They might not be bashing her looks. But are they talking about it either? Sometimes in the entertainment business, being considered average is just as bad as being considered below average since nobody is talking about you. Since the rankings are based on 1-vote right now, this is where girls who have the charisma to get fans to simp on them shine. If screentime isn't the issue, then Bora just simply doesn't have the ability to stand out and attract people as much as the rest of the girls. And that factor is something entirely different from talent.
Why Bora is the least popular in K-group even among Koreans?
first , she doesn't have any screentime most of the time
second, her visual is not the type that korean like, she's short, she doesn't have xiaoting type of visual etc...
third, the styling she get doesn't make her justice
but i love her so much she's my top pick with Chaehyun
and i'm gonna be honest i wouldn't even be mad if they cheat to squeeze her into the final lineup
because they don't like her
Yet, they kept saying they liked her?
They might not be bashing her looks. But are they talking about it either?
Being average surely better than being ugly for a girl group.
first , she doesn't have any screentime most of the time
second, her visual is not the type that korean like, she's short, she doesn't have xiaoting type of visual etc...
but i love her so much she's my top pick with Chaehyun
and i'm gonna be honest i wouldn't even be mad if they cheat to squeeze her into the final lineup
She is a one with obvious good biased edit from Mnet. Her screen time is much better than some remaining contestants namely, Seo Youngeun, Huening Bahi, Guinn Mayah, Choi Yujin, Ezaki Hikaru, Shen Xiaoting, Su Ruiqi, Kim Suyeon.
I checked their profile and Bora was 2 cm shorter than Kim Chaehyun (158 vs. 160), very small difference.
That's why as a Lullet who is Bora/Haeyoon biased, I chose not to watch the show. I haven't watched one survival show anyways except Sixteen and I know that mnet are a mess. I will be happy for Bora if she makes it into the group, I will also be happy for her if she does not make it into the group and come back to Cherry Bullet but I know that because her visuals are not considered outstanding (I find her pretty) it will be hard for her because the public seems to favour charm and visuals these days.
She's not ugly but her face is not appealing to Koreans
It's the swipe left principle
Yes, in the show now she is the best vocalist. Most main vocalist was getting eliminated earlier. I mean, it is really obvious she is now.
Chaehyun technically is the strongest but the thing is that Bora has the best pitch and confidence in her vocals, see Yeonjung was never the strongest vocalist in IOI, Sejeong was. They want her in to hit the high notes and stay stable from all the performances, even if her technique is not that good. Chaehyun struggles with confidence even if she is the strongest.
Remember she also had no storyline, CN had the one about overcoming her vocal crack and being very likeable, Bora was always shown in a good light which did not make her stand out, look at Yaning and Ruiqi supporters now, especially Yaning who come as a victim of evil editing and evolution.
because she is not a tier S visual
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