Is your fave more popular domestically or internationally?

  • I would say yes and yes

    Who is your fave?

    High-five of Teenagers. They were more popular internationally based on sheer reported fandom numbers, and their domestic popularity is obviously well known by older koreans.

    There's a difference because China has more people than South Korea.

    Edited once, last by 2techs ().

  • Domestically

    90 percent of their sales and streams are Koreans

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  • Do you think that ggs with harder, rock, or more hiphop influenced songs are more popular internationally? Do Koreans prefer cute ggs?

    Based on my pure observation, they probably prefer cute GG and girl crush. The same old stuff.

  • After A.C.E debuted this happend in the exact same order:

    1. Koreans made fun of them for wearing hotpants
    2. They mainly did busking since they were comfortable with it trought their predebut-activities and wanted that as many people as possible have a chance to see them
    3. They did a worldtour after only existing for some months
    4. They released their 2nd single but Korean TV made the song unbearable to listen to for non-stans because they cut the entire hardstyle-elemnts off of the songs. The member stated that they don't understood why they had to cut them out in all music shows except on 1 show. Also the audience on many music shows was pretty silcent when they apeared wich isn't normal for KPop
    5. They held a 2nd worldtour
    6. They apeared on 2 different survival shows. MIXNINE and THE UNI+. Their companie's CEO was also the reason why MIXNINE flopped hard, since she was the only of all CEO who even read YG's shitty contract and than told everyone else to not sign it since it was total bullshit
    7. The companie's CEO told on MIXNINE that she is a former Stone Entertainment employe and left Stone cause she was unhappy with the way how agencies treat their idols and staff. She said that the member of A.C.E were all boys who she asked if they would leave their unbelivable harsh idol-life behind to start in a better company. She said she knew that it wasn't a good idea since she opend her company from having no money. She rented the basement of a restaurant and said that she tries to give the boys as much as possible. She for example rented a apartment for the boys that was too expensive for her and she even gave all boys 200 dollar pocketmoney each month. She originaly had 7 trainee but 2 left since they felt too unsure if they could even debut with such a no-name of company. She said she was so broke that she couldn't even feet the boys and so she was lucky that the guy from the restaurant offered free meals to the company each day. YG of cause didn't understood that poverty can exist even in the music-buisness and told the restaurant-owner that he would be dumb for giving food out for free to strangers.
    8. One of the member won on THE UNI+ and left A.C.E for some months
    9. They held their 3rd worldtour before they even were 1 year old
    10. As they held their first concert in Seoul at the end of their 3rd wordtour the member said they thought nobody in Korea would even come and so they were super surprised to perform in front of 7K people
    11. As they existed for almost 1 year and performed in crop tops before that was even a thing for males, people made fun of A.C.E once again "How did they released those 2 horrible hardstyle songs, danced in hot pants and now perform in crop tops lol what the heck?"
    12. They released their first album without Chan who was in THE UNI+'s winner group UNB. However this album was only sold on a very small limited amount as like the 2 singles they did before who were also just limited to a small number
    13. As Chan came back they released their 2nd mini album and the themeseong of it even somehow got a good amount of views. This MV had around 17 million views last time I saw it
    14. Than some anti-attacks happend. From fales fire alarm over that some idiot glued all doors of their new bought car shut till K-Exols who told the member that their EXO-cover on TV would be inapropriate and that they should delet footage about it (wich their CEO even did to not get into troublr with EXO-fans any further)
    15. Their next release was also having a good viewd MV but after this they somehow fell back since they didn't promoted too mich in Korea for Korean people.
    16. Also Arirang TV was deeply in love with the group and Arirang is mostly only watched by foreign viewers so of cause it didn't really helped A.C.E when they constantly get invited to TV shows for foreigners instead of shows for local people
    17. In 2020 the company's CEO than menaged to buy a building since she didn't owned one cause the popular dance academy " Million dance studio" wanted to get rid of parts of their property for very cheap. As far I remember they put them on the market for so cheap cause they wanted to get rid of the rooms ASAP and Beat Interactive took the oporturnity and bought the rooms
    18. However lockdown fucked up and A.C.E's allready almost finished album that was suposed to come out in May of 2020 had to be pushed back till autumn of the year and the member had no idea what to do in the meantime to get more people to check out their stuff. Some member even expressed that they also were on a similiar situation as on pre-debut times again with not having any money to do anything and so they were deeply hoping that if the postponed album would come out it would help them but they were a bit worried cause it was postponed
    19. The member also tried to get attention while they were in lockdown in Korea by making weird givaways like giving away their used pajamas or selfmade keychains and other stuff etc. but those givaways only got atention by hardcore stans who allready knew the group
    20. And than 1theK fucked up because they wanted to publish one MV of A.C.E in 2021 without promoting the group a single bit and since it was not on A.C.E's Yotube-account many people who subscribed to A.C.E (Wich were over 1 million people) had no idea that they released a new MV. Mainly cause 1theK published the MV 1 day too early and fans didn't noticed it and because no member A.C.E or staff of Beat even said that the MV was published on another channel
    21. Later on people forgot more and more about the group and so their last 3 MV gained barly any views
    22. A.C.E collabed later on with different TV-shows, fashion brands and Youtube-channel but with zero promotions so it also only catched the eye of hardcore fans and didn't really made new people find and like the group
    23. Than Chan became a role in a drama and fans thought he might becomes the next Chani or Cha Eunwoo since these dudes also became very popular trought acting and helped a small bit with this to give their groups more fame but however this didn't happend. Neither as Chan had his big acting-roll nor as later on Byeongkwan had a smaller role in a drama
    24. Than Byeongkwan became MC of a TV show on Arirang TV called "Pops in Seoul" in 2020 and after over a year being the MC the show was cancled and so Byeongkwan became a new MC for After School Club on Arirang. This of cause also helped nothing since only a few people who watch shows like this even care for the groups the show MCs are from
    25. Now 4 of the 5 member enlisted to the army and some ass hacked and deleted their Youtube account

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

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