Fifty Fifty's song played at the Barbie event
    For reference, the MV shooting was canceled but they still used the song






    Directors, actors, and OST singers like Nicki Minaj, Dua Lipa, etc.
    + other Hollywood celebrities participated in the Barbie event
    But Fifty Fifty couldn't come because they are in a dispute with their agency..ㅋㅋ

    original post: here

    1. Wow even I feel regret for them

    2. They are just getting their own karma tsk tsk

    3. You fools

    4. Karma, I don't want to see them on broadcast

    5. At this rate, they just didn't want to become celebrities

    6. I didn't believe in karma but I do after seeing them

    7. This was their own dumb mistake

    8. I now believe in reaping what you sow

    9. ... legendary karma...ㅋㅋㅋ

    10. I'm curious about how they are realizing all the opportunities they've missedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestyle

  • Fifty fifty really are unlucky. I don’t know who decided now was the great time to start this dues but if I was the girls I would hate that person. Probably ruined their careers in all honestly. Korean people are basically on the CEOs side and they don’t have a secure fandom overseas yet to properly support them. Just a shitty situation they found themselves in

  • Imagine being a group from a 'small' company to be able to do this. They will get a tons of attention from everyone. What a waste of opportunity and to think that even their parents are quite greedy too, it's everyone fault from the ceo, producer, warner and the parents as teh girls might just follow what the adult said.

  • Fifty fifty really are unlucky. I don’t know who decided now was the great time to start this dues but if I was the girls I would hate that person. Probably ruined their careers in all honestly. Korean people are basically on the CEOs side and they don’t have a secure fandom overseas yet to properly support them. Just a shitty situation they found themselves in

    It was Attrakt's Mr. Jeon Hongjun who started this.

    He wanted to raise funds to launch his own boy group while Siahn decided it was time to get rid of him.

    I don't pay attention to the Korean propaganda. They are all in with the owner and his shady tactics. For years I have argued that they had to go.

  • They really should have waited. Incredibly dumb move, I can't even feel sorry for them.

    Dumb? If they waited more Jeon would have chained them into obligations which would not benefit them and would also create an unnecessary fandom in Korea

    They would have cheapened themselves by being run around in a bunch of events in the hinterlands of Korea, and Aran would have been forced to sing a duet with some nugu singer, like Yuju whose chances were eternally ruined because the Source then-owner made her sing duets with a couple of nugus. After that no one wanted to sing a duet with her.

  • It was Attrakt's Mr. Jeon Hongjun who started this.

    He wanted to raise funds to launch his own boy group while Siahn decided it was time to get rid of him.

    I don't pay attention to the Korean propaganda. They are all in with the owner and his shady tactics. For years I have argued that they had to go.

    It honestly doesn’t even matter anymore. Fifty Fifty doesn’t have a fanbase developed yet. The Korean public that does care about this, which is necessarily big at all, is siding with the CEO. Whoever is actually at fault here doesn’t really matter much. Fifty fifty is most likely done

  • Dumb? If they waited more Jeon would have chained them into obligations which would not benefit them and would also create an unnecessary fandom in Korea

    They would have cheapened themselves by being run around in a bunch of events in the hinterlands of Korea, and Aran would have been forced to sing a duet with some nugu singer, like Yuju whose chances were eternally ruined because the Source then-owner made her sing duets with a couple of nugus. After that no one wanted to sing a duet with her.

    Yes it was dumb period

    They missed a huge opportunity that other idols would kill to have and won't happen again anytime soon

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • The girls filed an injunction to stop group activities. They don't want to work since any earnings will go towards reducing their trainee debt and not to them personally.

    Which the attrakt owner tried to inflate to $5mil and his investor said it has nothing to do with FF

    Jeon now has to offer a correct accounting of it

  • never seen so many people simp for a CEO before

    what matters is FF is set free to promote overseas pronto, that should be their only concern

    Korean propaganda. Jeon used to be the PR manager so he knows how to play the Korean media.

    But he continues to forget that FF doesn't pay any attention to him, or whatever is happening in there.

  • never seen so many people simp for a CEO before

    what matters is FF is set free to promote overseas pronto, that should be their only concern

    they ain't promoting squat until after the trial is finished...which can take a while...especially if appeals are in play.

