Why is it being late to work is a problem but being absent is okay

  • look I work for a company and they have ridiculous policy :rolleyes: only targeting who they feel they have power steps why is it a problem if I'm late sometimes not all but sometimes atleaast I'm making an effort to make it to the damn job. People who are absent most of times should get write up ,they are showing you they don't care about the job. The others who are late care about their job because they have things to do.

  • look I work for a company and they have ridiculous policy :rolleyes: only targeting who they feel they have power steps why is it a problem if I'm late sometimes not all but sometimes atleaast I'm making an effort to make it to the damn job. People who are absent most of times should get write up ,they are showing you they don't care about the job. The others who are late care about their job because they have things to do. I say they should have a rule allow the employee to be late once a week or give them a time limit if you exceed the time your supposed to reach for give them a warning

  • In any good company being habitually absent without a good excuse is much worse than being late. Especially if you don't inform your management that you are going to be absent in a timely manner.

    As long as being late isn't also a habit, I'd rather have an occasionally late employee that one that doesn't show up most of the time.

    I left my heart in LA again. Please continue taking good care of it.

  • lol outside of a long medical absence most jobs will fire you if you call in to many times. Idk if i can explain it well but most jobs see it as you not preparing well vs something major happened i cant show up today (even if its a lie).

  • This lowkey annoys me as well. One of our drivers for performance is adherence to our schedule and being late impacts your adherence more than being absent because if you're late it's put down as late which counts against your adherence and your hours worked, but if you call out completely it's put down as being out of the office which only counts against your hours worked.

  • In my opinion it isn't good to be either late for work or absent. It's part of having a good work ethic and shows professionalism. I am ALWAYS punctual as I care about being on time whether it be for work or an appointment and keep days off unless it's absolutely necessary.

  • look I work for a company and they have ridiculous policy :rolleyes: only targeting who they feel they have power steps why is it a problem if I'm late sometimes not all but sometimes atleaast I'm making an effort to make it to the damn job. People who are absent most of times should get write up ,they are showing you they don't care about the job. The others who are late care about their job because they have things to do.

    I'd quit that company in a heartbeat. As long as I get my work done in a good and efficient manner without causing stress to anyone in the process, no one should care when, where or how I do my work. Thankfully, that is a reality for me.

  • Late employees can reduce business productivity, especially if they aren't making up for lost work time at the end of their shifts. Moreover, it hurts the morale and work ethic of other employees who might resent that the late arrivers aren't getting called out or disciplined for their lateness

  • Hmm. I see being late (whether for work or anything) as disrespectful. It’s saying “your time isn’t as important as my time” or “I don’t give a shit about your time” because that person is waiting for you.

    I mean to me it’s in your comment: “I’m late because I have other things to do.” Like no one else who gets to work on time has other things to do?

    That’s a me thing, I know, but I’m personally more aggravated by the chronically late than the chronically absent. Everyone else gets up and gets here on time..just get up earlier. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    I’d also just add 1. that sometimes people who are often absent may have ongoing medical issues that your boss can’t talk about, so while it may seem to you like it’s random, there may be more happening and 2. How do you know they’re not being disciplined? Again, people often make assumptions that others didn’t get written up, when they did but just don’t advertise it.



  • Yeah, it's stuff like this that makes me a bit thankful for my job which is pretty flexible, so being late isn't an issue because we follow the "I don't care if it's done at 9am or 9pm, as long as it's finished when I need it" motto. I live in a place where people never arrive or start things on time, it's just how the country and culture works. We adapt our work methods to it.

    Of course when meetings or presentations are involved, being late is very irresponsible imo.

  • I can start work at 6am or at 11 PM. Or heck at 1am.

    As long as I do what I have to do in my calendar, I can work only 3 hours.

    If I put in the 40 hours in my contract.

    I usually start at 10am and work to 6pm.

    But if I have to check the junior devs code and then push it live to the servers,

    or do a server maintenance I can work from 10am to 1 or 2 am.

    Then the next day I work just for a few hours to make sure everything went well.

    I always tell those in my team to take it easy. Make sure you do your tasks, I don't care when.

    If they have questions they can come to me and ask me and I'll do my best to help out.

    But to tell them off for being late? Lol, I'm always late.

    Or I'm always early, lol, since my contract says 9 to 5.

    But then again it's my team and I run it as I see fit.

    And we're the best team I could ever want.

    Give people a chance to shine and don't stress them out with idiotic stuff like being on time or whatnot...

    And bingo!

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