SM can't provide enough security for aespa. Messy day again in aespaland.

  • Today aespa was performed on Kyungbok highschool -lsm almamater (smh that old man is shady).There are not enough security to protect the girls.

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    SM hired no bodyguards & their female manager had to protect them....:((

    it was their firdt offline event in a while & they were subjected to harassment, inappropriate touching, some people are selling fancams\pics, honestly disappointing

  • there's these too

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  • You can never be too young to learn misogyny and ingrain it into your skillset ig :sleeping: Women should just learn their place as objects for men’s gratification and accept they’ll never be on the same rank as men or deserve any rights or respect obvs ☺️

    The saddest part is that not just men but a significant portion of women have been brainwashed into having the same mindset as well. Even a community as insignificant as this forum is a testament to that. It’s truly infuriating to witness tbh

  • why SM even send them to all boys school, especially without protection, most aespa fans in Korea are girls, i'm sure they can find girls or at least mixed schools festivals for them

  • that's too close for comfort

    SM not prepared well enough

    and no adequate planning and preparation by the school staff, teachers and deans

    surely they would've known beforehand that there will be special guests coming to visit the school

    they would've discussed the matter in the morning staff meeting but look at what happened

  • SM going for the pity mediaplay with Aespa. First setting them up for Coachella and now this. Don't fall for this shit. It's all planned.

    Like a company with SMs history would sent them there without a bodyguard/manager.

    You can't be serious? Look at the videos, the poor girls are absolutely terrified. How insensitive can you be to say it's fake just because you don't like a group.

  • This is the company's fault and i won't be surprised if they did it to scare the girls like what they did for other artists like Taeyeon so they can show them a lesson, something like that.

    Anyway, now the girls are traumatized and know what is it to be left without protections. Force to them.

    SM will always be SM.

  • This is so infuriating. Burn everyone involved, from SM's management to the school's administration and the festival organisers. And send these disgusting men to jail.

  • Fuck SM for this and fuck these insensitive boys. Disgusting behaviour, I hope the girls are okay.

    But ngl, SM should KNOW that shit like this would happen considering what has happened before with their other idols (Taeyeon for instance), so it does make me wonder in which world they thought it would be okay to send their currently most talked about act to an all boy school without protection. Like make it make sense cause unfortunately it's not this world.

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