Posts by sunsprite

    It's not good for your heart & mind to have bad energy & spreading this vibe everywhere using your time like this.

    You need peaceful, love & faith mind. May God heal and help you to love & understand many.

    You still can do it even if it hurts, the light path is always open.

    Make peace & love, not war in your mind.

    He also got an unique vocal thats why he's also loved by many, doesn't matter his range or vocal power, his unique elegant & high vocal are so good, it has been years & always love it.

    People have the right to not like it but to the point to hating it as being evil are people who are jealous about his recognition & they don't have peace & faith mind. It's sad that some people are like this, they need love & people who can help them through their life to surpass this lost mind.

    Anyway, his dance is also beautiful & poignant.

    Make love & peace , not war in your mind people.

    You guys have the right to be angry but you have to know that outside some countries in asia who call it Lunar New Year, everywhere else in the World, they call it Chinese new year because Chinese people were more spread & present in culture,media,people,food & all.

    And that since a really long time ago, western or africa countries were generally making deals & business with China.

    So, the other countries were aware of china new year because of that & the asian culture was the china's one, this is the general consensus.

    Even now, the other countries still call it Chinese new year & i wasn't aware about Lunar new year since the kpop culture really spread in the west like since BTS who paved the way that time.

    That's why generally in the world, people will still call it Chinese new year & that's why kpop fans doesn't think that it's such a big deal.

    This is the harsh truth, China is the biggest asia country & they spread their culture all over the globe first.

    The ignorant people are since mixed up all asian countries on one culture.

    Well now, step by step , there is a distinct separation between China's culture, japan's culture , thai's culture , india's culture & now korean's culture.

    So give it the time & spread love. Peace.

    This is sad, what generation are we in, mostly all of you contribute of being a bully , jumping on everyone throat for every news without full context in addition , sad world , it's all profit for the people who want a share of those mess whether it is medias, antis, rivalities , kpop communities.. , but don't give hope people , you still can change for the better person and live a peaceful live and help others in need, spread love people even if life is hard don't give up soon , love <3

    Because mainly the Kpop communities (which are one of the worse kind) are the majority one gossiping about it & it's all profit for others who want some share.

    People should care more about spreading peace & love , any people don't deserve to die even if in their past they were may be "bad" but people still can redeem themselves.

    Make love everyone , stay zen & care more about your own life & what to do to get better at it even if it's hard, you have to keep moving forward <3


    Those Devil spawns are disgusting and deserve every bit of hate being thrown at them

    Don't even fucking defend those shits

    You both need to chill, i said that the company also have to take the blame for all this mess too and i didn't protect the trashing boys. Both of them are trash.

    Peace <3

    Yes the boys who were thrash need to take punishments but people shouldn't forget why it happenned at first too and who is the first culript => LSM or whatever who made this meeting knew what field they put their girls in.

    Aspea is at the TOP as GG + All boys school + No bodyguard + only one manager

    And even if it's already bad , imagine if this meeting happened in some other country where people slutshame girls on daily basis like it's normal for them , things could be even worse.

    So, for me, the 1st responsible is LSM and then the boys who were trash but i still don't understand why people don't talk about LSM's responsability in the articles & instead focus on the trashing boys.

    It's still a BTS song with a fun & happy vibe that's make people move into it. Easy to listen & repeat , the GP & most fans like it , that what it matters.

    They tried it & it was worth it , i never thought a BTS song would be on radio in EU for so long.

    So , instead of trashing this song , enjoy this moment with BTS instead , it's still a BTS song , it's ok if you don't like it but you don't need to trash them for lyrics/choreo etc....

    You sound like those ex-armys "BTS changed , old BTS was better blablabla"

    You same people , need to get out of your shell , so much hatred is not good for your life even if you're alone , seek help , spread love & pray for the gods to give you some love !

    Spread love people , spread love.