  • Wow, that iu stan really hard stanning 50/50 now probably to have another iu vs bts saga but for the international scale with different player as both of them in hiatus.

    Sadly, no matter how he is trying to said they will make it outside of Korea, in reality the percentage is very low as it may take at least a year for all their court cases to resolved or maybe longer than that and they cannot really back to the industry before that. By that time Warner already have another new shining baby to promote, they're a huge label with no loyalty to anyone and all the huge opportunity and promotion 50/50 get so far basically from them not Siahn himself. He has the connections to warner but didn't have any power to give 50/50 a lot of push like warner give to them. Or Warner can just sign that students who wrote Cupid for their other artists.

    No matter whose fault this is, no one is winning and they're all lose something from this.

  • Wow, that iu stan really hard stanning 50/50 now probably to have another iu vs bts saga but for the international scale with different player as both of them in hiatus.

    Sadly, no matter how he is trying to said they will make it outside of Korea, in reality the percentage is very low as it may take at least a year for all their court cases to resolved or maybe longer than that and they cannot really back to the industry before that. By that time Warner already have another new shining baby to promote, they're a huge label with no loyalty to anyone and all the huge opportunity and promotion 50/50 get so far basically from them not Siahn himself. He has the connections to warner but didn't have any power to give 50/50 a lot of push like warner give to them. Or Warner can just sign that students who wrote Cupid for their other artists.

    No matter whose fault this is, no one is winning and they're all lose something from this.

    FF won't wait till the suit is settled. As long as they have an injunction they will board a plane out of Korea asap, and if they don't get it they will force Attrakt to show how much they earned, and although Attrakt might try to play some games on this matter, there seems to be no proof so they will win, paying maybe 100k-150k per person which they will recoup quite quickly.

    Aran's dreamy voice is what made the song its power. If Aran was just like an average singer the whole issue would not even have arisen since it would not have made it to the Hot 100. And Sio also has some value too. The other members could be compensated somehow.

    I do not listen to any Korean propaganda, all done by people who do have connections with the shady operators. FF will lose some, Siahn would lose little since he bought the copyrights for the song with his own money and only gave Jeon what J had paid for, and we won't hear about Jeon and Attrakt again after this is over.

  • This is what happens when greed come first instead of hard working.

    Karma hit it back. The guy who stole and the girls who don't thanks the CEO for all the things he did for them but instead turn their back just few months after their debut.

    They got everything and more than other that people are dreaming about to debut as an idol.

    Greed, a vile sin that can cost your dream and reputation but the betrayal is a blasphemy.

    Well, they are all over in Korea their homecountry and don't dream for them to debut in US, like if a company would hire a scandal group who backstab the CEO.

    Justice will prevail, the judgment day is coming. Repent for your sin, say sorry to God and hope to be forgiven in Paradis.


  • It was Attrakt's Mr. Jeon Hongjun who started this.

    He wanted to raise funds to launch his own boy group while Siahn decided it was time to get rid of him.

    I don't pay attention to the Korean propaganda. They are all in with the owner and his shady tactics. For years I have argued that they had to go.

    Contract law is important, the girls need to prove that Jeon broke the contract first, otherwise the law will favor him.

  • FF won't wait till the suit is settled. As long as they have an injunction they will board a plane out of Korea asap, and if they don't get it they will force Attrakt to show how much they earned, and although Attrakt might try to play some games on this matter, there seems to be no proof so they will win, paying maybe 100k-150k per person which they will recoup quite quickly.

    Aran's dreamy voice is what made the song its power. If Aran was just like an average singer the whole issue would not even have arisen since it would not have made it to the Hot 100. And Sio also has some value too. The other members could be compensated somehow.

    I do not listen to any Korean propaganda, all done by people who do have connections with the shady operators. FF will lose some, Siahn would lose little since he bought the copyrights for the song with his own money and only gave Jeon what J had paid for, and we won't hear about Jeon and Attrakt again after this is over.

    So where are they now exactly? In the plane flying to other country or still stuck in Korea watching all the huge opportunity waiting for them gone just like that? If they can just run to other country, why not doing it now?And the thing is they're forcing Attrakt to show the financial transparency now by suing them but it will take months to years to resolve based on other cases similar to them. And Siahn also not in the best position as he has his own battle to fight. Warner seems to keep their mouth shut and it will not take them long before they drop 50/50. The question is whose gonna sign the girls now to promote them in the US?

