In my perspective, saying that what Stray Kids do is their own thing is a bigger compliment than liking their songs and I will tell why

  • It's simple, because in the first opinion I see that the boys are achieving their biggest objective as artists. And It's something they've always said.

    Their priority is to build a distictive sound and image for Stray Kids. When asked about what they expect from their comebacks, this is something that they always say.

    Actually, this is the message Thunderous is passing too.

    Recently, I said on another forum that I was watching "Howl In Harmony" 3rd episode and there was a moment where Hyunjin and Chan were discussing how their unit song has a popular appeal in the production, what is the opposite of their group's songs, where they usually experiment a lot. This made me reflect, because they were casually talking about how they are aware that their music might not be for a lot of people's taste and they didn't seem hurt about it.

    Even being aware that, for some, they are doing something "bad" or "wrong", they don't feel like they are. They already said that there isn't a wrong answer for music.

    For me It's nice how they want to be heard, they want their music to be consumed. But there's a condition: they want to be loved for who they are and following where their heart is as musicians.

    It's like Stray Kids is saying "Take it or leave it". You know? "If you like our style, if you like our songs, welcome, follow us!" or "Oh, you don't like, It's okay, we can deal with that, but there's nothing we can do".

    It seems they want to give a strong impression, a mark. So they are accepting if you strongly love what they do or strongly hate, as long as If, when you listen to their songs, what comes to your mind is "This is so Stray Kids!"

    So I kind of absorbed it for me. When I see someone saying - I've seen a lot since yesterday - that even through "Thunderous" was not their cup of tea, they thought that what Stray Kids brought was unique, was their identity, was new and they respect the group for that, It made me happy for them.

  • I wholeheartedly agree.

    It’s become evident that Stray Kids are really proud of their musical identity and because of that, they see no problem with releasing stuff that people may not like.

    And I, for one, adore that side of them. It takes a lot of confidence to do what they’re doing, and that confidence doesn’t come from nothing - it comes from the genuine pride they have in their music and how far they’ve come.

    Hence, even if they do happen to release a song that isn’t my style, I can proudly boast that they’re Stray Kids, and they’ve found their identity.

  • Everything about this is so true :pepelove2:

    Drop some moneY

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  • I think this is truly admirable, especially because they're so young and don't have too many years of experience dealing with how the industry and public's reception works. It could affect their confidence.
    They are pretty talented, creative and versatile. They could use that to start doing more music that could lead them to try a bigger popular and friendly appeal even If It's not what they wanted to, but what others thought that they needed to.

    In the end, they chose the 'road not taken' for a reason, after all.

  • I think this is truly admirable, especially because they're so young and don't have too many years of experience dealing with how the industry and public's reception works. It could affect their confidence.
    They are pretty talented, creative and versatile. They could use that to start doing more music that could lead them to try a bigger popular and friendly appeal even If It's not what they wanted to, but what others thought that they needed to.

    In the end, they chose the 'road not taken' for a reason, after all.


    It’s also highly admirable how they’re taking the things that have gotten them criticized, and instead of removing these things, they build on them until there comes a point where that becomes a part of their identity.

    As a fan, it’s entertaining not only to see them acknowledge their public reception and continue to release songs in opposition to it, but also directly address it in their music.

  • This.

    It’s also highly admirable how they’re taking the things that have gotten them criticized, and instead of removing these things, they build on them until there comes a point where that becomes a part of their identity.

    As a fan, it’s entertaining not only to see them acknowledge their public reception and continue to release songs in opposition to it, but also directly address it in their music.

    I was reading the lyrics of Cheese (struggling a lot because of the amount of korean wordplay that their K-fans tried to explain, but still) and I was surprised, really. I've never seen them so sarcastically aggresive about everything they've heard, but It was an experience...

  • I agree so much with you!

    That's why I don't express negative reactions for those who say their music is not good.

    It's just not for them. But they are for me, many others and Stray Kids themselves, and that's everything that matters.

    One of the things I tell about Stray Kids' music to new listeners irl is "Get ready for these polarizing geniuses!". I recognize their music is not for everyone and it's totally fine!

    There are some people who say that X-music genre is trash, for example (think about Kpop as a whole if you want. Many say it's trash and I disagree with it.). But also sooo many who have so much fun with it, appreciate it and recognize the artistry and hardwork put on those performances/projects!

    At the end of the story, how much you enjoy having a great experience by listening to those musicians is what's valuable.

    About Stray Kids' legacy, they're building an interesting one. A very interesting one to be fair!

