Just wanted to remind everyone. It's fine to block people, especially for your own mental health, enjoyment of this forum, safety etc.
I know some users have a no-blocking policy, but not everyone is like that. Sometimes the right decision is to block and move forward. I even have people blocked, tho it may not seem like it.
Also, I wanted to remind users to be careful on the internet. Please, Please don't share your personal info( especially not in the DMs). Sometimes I think it's best not to even share pictures, the area you're from, or your real name- especially if you're a minor!!!!.
Important: there is a report fuction in the Dms Make use of it please. Minors should be especially careful and report. Also please reach out to any staff you feel comfortable with if there is something that you need to talk about, they will 100 percent help you.
There Is also a regular report function in the forums. Please use it as well to report any rule breaking comments or inappropriate comments etc.
I know it may seem like you have friends here that you can trust, but REMEMBER you don't know who's behind the computer/phone.
This is a forum to enjoy kpop, so I hope everyone can be careful, block if they need to and just have FUN here.
here are some helpful links