Not that much of a big deal, almost everyone here doesn't have english as their main language and it's completely normal to mess up a bit when trying to communicate, especially when you just started.

is it entitled to expect users to speak english coherently?
Yes, kinda☺️
Not that much of a big deal, almost everyone here doesn't have english as their main language and it's completely normal to mess up a bit when trying to communicate, especially when you just started.
yeap so my friend if i mess up then its not me... english is not my first language...
all my stuff ups are due entirely to my lack of english abilities
yeap so my friend if i mess up then its not me... english is not my first language...
all my stuff ups are due entirely to my lack of english abilities
I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable or feel bad about themselves. I'd never actually point out someone's mistake or be rude towards a user for something they can't control. Please forgive me if I offended you.
no, I am just being paranoid!
I totally understood your point and other people's replies here to be fair :DD
but I couldn't help but feel a little stupid that's why it is a "me" problem I am rather insecure and paranoid
, if I felt you were offending me I would be open about it I guess you all were adressing some specific type of troll (which to be fair I haven't seen much since the new forums)
sarcasm my friend sarcasm lol
my english is pretty good and fluent...
so its probably on me and not my english lol
Nah, I absolutely do not care. I used to be a stickler for grammar, but after living in the most multicultural city in the world for so long and being around people of all different backgrounds, I realize how entitled and privileged that way of thinking is. I hear about people being verbally abused by strangers in public for not speaking English in North America, and it's so gross to me. A friend also mentioned once that not everyone is lucky enough to grow up in a decent school with a good education, or may even have learning disabilities.
It's not my place to judge people for something so trivial.
If anyone argues with me and I don't understand what they're saying, I'll just straight up say I can't understand what you're saying and step away from the conversation. I get that it can be frustrating, but I would imagine it's way more frustrating for them, and at least they're trying.
I simply feel lucky that it's not a burden that I have to worry about.
it’s fine as long as they can communicate what they mean. Their english doesn’t have to have perfect syntax, but the meaning needs to come through clearly, otherwise it would be difficult to hold a conversation or interact with each other without any miscommunication.
I mean not everyone has English as a first language, so it's whatever. As long as the meaning gets accross thats all that matters imo
To be comprehensible is important for two people to engage on a forum and a forum’s very purpose is to have discussions and hold conversation. And since this is a predominantly English speaking forum I expect the users, at the very minimum, to be comprehensible. I’m not gonna nitpick every single punctuation and spelling. But over all what they’re saying should be something others can understand.
let me just
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