Why are there so many bullying accusations coming up?
someone does it and the rest follow up.
I think it is sort of giving survivors confidence? Even after the #MeToo movement, after certain people came out with their stories - it gave lots of people the confidence to come out with their stories.
I think it is sort of giving survivors confidence? Even after the #MeToo movement, after certain people came out with their stories - it gave lots of people the confidence to come out with their stories.
And a lot haters get the guts to post fake stories. Is pretty scary that people believe any kind of post without any proof, like none showed any kind of proofs.
And a lot haters get the guts to post fake stories. Is pretty scary that people believe any kind of post without any proof, like none showed any kind of proofs.
I hate it when people are doing it for drama
if theres an idol u stand for and you know the acusations arent true stand up for your idols :,)
And a lot haters get the guts to post fake stories. Is pretty scary that people believe any kind of post without any proof, like none showed any kind of proofs.
^ ^ this
During/after the Woojin scandal there were a ton of bandwagoners. Taeyong and Jungwoo got hit by them the most but there were a lot more than that. I don't doubt that some of these have to have some truth to them but I think the majority are just trolls having a field day
Wasn't Hyunjin's confirmed fake way back then though?
Apparently additional victims are coming out now
like i've said for the nth time today
If it's false they somebody should sue
If it's true then they deserve whatever consequences they face
I hope most of it isn't true. There have been and it really affects careers to get called out like that. I think we need more evidence for these...
I read this here
like i've said for the nth time today
If it's false they somebody should sue
If it's true then they deserve whatever consequences they face
yes this!! honestly, I understand as fans it is hard for us to digest such news - but blanketly terming ALL survivors of abuse as "trolls" is not the right strategy or response. It is disrespectful to other abuse victims who still haven't come to terms with their abuse. I understand that there might be some non-truthful posts as well, but blanket labelling isn't the proper response - the truth comes out. And, anyway - most people have mad social capital and can usually withstand any blow of such sort :o
a korean posted this in reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/…ng_accusations_have_been/
basically saying navers getting rid of the most searched tab on the 25th, which is mega powerful since as soon as you go on naver it pops up and helps people keep up with the biggest news. With it gone problematic idols can hide scandals easier so lots of people panicked.
Since defamation (even if its true) is criminalised it makes it hard for people to come forward even if its true. Recently with the volleyball twins facing major consequences for bullying. They got kicked off the Olympic team (despite being a key reason the team got in) and suspended from thier team. Seeing real consequences gave people the courage to do something despite the fear of getting sued.
OP also mentioned that since they removed corporal punishments the teachers had no means to punish the kids so they would often ignore bullying leaving the kids powerless. In the comments you can read stories of people going to school in Asia and being bullied and what teachers would do. Someone mentioned that the only time something gets done about it is when a parent of a bullied child comes into school and they hold a bullying council. After that they force the bully to move school but thats very rare.
Some of the stories were crazy. One mentioned going to school in Japan and having their classmates act like they were dead. As in leaving flowers on the desk for deceased, write notes and goodbye cards. Even mentioning that physical bullying (as in beating up) was very common.
I get what your saying but even if the bully regrets it, the victim is the one who suffered through it and who knows how it effected their life later on. Even if the behaviour has changed does that change the effect it had on that person? no. And I do think they have the right to do what they feel needs to be done to heal themselves from the pain caused by the bully.
Bit of a bad example (and some still don't believe her) but remember AOA's Mina? she was going through all sorts behind the scenes watching the person who made her life hell go on happily whilst she was left dealing with the emotional damage she caused. Yes her posts may not have been the best way to go about it, but she was clearly crying out for help and had been for a long time. She seems to be in a better place now at least.
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