    No matter what they're all losing and 50/50 might getting the worst out of them all.

  • Soon to be their ex-home country since I don't think any of them will keep their Korean citizenships

    Poetic justice only exists in poems. In reality those who benefited will win.

    Also it was Jeon's greed which caused this. he talked abut raising $60 million, and debuting a boy group, when FF didn't get established. He counted his chicken before it hatched and now he acts like a little boy who lost his toy which he didn't own.

  • Those examples have literally nothing to do with Fifty Fifty's case.. Even these cases isolated have nothing to do with each other lmao. Pls dont come with fallacies at me, I'm pro at detecting bs

    And what is your counterargument? So they should be taken to every schedule Jeon arranges in Korea and cheapen themselves?

    The GIvers was supposed to arrange FF's foreign activities and that makes no money for Jeon. So for Jeon it would be better to exploit FF's notoriety by running them around to every event in Korea while he raises enough money for his next boy group, and the members said no.

    You have not given a reason about why they are different.

  • Wow, that iu stan really hard stanning 50/50 now probably to have another iu vs bts saga but for the international scale with different player as both of them in hiatus.

    Also the IU-BTS saga is indirectly related to this , or to virtually all Korean misconception on the global KPop market.

    IU defeating BTS domestically in 2021 eventually led to BTS being drafted to the barracks, out of global market causing a $10 billion opportunity cost, as well as introducing the notion that conquering Korea is as important as conquering the world to all the Kpop acts, a mold which FF and Siahn tried to break.

    BTS had to put a foot in Korea, since Bang accepted a large sum of investment from the Korean pension agency, and also he wanted to play a mogul in Korea, on the same rank with the owners of Samsung and Hyundai. Which is why it could not abandon Korea, and eventually got sucked into there.

    In other words, IU indirectly was responsible for the fall of BTS, and now the fall of Fifty Fifty as well since this mess will redefine the importance of Korea as far as KPop is concerned.

  • I guess, good luck for fifty fifty. Out of their only 2 or 3 supporters here, none seems to be 'normal' and rational.

    I tend to not replied to this user anymore when they started to being more extra delusional than usual but this is just so funny.

    But I think my guess is right. Because both of his main pawns in hiatus currently and he need new muse to talk about.

  • damn are you the CEO's religious niece or something?

  • FF won't wait till the suit is settled. As long as they have an injunction they will board a plane out of Korea asap, and if they don't get it they will force Attrakt to show how much they earned, and although Attrakt might try to play some games on this matter, there seems to be no proof so they will win, paying maybe 100k-150k per person which they will recoup quite quickly.

    Aran's dreamy voice is what made the song its power. If Aran was just like an average singer the whole issue would not even have arisen since it would not have made it to the Hot 100. And Sio also has some value too. The other members could be compensated somehow.

    I do not listen to any Korean propaganda, all done by people who do have connections with the shady operators. FF will lose some, Siahn would lose little since he bought the copyrights for the song with his own money and only gave Jeon what J had paid for, and we won't hear about Jeon and Attrakt again after this is over.

    The amount of delusion in this should be studied.

    "they will force Attrakt to show how much they earned" What earnings? Fifty-Fifty had one viral song. Do you know how much streaming actually pays? Apple Music pays $0.008. Spotify: $0.0038. YouTube Music $0.002. They make virtually nothing from streaming, and whatever they do make, the writers and other producers and staff still have to get their cut first. But none of this matters anyway because, as the CEO said, he does not have the rights to Cupid so he's not getting any money from them either way. So exactly what is he supposed to pay them with??? The only thing the CEO is left with is the burden of the debt he invested in fifty-fifty, a debt that is common for all small companies, debt that fifty-fifty knew they would incur when they signed their contracts (because again, it's a small company).

    Brand deals is where the money is really at. If Fifty-Fifty cared about being paid, they would have focused more on promoting, not conspiring to break the contract right as they were in the middle of blowing up.

  • What were the girls thinking? I am still FLABBERGASTED at their timing. This has to be one of the dumbest things i've ever seen in Kpop. Unless there was something truly evil with the CEO, unless he was doing something truly evil to them that couldnt be endured for another minute let alone another few months, the timing of this lawsuit has to be the dumbest thing i've seen in Kpop in recent memory.

