Why are there so many bullying accusations coming up?

  • I highly doubt LOONA would disband because some dumb knet wanted attention and accused Chuu of bullying, like wtf is wrong with these people? Of course this had to come out when Chuu is getting nice gigs on shows and is doing well, these accusations are shady at best and garbage tier defamation at worst :rolleyes:

    but i only fear the worst

    i dont want to the the first ever kpop group i heavily stanned and Love disband

    plus on a quora space theres a #WelcomeBackHaSeul trend goin on rn

    so sound like shes back!

  • The first few might have actually have some truth in them, most of the others are probably just people being absolute jerks and assholes trying to have some "fun" and ruin other people's lives. Thw sad thing is, most real bullying exposures after this wont be taken seriously after this for quite some time. Its not only the accusation of innocent people but it also makes it very difficult now for actual bullying victims to be taken seriously. Really annoying and toxic whats going on right now.

  • I get what your saying but even if the bully regrets it, the victim is the one who suffered through it and who knows how it effected their life later on. Even if the behaviour has changed does that change the effect it had on that person? no. And I do think they have the right to do what they feel needs to be done to heal themselves from the pain caused by the bully.

    Bit of a bad example (and some still don't believe her) but remember AOA's Mina? she was going through all sorts behind the scenes watching the person who made her life hell go on happily whilst she was left dealing with the emotional damage she caused. Yes her posts may not have been the best way to go about it, but she was clearly crying out for help and had been for a long time. She seems to be in a better place now at least.

    Yes, the former victim should try to do what s/he needs to in order to release the trama (therapy, if necessary).

    In some cases, the former victim won't be able to get an apology from the culprit. Like, if the culprit has a psychological disorder, or later in life ends up in jail, etc.

    If the allegations are true, a sincere apology should be enough so they both can move on with their lives. I don't think it should impact a Popstar's career unless s/he is still perpetrating the same offenses of abuse in adulthood.

    • Official Post

    like i've said for the nth time today

    If it's false they somebody should sue

    If it's true then they deserve whatever consequences they face

    I don’t agree cancelling people for past mistakes, especially in their childhood.

    If they are still doing it now, yes, but leave the past alone. At the most, they should have to admit to their mistakes and apologize, but not have their careers ruined.

  • I don’t agree cancelling people for past mistakes, especially in their childhood.

    If they are still doing it now, yes, but leave the past alone. At the most, they should have to admit to their mistakes and apologize, but not have their careers ruined.

    not specifcally to idols but revenge is a dish best served long after the fact...

    i've always said if you're going to enact revenge or seek justice play the long game and do the most damage where it hurts

    and i certainly don't mean it in every situation but if you're hell bent on doing it - do it when and where it hurts them the most

    (amd again this is generally and not specific to idols)

  • Well I could say it doesn’t affect me. I don’t stan any of the people involved and fans and media just drum up stories to saturation point. Unfortunately, K pop can be a catty business for both idols and fans.

  • This all happened in schools. Why the hell isnt there one school teacher or adminstrator that has come forward to confirm that yes, this victim came to me on this day or that day and told me about how this idol or that idol was beating them up, verbally abusing them, etc.

    Is there even one documented report of a complaint filed with any established authority? And actually, forget an official report, how about just one teacher or school official stepping forward and confirming just one of these accusations?

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