos brother. So here is the opinion on what happened based on the statements we got from staff, the brother, senior idols, trainers, and people close to the april members!!!

    The april girls were annoyed by Hyunjoo because she was lazy and skipped most practices and schedules while blaming it on her sickness. The other members thought it was unfair because they all were struggling with sickness as well but still gave it their all.

    Hyunjoo once stood up the other members the night before a schedule and made them work until morning rearranging the choreography by themselves. Hyunjoo also never worked as a team and treated herself like she was the star because of her visual position (doing everything on her own terms vs what is best for her team) Obviously, the other girls who were 13-17 years old at this time, became frustrated and stressed out and decided to confront her about it, but she refused to change her attitude and decided to leave the group. SO, thats when Naeun was chosen as a substitute but Hyunjoo came back to the team a few months later.

    This situation is what caused the leader, Somin to dislike Hyunjoo because she made it difficult for her to do her role and the other girls followed and started to dislike her too. But once they debuted, Somin decided to leave the group instead of Hyunjoo to protect the center position and the rest of the girls. When Somin left the group, the girls were more mean to Hyunjoo but there was no physical abuse. This is where the problem with Naeun reportedly stealing Hyunjoos pair of shows happened but according to others, Naeun had bought the same pair of shoes and that incident was an accident.

    The suicide attempt took place a few months after Somin left, Hyunjoo sent a text to her parents and went to the han river park in the middle of the night to jump off but decided not to. After that Hyunjoo left April for good. The girls got therapy and decided to move past that part in their live AS THEY SHOULD because they were only 13-17 years old. I think the root of the problem here is that Hyunjoo has a very sensitive and soft personality which doesnt match with the other girls. I also wanted to point out sad it is that the older girls involved Jinsoul in the bulling who was only 12 or 13 years old at that time.

    What do you guys think???

    DSP also claims that the claim Hyunjoo and her brother had about Chaewon having a romantic relationship with the female manager is false.

    link to all of the statements


  • i think they were young

    Hyunjoo was very very immature at these times and was too emotional so i think she might have feel what happen was more big than it really was

    meanwhile the other girls were young and were drive by their emotion and disappointment in Hyunjoo behaviour

    also i don't know why everybody is making such a fuse about this shoes story

    i don't know how many Kpop idols said that they have the same shoes than other members and sometimes borrow them thinking that it was their own shoes

    and people always say "it's cute " -_-

  • I don't think this is a very good characterization of the situation. There's a difference between being lazy and being mentally ill, which Hyunjoo was. And the company/her managers/the adults in the room didn't help her. She needed help, and no one stepped in. Then when the other members exacerbated the situation, still no one stepped in. I don't blame Hyunjoo, she was a struggling teenager and wasn't getting support. I do blame the others, because disliking a coworker is no excuse to be cruel.

  • I think you should get your facts right. She was hospitalized due to an overdose of drugs and not what that staff member said. Funnily all these people never denied how they were isolating her and basically admitted to it. Plus, yeah there are always people that one might not like but I will still never isolate someone so hard that they try to commit suicide. You are either a kid or very delusional

  • We don't know so stop talking about it. We also most likely will never know.

    People are too one sided but its internet, we knew it would be like that.

    I think you should get your facts right. She was hospitalized due to an overdose of drugs and not what that staff member said. Funnily all these people never denied how they were isolating her and basically admitted to it. Plus, yeah there are always people that one might not like but I will still never isolate someone so hard that they try to commit suicide. You are either a kid or very delusional

    We don't know the reason why she committed suicide. We only know how. The why is impossible to know right now, cz both sides disagree on it (she was sick yes but they disagree on why she was sick).

  • I love April but at a certain point you need to be realistic. Since debut Naeun and Jinsol had bullying rumours surrounding them and when Naeun left JYP as a trainee. I don’t know what DSP did to stop the outpouring mess but since then it was quite. Now fast forward here and see Hyunjoo’s situation.

    Even when she left the group, rumours and blind items about the members being bullies were all over korean platforms. K-fineapples also speculated about this.

    Then Hyunjoo brother came forward and was throughly posting evidence after evidence whereas Yena’s sister literally exposed herself when she mentioned the two dates Hyunjoo was absent, those two dates was when Hyunjoo was in the hospital.

