Ghostbusters is the most overhyped movie of all time.
Boring and awful! The only good thing about it was the song
Ghostbusters is the most overhyped movie of all time.
Boring and awful! The only good thing about it was the song
Agreed, didn't really enjoy ghostbusters
Mine would be I didn't Mad Max: Fury Road that much, the only part I enjoyed was Furiosa and some of the cool vehicle stuff. I also don't enjoy Midsommar at all
The Hobbit was fine, people are dramatic
Toby Maguire was my least favorite Spider Man
Dark Knight overhyped
First Jurassic World wasn't bad and achieved what it set out to do: dinosaurs and destruction. It's ridiculous but so was the original series, 2nd Jurassic World however was straight trash but thats popular lmao
Matrix overhyped, Inception overhyped
The only thing special about Avatar was the animation achievements. If they make another one, it will flop and prove how mediocre the original story was
The Doom movie adaptation was awful and I recognize that but man, I enjoyed it somehow lmao
The Meg > Jaws
Didn't enjoy Goodwill Hunting very much
Alien was one of the least suspenseful movies I've ever seen. The Thing > Alien
I have a lot more but I'm tired of typing and it's not that interesting lmao
100% agree i love watching any kind of movie even if its just to criticize it
Display MoreAgreed, didn't really enjoy ghostbusters
Mine would be I didn't Mad Max: Fury Road that much, the only part I enjoyed was Furiosa and some of the cool vehicle stuff. I also don't enjoy Midsommar at all
The Hobbit was fine, people are dramatic
Toby Maguire was my least favorite Spider Man
Dark Knight overhyped
First Jurassic World wasn't bad and achieved what it set out to do: dinosaurs and destruction. It's ridiculous but so was the original series, 2nd Jurassic World however was straight trash but thats popular lmao
Matrix overhyped, Inception overhyped
The only thing special about Avatar was the animation achievements. If they make another one, it will flop and prove how mediocre the original story was
The Doom movie adaptation was awful and I recognize that but man, I enjoyed it somehow lmao
The Meg > Jaws
Didn't enjoy Goodwill Hunting very much
Alien was one of the least suspenseful movies I've ever seen. The Thing > Alien
I have a lot more but I'm tired of typing and it's not that interesting lmao
Oh wow SO MANY HOT TAKES I LOVE IT! Please keep going i will read lol
the first and third came as a genuine surprise to me but i appreciate it because its really unpopular.
I kind of agree with the rest, even though I actually enjoyed Alien and thought it was cool af. I can't believe The Thing was super shat on when it was released and flopped at box office. The suspense in it is chef's kiss, the acting is superb and the body horror
And I loved Doom when I was a child lol, not sure what i would think of it if i watched again but i remember it being fun.
But way Tobey is your least favorite Spidey? That i will have to disagree!
Black Panther is a bad movie.
The Matrix franchise was never good
The Oscars are all a sham but their sound editing and animated film awards take the cake for it.
Spiderman 3 is a good film.
I never cared about Matrix, i find the idea good and the visual iconic but the movies are... Meh
Ghostbusters is the most overhyped movie of all time.
Boring and awful! The only good thing about it was the song
Totally off topic but if you like the Ghostbusters song do check out Dongkiz's remake version
honestly I second this
Sometimes movie remakes are better than the original like The Evil Dead 2013 is one of my favourite remakes ever
Agree! I still prefer the original but the remake can totally stand out on its own as a horror movie. As horror, the new Suspiria is better than the original even though both are pretty great in different ways.
I loved adult Anakin, his actor didnt deserved that amount of hate. The prequels are definitely better than after Disney bought the series
It's star wars
I agree with this
One of the few times my child got good taste
I always have taste
Home Alone 2 and Elf are awful
Flop don't talk to me again
Jennifer Lawrence's only good movie is mother! that woman is a horrid actress in anything before it.
Jennifer Lawrence's only good movie is mother! that woman is a horrid actress in anything before it.
I cant stand her
But ngl her acting is good.. not really that oscar worthy but she isnt bad at all
Display More100% agree i love watching any kind of movie even if its just to criticize it
Oh wow SO MANY HOT TAKES I LOVE IT! Please keep going i will read lol
the first and third came as a genuine surprise to me but i appreciate it because its really unpopular.
I kind of agree with the rest, even though I actually enjoyed Alien and thought it was cool af. I can't believe The Thing was super shat on when it was released and flopped at box office. The suspense in it is chef's kiss, the acting is superb and the body horror
And I loved Doom when I was a child lol, not sure what i would think of it if i watched again but i remember it being fun.
But way Tobey is your least favorite Spidey?That i will have to disagree!
