For those that go to in-person school, is this happening to you? 17
Yes, it's horrible (5) 29%
Yes, only a little (3) 18%
I haven't seen it but I've heard about it (2) 12%
Nope (2) 12%
Other (3) 18%
I'm not in (in-person) school (3) 18%
There's a trending challenge called the "Devious Lick" and it's probably the stupidest thing ever.
So you know how people are so attached to TikTok especially high school students? It definitely shows
The "Devious Lick" challenge is literally where people record themselves on TikTok vandalizing school property. The bathrooms especially (since they don't have security cameras) are taking a hit.
You can literally go to every bathroom and see soap dispensers, towel holders, and hand driers torn off the walls. Toilet paper and paper towels everywhere and in toilets, lots of writing on the walls, trash on the floors, it's a complete nightmare...
People are LITERALLY being fined for this. It's against the law. One kid was stupid enough to do this challenge and him and his family got charged $500 for it. The school even has a right to double the fine.
The school has taken other actions too. Requiring ALL teachers to have a set sheet or Google form for students to fill out to signify when they leave the classroom. (It used to be in most classes you can simply ask the teacher or even just get up and go).
They are also requiring teachers to take phones before a student leaves to go to the bathroom since these things are being recorded and uploaded to TikTok.
This applies to EVERYONE. Extremely stupid idea. Really stupid.
Be happy you don't go to high school if you don't. What about the respectful kids who didn't do anything wrong and are suffering from this? Wanting to go to the bathroom and having essential stuff broken or missing and the bathroom messy? What about all the things you are stealing and breaking stuff from the teachers and staff? How do you think they feel about this???
For those that do go to school, how do you feel about all of this? Are you doing this? How is your school handling this if they are at all? Do you support this? What's it like going and seeing destroyed school property?
For those who don't go to school, what do you think about all of this? Do you think that what schools are doing is fair? Are you glad you aren't in school rn?