Why is everyone mad at SM all of a sudden
KPOP fans will use anything to make their faves look good.
SM not making the Billboard Top 100 is another way of saying SM is falling behind, which means their groups are falling behind.
Perfectly normal for KPOP stans who don't like SM groups to jump on this. When the sharks smell an ounce of blood, they attack. Just another bullet to add to their arsenal for fandom wars.
Company stans are the weirdest bunch of Kpop fans.
well and there's me....
spending the whole day trying to think if people are stupid or dumb on this forum with their thread saying how SM should stop pushing Aespa in the west because they'll never reach BTS and BP level
and thinking about how long will it takes to finally understand that if it was SM goal for Aespa they would have never promote them as a Hyper Pop GG which is a very niche music genre in the world but just as a Generic hip hop/pop GG like every other GG who are big names in the west like BP, Little mix, fifth harmony ....
I'm not mad, just disappointed.
I haven't liked anything their girl groups have put out except SNSD with Forever 1. GOT is a mess. I haven't liked any of RV's stuff for a while. I'm not a fan of Aespa because their music hasn't been to my liking. I'm pretty much done with the GOT project and just hope SM focuses on SNSD or Taeyeon's solos.
called girls on top a rotational group but kept all the same members
gave them another absolutely trash title track (and bad b-sides)
likely delayed aespa's comeback for stamp on it
didn't send red velvet to any end of year shows
and that's just the past month
What i see in my timeline is that fans would rather see an aespa or red velvet comebacks or activities than GOT
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