    DSP is known for being shady and manipulating the public opinions. I’m just saying here April isn’t innocent as they seem and DSP is trying so hard to protect them that it’s coming off very sus.

    There was bullying involved and it got so intense one of the girls tried to harm herself (with medical records to prove it). Now Hyunjoo is still in DSP and she’s unprotected and potentially have to lie to save her brother. That is more worrying.



    Edited once, last by Park_Oppa ().

  • - DSP never denied any of the things they and April members were accused of. Instead they made up excuses for all the "alleged" bullying instances.

    - best excuse so far being : "but the other April members were having it hard too!!"

    - The hospital record showed she attempted suicide. She overdosed on medication/drugs. And it was right before the day she was accused of "skipping" performances and practices. But yeah, girl was lazy.

    - What did any of these people claiming to try protecting both Hyunjoo and April have done other than blaming her and throwing her under the bus.

    - interesting how DSP announced they'd sue right after her brother exposed the medical records. Doesn't help they're threatening of suing their OWN artist when she hasn't been the one to reveal any of this publicly.

    - "we'll sue because she can't agree with our version of the facts!!"

  • Hyunjoo has remained silent unil this day and her brother NEVER said chaewon was dating the manager, it was a "friend" post , claiming to be close to Hyunjoo and knowing all her pain during April debut days. So don't put words into their mouths trying to portrait them as liars. And no company is going to say "yes our minor idol was dating an older manager and we didn't care"

    You defend the girls saying they were 12-17 when that happened when hyunjoo was also a minor yet you don't seem to give ver the same consideration

  • - DSP never denied any of the things they and April members were accused of. Instead they made up excuses for all the "alleged" bullying instances.

    They (DSP) replied to a viral post of someone calling out April on the Hyunjoo situation and who claimed to have been a witness. They refuted almost everything and i don't think the poster was ever seen after.

    - best excuse so far being : "but the other April members were having it hard too!!"

    Not a good excuse yes but they denied bullying. They didn't give any info or evidence

    - The hospital record showed she attempted suicide. She overdosed on medication/drugs. And it was right before the day she was accused of "skipping" performances and practices. But yeah, girl was lazy.

    It was Yena's alleged sister statement (and maybe the AJAX guy) which talked about Hyunjoo being lazy. DSP never claimed that.

    - What did any of these people claiming to try protecting both Hyunjoo and April have done other than blaming her and throwing her under the bus.

    They said it was from both parties and then sued. I don't see any excessively rude attitude towards Hyunjoo's side. They strictly kept their statement towards what was already stated by the brother and only sued in the end cz damages were done.

    - interesting how DSP announced they'd sue right after her brother exposed the medical records. Doesn't help they're threatening of suing their OWN artist when she hasn't been the one to reveal any of this publicly.

    Honestly they most likely would have sued anyways, they most likely waited to see if the gp was calming down on the situation and maybe try to resolve everything behind the scene but it is still viral even nowadays in Korean SNS. Them suing their own artist really depicts a very bad side of the company (DSP was always fcked up honestly).

    - "we'll sue because she can't agree with our version of the facts!!"

    I mean their is a lot of money to lose in the situation. You can't blame them to sue her. It is pretty clear that Hyunjoo, her brother and maybe others are active behind the scene and that their is a legal battle right now.

  • I mean their is a lot of money to lose in the situation. You can't blame them to sue her. It is pretty clear that Hyunjoo, her brother and maybe others are active behind the scene and that their is a legal battle right now.

    Actually, we CAN blame them to sue her. I do. It's a terrible look for the company, and a terrible way to treat an employee who has so far remained silent (which is a blessing for them, probably). It's a dumb lawsuit, frankly, and I'll be a little surprised if they actually go through with it because they'll never win. They named the wrong defendant, slandered their own employee, and now have egg on their face. It's pretty indefensible, from a legal standpoint. Unless they can prove she somehow had a hand in the leaks/discussion (and they can't) they have no case.

  • I love April but at a certain point you need to be realistic. Since debut Naeun and Jinsol had bullying rumours surrounding them and when Naeun left JYP as a trainee. I don’t know what DSP did to stop the outpouring mess but since then it was quite. Now fast forward here and see Hyunjoo’s situation.

    Even when she left the group, rumours and blind items about the members being bullies were all over korean platforms. K-fineapples also speculated about this.

