Display MoreI swear you have to be trolling atp lol bc i refuse to believe someone’s seriously typing all this bull 😭
“.. why would we have 2 different words with the same meaning? hmmm?”
english is chock full of synonyms that are very similar in meaning but might differ in nuance or the context they should be used. Many words are just a more formal version of another, but they mean the same thing. News flash: “altercation” is one of them. No one says “i had an altercation with my sister today” in everyday life (or on a freaking forum), we just say “i had a fight with my sister” or even “i fought with my sister” to get the meaning across the fastest. So you arguing that 2 different words have to be different in meaning all the time isn’t the flex you think it is lol
But oh well at least with this we can finally get it out of the way, proven once and for all, that you’re the one arguing semantics first here but accused other people of doing it for some bizarre illiterate lacking-self-awareness reason
oh wow.
i just exposed how confidently incorrect you were... and now u have to write a lengthy comment to justify ur failings?
and apparently, correcting you is "trolling" to you..somehow.
yes.. some English words have synonyms and they have similar meanings - very good. But they're usually from imported words not native to English.
and hey, i wasnt the one "flexing". i merely corrected her that an 'altercation" can mean something other than a fight - as in an argument or a disagreement. and what garam did was confront her verbally- and they had an altercation - a disagreement or an argument. but you used the word "fight" - or her rather cus a fight has a more violent connotation than say an "argument".
but oh well, yes. at least now we can finally get it out of the way that you have proven that your gf used semantics to make it seem Garam was partially responsible - by equating the word "Fight" for an "altercation"
GJ. WTG.. u .. slave to the truth.. u