    It's so hard to find musicians in such competitive market who simply don't care much about the reception their songs are gonna receive, but believe on their own work and keep doing it.

    They also take constructive criticism so nicely and they keep working on making their music polished and authentic.

    They know their music is polarizing and this doesn't let them down, 'cause their main purpose is bigger than that.

    Stray Kids didn't come to be unnoticed (the "love it or leave it" factor is a proof of that, as many people want to give whatever opinion they have about their music, either loving it or not) and if you pay some attention to the background they have when it comes to music, it explains a lot about how much and why they explore different music genres.

    Many call it Noise. I call it Music.

    I might include that the fact that the Mala Taste genre they've been building through their career is a proof of their brilliancy - and one of their major purposes actually.

    These dudes are just on their early twenties and the creativity they have is insane! It's exploding on every single one of their projects.

    (I could spend the whole day writing about how much I appreciate their work, but I need to stop here! lol)

  • Minazuki

    Selected a post as the best answer.
  • What does Stray Kids have that make us write so much? Lmao

    Your answer gave me chills. I totally agree with you!

  • I like their sound so I'm happy, but I see your point and I also agree. Their artistry is more important to them than hits. :borahae::borahae:

    Legend Lee Know

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  • Yep, I really agree. They are artists with a very strong artistic/creative idea of what kind of music they want to make and what resonates with them. They have shown, and continue to show that what is important to them is to be authentic to themselves, and to have that passion and belief at their relatively young ages shows a strength of character that is admirable.

    They seem to know that memorable art often provoked strong reactions and are prepared to stick to their guns. Bloody good for them, I say.

  • It's clear what they wish for is to be able to put out the music they want to do. Their goal is to be themselves and that's very badass.

    I also remember that part from Howl in Harmony and thought the same as you, that they're very aware that their music isn't gp friendly and have come to terms with it. It's very mature from them especially since they're very young guys, still. Man I loved those Howl in Harmony episodes and the Intro before the album release. They're so passionate about their craft!

    I personally like how the members who are not as involved as 3Racha in the songwriting/production process are just as proud and are in the same boat as the others. I haven't consumed a lot of Stray Kids material that isn't their discography, as I'm still a baby Stay, but from what I've seen, it is very clear to me how much they trust each other and share a vision.

    It seems they want to give a strong impression, a mark. So they are accepting if you strongly love what they do or strongly hate, as long as If, when you listen to their songs, what comes to your mind is "This is so Stray Kids!"

    I think this is the best compliment someone could give them. :yesr:

    In the long term what matters is the legacy and identity of a group. No doubt that Stray Kids has already marked the Kpop music scene with their own sound that no one can replicate. :pepemusic:

  • This is true! No only all the members have credits on writing and producting, but even when they are not composing some song, It's a mutual agreement between the members. 3RACHA don't make music for the 3 of them, they make for the whole group, so their opinion is very important to 3RACHA! They've made it clear.

    This is another thing I love about their chemistry.

    For example, God's Menu could've never been their title track If Hyunjin didn't annoy Changbin to ask for changing and all the members didnt like the song lmao

  • I agree.

    I'm so glad Stray Kids arrived to this point where they embraced themselves and their vision. Being honest artists, their growth can be seen through their music too: back then they would doubt themselves a lot (which is completely natural) but now they've let go of what anyone else says, and it makes me glad they arrived to this point.

    Edited once, last by cle19: typo ().

  • I agree.

    I'm so glas Stray Kids arrived to this point where they embraced themselves and their vision. Being honest artists, their growth can be seen through their music too: back then they would doubt themselves a lot (which is completely natural) but now they've let go of what anyone else says, and it makes me glad they arrived to this point.

    I think It makes their discography a whole experience about how they found out themselves as artists.

    You start with a "I Am" series where they just arrived in the industry and didn't fit the expectations people had of them as artists. They were lost, doubting themselves, but trying to convicing themselves that there was nothing wrong with them, everyone has their own pace.

    Then, you have the "Cle" series, where they were asking If they should do what people want them to do or If they should take the road not taken, until they decided the last one.

    GO Live was them accepting themselves, It was the challenge they had to face to bring a distinctive identity for Stray Kids.

    And as you said, until we arrive in the point of NOEASY where they are embracing what they are proudly.

    Ugh, their music is so genuine. I love them so much.

  • hmm...shouldn't that be the ultimate goal for most groups or artists

    making music that you enjoy and then the fans come?

    why focus on people that don't like your music/product?

    people tend to focus too much on the negatives and not enough on the positives...

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