    It will never ever be evidence. Most of these rumors are baseless and completely bullshit and are here just for the : "Said It !!", after something happened.

    Then Hyunjoo brother came forward and was throughly posting evidence after evidence whereas Yena’s sister literally exposed herself when she mentioned the two dates Hyunjoo was absent, those two dates was when Hyunjoo was in the hospital.

    Hyunjoo's brother NEVER posted evidence after evidence. In fact he poster ONE evidence, which was the medical records of her attempting suicide. And this evidence doesn't even prove their was bullying, only that she attempted suicide and that Yena's sister statement is completely bullshit.

    And to talk about Yena's sister, neither parties confirmed it was her, and her proofs could easily be falsified.

    DSP is known for being shady and manipulating the public opinions. I’m just saying here April isn’t innocent as they seem and DSP is trying so hard to protect them that it’s coming off very sus.

    I do not think they tried hard to protect the group, in fact i think their defense was very bad and they should have tried to sue way earlier. DSP has never ever been a good company, not even a decent one, so it was kind of expected.

    There was bullying involved and it got so intense one of the girls tried to harm herself (with medical records to prove it). Now Hyunjoo is still in DSP and she’s unprotected and potentially have to lie to save her brother. That is more worrying.

    Yea its worrying cz this situation is very rare and we know how much power those companies have on their own employees. Though they are suing her and her side probably tried something with the Court too so i don't think they can do anything they want. If they can law is fcked up in korea.

  • Actually, we CAN blame them to sue her. I do. It's a terrible look for the company, and a terrible way to treat an employee who has so far remained silent (which is a blessing for them, probably). It's a dumb lawsuit, frankly, and I'll be a little surprised if they actually go through with it because they'll never win. They named the wrong defendant, slandered their own employee, and now have egg on their face. It's pretty indefensible, from a legal standpoint. Unless they can prove she somehow had a hand in the leaks/discussion (and they can't) they have no case.

    They sue her and her party, Hyunjoo is probably doing things behind the scene or they would never sue her. Is it a terrible way to treat your employee, yea probably. It actually would surprise me if they lose : usually its hard to prove bullying, especially if it happened a long time ago and minimal proofs were kept.

    They didn't name the wrong defendant, they didn't slander their own employee (why are you all pushing that, DSP never slandered Hyunjoo, Yena's sister and the Ajax guy yes but DSP never).

  • They sue her and her party, Hyunjoo is probably doing things behind the scene or they would never sue her. Is it a terrible way to treat your employee, yea probably. It actually would surprise me if they lose : usually its hard to prove bullying, especially if it happened a long time ago and minimal proofs were kept.

    They didn't name the wrong defendant, they didn't slander their own employee (why are you all pushing that, DSP never slandered Hyunjoo, Yena's sister and the Ajax guy yes but DSP never).

    Okay, first, don't talk about what you don't understand.

    If their employee has been completely silent and they're suing her instead of the people who were actually talking, then good luck with that case. Hence "named the wrong defendant", you name the person who is ACTUALLY causing economic damages, not the one being silent. Second, what are they suing her for? You actually do have to have a cause of action to bring a case. Breach of contract? For what, she hasn't done anything she hadn't been doing and they hadn't been tolerating before, and that arguably invalidates their contract claims because of prior tolerance. She hasn't done anything else, so good luck with finding a cause of action. I used "slander" in a casual, not legal context, she doesn't have a cause for slander (yet, but give them time because they're getting there the more they go in on this).

    If I were their legal counsel I'd tell the company to shut the hell up (and I'm sure that's what their lawyers are currently saying, hence few statements yet about the situation). Lol, as part of a law firm we're always telling clients to shut the hell up. They don't always listen, but we try.

  • I think you should get your facts right. She was hospitalized due to an overdose of drugs and not what that staff member said. Funnily all these people never denied how they were isolating her and basically admitted to it. Plus, yeah there are always people that one might not like but I will still never isolate someone so hard that they try to commit suicide. You are either a kid or very delusional

    You've clearly never been in a group project where one kid doesn't do shit, it's very frustrating. Hyunjoo never wanted to be an idol, she was always in it to be an actress and she didn't want to train and work as an idol. And no one tries to commit suicide because they were isolated from a group, the girl had problems way before April.

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