    Even a toddler could have told you that you should have WAITED until AFTER all of these amazing promotions set up by the CEO actually happened. You could have done the whirlwind of promotions, got your name into the mainstream musical/entertainment press in the US and Korea, lifted your visibility in ways that 99.9 percent of idols couldnt even fathom.

    THEN and ONLY THEN, you could have come back to Korea, had a sit down with your boss and the producer, and aired all your concerns. The promotions were a huge opportunity for you to charm potential fans, introduce yourselves to the GP...after a few months and with luck, maybe you could have gotten more people to your side in the court of public opinion so that even if you had gone through with the lawsuit, say in October or November, you would have more people to defend you.

    I mean, i'm open to being wrong. It wouldnt be the first time X( . Maybe they have some crazy masterplan to come out on top, maybe they playing 4D chess while i'm thinkin checkers.

    But to me, with the information we have now, this whole mess with them basically sabotaging their own comeback reeks of an emotional revenge motive (either by them or by the producer) to humiliate their CEO, regardless of how it would impact their own careers. Or utter rank stupidity.

  • The amount of delusion in this should be studied.

    "they will force Attrakt to show how much they earned" What earnings? Fifty-Fifty had one viral song. Do you know how much streaming actually pays? Apple Music pays $0.008. Spotify: $0.0038. YouTube Music $0.002. They make virtually nothing from streaming, and whatever they do make, the writers and other producers and staff still have to get their cut first. But none of this matters anyway because, as the CEO said, he does not have the rights to Cupid so he's not getting any money from them either way. So exactly what is he supposed to pay them with??? The only thing the CEO is left with is the burden of the debt he invested in fifty-fifty, a debt that is common for all small companies that they knew they would incur when they signed their contracts.

    Brand deals is where the money is really at. If Fifty-Fifty cared about being paid, they would have focused more on promoting, not conspiring to break the contract right as they were in the middle of blowing up.

    Brand deals , if they emphasize in Korea, is important. Not so much if it wants to operate outside of it

  • Contract law is important, the girls need to prove that Jeon broke the contract first, otherwise the law will favor him.

    siahn ended his business with jhj in march. but didnt made it public to not harm the image of 50/50.

    then jhj attacked everyone in the media. blaming, some unknown force, than siahn, the givers, than warner... still denied by the givers and warner.

    we dont know what went on behind the scene. but in public it was jhj who started to mess around.

  • It really is one of top 5 dumbest things ever done in kpop, if not the most. Every other artist surfing on the huge hype of Barbie and these clowns were the only ones who missed it because they thought it was a good idea to start a lawsuit meanwhile. I would understand if it was physical or psychological abuse, but money? They could get tons of it the more popular they got. Did they thought BP or Twice started making cash right after their first hit? Wtf did they had in mind ;( not only the Barbie hype, now even their Cupid hype is dead and it is very unlikely they will get any support in their musical careers now, in South Korea or internationally.

    Only way this wouldnt happen is if a huge label with good, smart management take them under their wing. But I never saw something like that happening tbh. If it happens they would be extremely lucky.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • honestly this was a huge missed opportunity. The Barbie hype is big and I bet you that it will be one of the biggest movies this year if the plot is even half decent.

    Anyway, still watching the movie though, hope I can get tickets.

    Here in Brazil the Barbie presale tickets already doubled the presale numbers of Guardians of the Galaxy

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • It really is one of top 5 dumbest things ever done in kpop, if not the most. Every other artist surfing on the huge hype of Barbie and these clowns were the only ones who missed it because they thought it was a good idea to start a lawsuit meanwhile. I would understand if it was physical or psychological abuse, but money? They could get tons of it the more popular they got. Did they thought BP or Twice started making cash right after their first hit? Wtf did they had in mind ;( not only the Barbie hype, now even their Cupid hype is dead and it is very unlikely they will get any support in their musical careers now, in South Korea or internationally.

    Only way this wouldnt happen is if a huge label with good, smart management take them under their wing. But I never saw something like that happening tbh. If it happens they would be extremely lucky.

    Honestly I still don't get, let's say their contract is unfavorable for them at least wait till you make money to actually prove that, it took loona 6 years before taking any legal actions against their company that's how they were able to end their contract and have the public side with them

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