I never cared about Matrix, i find the idea good and the visual iconic but the movies are... Meh
I still like Alien, it just didn't have me on the edge of my seat like people hype it up to me. I like it, but not as a suspenseful thriller. The Thing is one of my favorite horror movies ever, agree with everything you said! I feel it was ahead of its time but has influenced the genre a lot overall
Toby felt way too awkward and kinda pathetic personality-wise compared to the versions of Spiderman I grew up with. Of course hes always been nerdy but he never felt lame to me like Toby did. I also haven't watched them since I was probably like 16/17 so maybe my opinion would change with a rewatch
And since you said you wouldn't mind reading more....
Theres never been an X-men movie that does the comics justice, as a comic fan I've been disappointed by just about every movie
Even the best Shyamalan movies aren't that good, dudes overhyped
Michael Bay should never make another movie ever again but this is probably popular
The Shining isn't boring to a lot of people due to being a product of its time but because it's boring. Plenty of movies from that era have held up, including horror movies
If knowing the plot twist ruins the movie and takes away the reason to watch it then it's not a very good movie
I think the Star Wars vs Star Trek debate is stupid but not because they're equally good. Both are very different from each other with very different goals, I think they're impossible to objectively compare. The fact that fans still fight about it to this day is stupid because I really think it comes down to the kind of stories and goals you want
On the topic of Star Wars, I actually enjoyed the first movie from the new trilogy
The 2000s was peak romcoms and no romcom made since then has held up to their enjoyment
American Psycho's overhyped but still good
Robert Pattinson's the only part I enjoyed from The Devil all the Time and only because he was so ridiculous
I will never subject myself to watching Fast & Furious
Nicholas Cage isn't a bad actor, I've seen movies hes genuinely good in and I'm convinced he acts the way he does because people find it funny and it brings money/attention
I hate My Fair Lady and the dude is awful
Breakfast Club's overhyped and basically all the "problems" they dealt with screamed upper middle-class white kid problems. Would've been way better to see the movie deal with racism, homophobia, etc. and would've made me take the movie seriously. I had to split the movie in half just to get through it boo hoo
Most snarky humor in Hollywood is contrived and cringy
I've truly enjoyed maybe 2 Tarantino movies, dudes overhyped
The Shape of Water is whack and would've been better if they weren't romantic
Jim Carrey's best outside of comedies as I think hes a good actor but don't find him particularly funny. I do enjoy some of his comedies though
I feel like a lot of Harry Potter's fans is just nostalgia-based. I've never been able to rewatch the series all the way through, kind of overhyped
Didn't enjoy Silence of the Lambs very much, the way they made Hannibal so powerful was cheesy and unrealistic
Die Hard overhyped
Heathers overhyped
Twilight isn't bad for acting or writing, it's not good in that aspect but it is just standard teen movie shit and no worse than other movies/shows of the genre. It is bad however because it's a highly disturbing movie "romance"-wise and both love interests are awful and predatory, I never watched past the first one but I've heard enough from friends and people online to know they don't get better
Baby Driver was awful and wasn't even worth watching free
Blade Runner overhyped
Have I ever enjoyed a James Bond movie? No.
Hated Jennifers Body
Snowpiercer was ridiculously on the nose and I couldn't take it seriously. Theres way better movies about classism, and the movie couldn't even fully commit and just keep the ending from the original story which made 100x more sense
I'm not sure if Jack Black is a good actor as he basically just plays himself every movie (I love him though)
Wes Anderson severely overhyped
If Dreamworks wasn't so focused on filling their movies with stupid humor that not even kids find funny, they could be Pixar level
Chevy Chase was never funny and also the worst part of Community until season 4 hit (I know its a show and this is unpopular movie opinions but I love saying this)
The Blair Witch project isn't good and the only thing I can respect it for is starting the "lost footage" genre of horror but even then I kinda hate that genre so.... lmao
No one can ever convince me of the appeal of slasher movies, it's a no from me. Why would I want to just watch people be brutally tortured and murdered for an hour and a half????
Lady Bird was awful and I refuse to watch it again
I'd cry if I had to sit through Braveheart again
Shrek's fine but I think most people only like it so much because it's a meme now
Quiet Place is good but way way overhyped, it's a movie I'd rewatch once but not something to go crazy about
I grew up with the original Jumanji movie but the new Jumanji movie > original Jumanji. I also preferred Zathura as a kid but I'm not sure if I would keep the same opinion watching it now not being a space-crazed kid
The new lady Ghostbusters wasn't that bad, especially considering the original wasn't that good. Both are sub-par movies that I would not watch again on my own time
Please bring back those cheesy talking dog movies from the 90s
Whats the general consensus of Alita? Don't know but I hated it
Kingsman overhyped
Taika Waititi saved Thor and made the only Marvel movie I'll ever rewatch more than once but this is probably popular
And this isn't an opinion but I've never watch The Godfather. I plan on it though
Suicide squad is better than any marvel
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