The SHINee World Member Taglist Easy Copy
[SPOILER="The SHINee World Guild"]
Donate to our guild bank: SHINeeWorldBank
We need donations to be able to buy things for the guild that are special to just The SHINee World Members. You are able to donate at anytime. So if you would like to help out the guild and get extras Please donate to the above User. You can donate by clicking on the money symbol at the top right of your screen, then the 2 arrows for transferring akorns, then you type SHINeeWorldBank as the receiver, put the amount you want to donate in the amount box. Then you can put an optional reason and click submit. If you have any other questions please ask.
What we can buy for the guild:
Sub-Forum - 50,000 Akorns
Emblem - 10,000 Akorns
Username Gradient - 7,000 Akorns
+10 Member Expansion - 5,000 Akorns
Animated Trophy Badge - 3,500 Akorns